Addicted to Sugar... Need help to kick it.

I realize that sugar is my weakness and to be able to change myself long term I must get this under control. Anyone have any suggestions that worked for them?



  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Hang in there...and work on cutting back. The less junk you eat, the less you will crave the junk. If you can cut it back drastically, then your body will get used to it and you won't want it (plus, if you do eat it, you'll feel awful)....that's what worked for me. Some people can handle 'everything in moderation', but for me, if I let myself eat candy a few times, then I just want it more!!
  • Stop the sodas! Get ready to take medicine for the pending caffeine headaches. I quit drinking Mountain Dew 3 months ago.
  • TurboTara
    TurboTara Posts: 1 Member
    I agree with Heidi! That is true for me as well! =] I ate Chocolate cake yesterday and almost got sick to my stomach.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    It really depends on the person. I hate to deprive myself because when I do get whatever I wasn't getting, I binge eat. When could've just ate that cookie or piece of candy and stayed in my calories. But you definitely have to be strong enough to do moderation.If not it's best to stop cold turkey.
  • I had to quit sodas and sweets "cold turkey". (14 days ago) I can't let myself have ANY or I will over indulge. I realize at some point I will have something sweet (special occasions) but for now, it's all off limits for me!
  • Kimbers70
    Kimbers70 Posts: 102 Member
    Im right there with you. Last night I had a sweet tooth bad and decided to have a hot cup of honey chamomile tea with creamer/splenda and it hit the spot. I say allow yourself to have a treat now and then. Personally I have found that when I deny myself something it results in failure. Maybe a bag of your favorite mini size treats and put them in the freezer? I have swapped ice cream for frozen yogurt, added in marshmallows and rice krispie treats in place of candy bars and cookies. Little changes make a big difference. Good luck to you.
  • Kimbers70
    Kimbers70 Posts: 102 Member
    It really depends on the person. I hate to deprive myself because when I do get whatever I wasn't getting, I binge eat. When could've just ate that cookie or piece of candy and stayed in my calories. But you definitely have to be strong enough to do moderation.If not it's best to stop cold turkey.

    Totally agree.
  • I love sugar but found that you don't have to give it up completely - just substitute. I substituted fruits as a 'dessert' (no sugar added). I love mango with lemon juice or cut up strawberries and kiwi. That way, you don't have the guilt of eating badly, plus you still get a sweet taste.
  • AliKK
    AliKK Posts: 11
    I agree...I had to cut out the junk food altogether. I loved candy...but I actually craved it. And even just trying to eat less didn't help because I still craved it and ended up overeating. The first, I'd say two weeks of cold turkey, I really craved it...but the longer I went the less I craved it, and the more I wanted other stuff (like fruit, a natural sugar). It defiantly takes a lot of willpower because your body is addicted to it. But now I find I don't feel well after I eat it. Its weird, something I never noticed before but it matters the things I put into my body....and yours too!! You can do it, it helps! Good luck :)
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    The thing that cut my cravings the most is green smoothies. I really think cravings are our body's confused way of telling us it's missing some vitamins and minerals.

    When I don't have my green smoothie, I crave like crazy, when I do have it, I'm totally calm. It's weird.
  • I found replacing Sugar with Agave syrup was excellent, Well worth it, Agave is healthy and only 20 calories and no fat. You can put it in anything!. great for those of us who love sugar. Only one teaspoon and thats all you really need.
  • itsmejessd
    itsmejessd Posts: 4 Member
    I read somewhere that sugar is as addictive as cocaine... I can't verify that information, but it's at least making some kind of point. I tried the cold turkey method and it worked short-term, but when I finally let myself have a little taste of something sweet.... let's just say it wasn't pretty.

    I'd say a slow and gradual removal of sugar, as well as things with sweetener that are keeping you in the mood just as much as the real thing, is what has worked best for me. Good luck!
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I was getting really out of control with sugar, so I went cold turkey a couple weeks ago. The first few days were easy, and then the next few were really tough ... (gah, cravings for chocolate!!). Now, I'm feeling pretty regulated and have little to no regrets saying no to desserts or treats. I did allow myself a couple of cheat days... my birthday celebration and Thanksgiving day.... but it feels good to be cutting back drastically on a daily basis.

    I won't be able to keep this up forever (I'm letting myself off the hook at Christmas) but it will definitely help me feel less addicted to desserts and having something sweet after every meal. I have done the no-sugar thing for Lent before, too, and it does get much easier after a couple weeks. The cravings really do disappear!
  • I find that if I start the day with carbs (toast, bagel, muffin) I crave sugar all day. I used to NEED a piece of coffee cake or chocolate by mid-afternoon. When I switched to starting my day with protein, then my cravings were in check. Usually breads send me right off the deep end.
  • I have been off the sugar and white flour for almost a year. Only allowing myself 2 fruits a day, 1/3 C of oatbran and 2 slices of Ezequiel bread a day . I lost 50 pounds in a year by making those changes. Even though I have made those changes my fasting sugar is still 113!
    My weight loss has also slowed down I have been at 220 for 4 months. I am trying to kick start my program again.
    This time I am exercising.
    Getting off the sugar and flour really makes you feel great. Good luck!
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    I've slowly weaned off of sugar... worked well that way, rather than cold turkey-so-to-speak.

    I started by not buying flavored coffee creamer and changing the size of spoon in my sugar bowl. I cut about 10g of sugar per cup out of my morning coffee just by doing that. I found when I didn't start the first thing in my mouth being a sweet thing, the sweet cravings during the day subsided.
  • I was also addicted to sugar! I read an article in the NYT called "Is sugar really toxic?" That is VERY thorough about the effect of sugar on the American diet.

    My weakness was starting the day off with something sweet! Sugar in my coffee--- yogurt or oatmeal with honey in it and sweetened granola.

    I switched to a protein shake with just milk and a slice of toast, or an omlette with green veggies.

    At night I tend to crave sweets too, but I switched from raisins/hot cocoa/dates (high sugar) to less sweet fruits like frozen mango chunks in a cup of cottage cheese and a hot tea with a little milk.
  • Here is the article I was referring to:

    Its a GREAT read! Educate yourselves :)
  • lalalazzz
    lalalazzz Posts: 131 Member
    If you can give it up for just 3 days the cravings will go away and you'll then be able to eat it in moderation. Try to treat yourself at the end of the day so you're not craving all day. Eat what you're craving otherwise you wont satisfy the craving. If I want vanilla cake I have a small piece of vanilla cake. A skinny cow or weight watcher dessert or piece of fruit is just going to make me want vanilla cake even more! If you deprive yourself you're at risk of binging later. I always eat whatever I want- work it in- work in the real thing. Youre better off having a scoop of real ice-cream than a chemical laden "diet" version.
  • mandij86
    mandij86 Posts: 5 Member
    Look at it like a nutritionist... Your body needs very little sugar, but if your used to eating tons of it, your body will adapt to be able to process it and you will continue to crave it and give you the "sweet tooth"! You need to cut back on how much you eat, pay attention to the sugar that is hidden in other foods as well (cereal, sauces etc) After some time has passed you will find yourself craving sweets less and less. It works...I did it and i used to eat sweets all the time!