After I had my daughter I lost a lot of weight.. I have now been stuck in the 180's for almost 4 months.. it is so frustrating!! I work out, I eat clean.. I know it takes time and sometimes you plateau and yadda yadda yadda but I am SOOO ready to be in the 170's.

maybe this week. I have been at 181.5 or almost a week... Sooooooooo ready.


  • missxlaur
    you can do it! it took me almost a year to get out of the 180s. just stick with it! i promise you'll get there!
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I am right there with you, but up in the 210's . . .I once made it to 199.5. I feel like once I break that it will be so motivating! We can do it!
  • mom4nursing
    mom4nursing Posts: 28 Member
    Good luck. I'm with you. I have been in the high 150s for months now. It is very, very frustrating. I want to see the 140s!!!!
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    You can do it!!!
  • Staobe
    Have you tried shaking up your routine? Or change what your eating? :happy:
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173
    I was stuck in the 170 for almost 5 months:(
  • witheredorchid
    witheredorchid Posts: 164 Member
    I'm in the same boat with the 170's. I dipped to 169 for like a day once and man do I just want to see that on the scale again. :(
  • GettingFit4Me2011
    You will do it. Watch that salt intake, make sure you are not eating too much.
  • peggyalex
    peggyalex Posts: 174 Member
    You will do it! I was the EXACT same way. I was stuck in the 180s forever...........finally I changed up my workout routine and started working out at a high intensity and finally got down in the 170's........now Im stuck there! HA! Just keep switching things up and find out what works for you and you will get it! Just don't give up!!!!!!!!!!
  • Peanutmanda
    You can do it!! The 180's were SO hard for me too!! Just got to keep at it. It is hard, but worth it! Congrats so far tho!!
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member


    I introduced Spike Sundays and broke it. Do it! SPIKE ON SUNDAYS

    You will drop 5 lbs quick
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    You can do it! Eat a bit more food and your body will kick into burning again. Your body is too comfortable with what you're eating now and is afraid that you won't be getting any more food so it's hanging onto every calorie it gets. I can't see your diary, but plateaus are basically caused by under eating.

    good luck!
  • LynnBoyer
    LynnBoyer Posts: 1 Member
    Maybe try eating more lean protein? And if possible, running is a very fast way to burn calories. You can do it!
  • tinacrane
    tinacrane Posts: 134 Member
    I know the feeling as well...I am stuck at 145 for two months now. I can honestly evaluate what I have done and not done and know where my problems are. I know that for my husband at least -he tries to underestimate his calories, and takes bites of unrecorded food in the evening, and overestimates his exercise calories....which can stall weight loss too.
  • radfordgal05
    Sodium is the next best thing to start watching. I keep seeing people post on here they reduce their sodium and lose more weight.
  • tinacrane
    tinacrane Posts: 134 Member
    What does that mean to SPIKE ON SUNDAYS?
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Four months is a long time, but look at how far you've come! Re-evaluate your calories in/out. Are you eating the right amount and moving every day? Increase those little calorie burners like parking at the back of the lot and 'forgetting' stuff so you have to make additional trips up/down stairs. The effect will add up. I was stuck at the edge of 140 for 6 weeks and incredibly frustrated but I finally broke through and so can you!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You and me both!! I've been in the 180's for far too long now! Not sure if you use the app or just the website..I just use the website so I don't get that weekly view that the app users do. So this morning, I decided that I'm going to keep my own spreadsheet of net calories so I can see an average of my consumption over the next few months.

    My daily goal is 1400 but I tend to go over that once or twice per week. When I was much heavier, that didn't seem to make much of a difference but I think now that I'm closer to goal, it's messing me up. Plan on keeping goal at 1400 (should be losing about 1 pound per week but I'm not) but trying to stick to that goal more often. I'm also going to try kicking my workouts up a notch and do more strength training to see if that'll help.

    Good luck to us all! :)
  • MrsTomkins
    MrsTomkins Posts: 64 Member
    thanks for all the support guys!! feel free to add me :) my work out routine is a mix of the chalean extreme program and I just started the couch to 5 k program on Sunday to add some much needed cardio..

    I also eat pretty clean with an occasional indulgence.. but recently found out I have a gluten allergy and today is my first official day of no gluten.. so maybe with the lure of pizza and pasta and bread out of the picture I will drop a few pounds..
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    After I had my daughter I lost a lot of weight.. I have now been stuck in the 180's for almost 4 months.. it is so frustrating!! I work out, I eat clean.. I know it takes time and sometimes you plateau and yadda yadda yadda but I am SOOO ready to be in the 170's.

    maybe this week. I have been at 181.5 or almost a week... Sooooooooo ready.

    NEVER SAY NEVER!!! change it all, change your mindset, change up your food, Black is white, up is down... Try SOMETHING NEW!!! most of all CHANGE YOUR MINDSET! Eat breakfast for lunch, dinner for breakfast. Instead of walk, skip. (I do this in the dark of night and if the neighbors are watching they at least don't know it is me...) Just do something radical to change what you are doing. It WILL happen, never say never!