Everyone seems to be struggling



  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Wow~how timely is this thread??

    I'm feeling the same thing and believe it's the time of year too.

    I'm also re-thinking the amount of time I spend thinking, reading, and basically obsessing about my efforts to lose weight.

    I was "double-logging" (and double message boarding) by being a member of Weight Watchers Online and MFP. Since I feel I've gotten the most valuable information here on MFP, I cancelled my Weight Watcher's membership yesterday. Saving $17 a month is a bonus.

    I was really just overwhelming myself with double information so no wonder I had to devote so much time to it all!

    So today is Day One of MFP only and hopefully my spirits will lift and I'll hit the ground runnin'!!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I'm actually doing pretty well right now. However, I've been doing this for a couple of years. There are times when the focus is lazer sharp. Times that I'm so-so, and times that I'm not even trying (I was in one of those up until a few weeks ago) It goes in cycles I guess.

    If this is in fact a lifestyle, "focused times" should outweigh the "not so focused times" and you will acheive overall good health.

    Perfect, just perfect!!

    My hero.......
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    It's only been a week since the time change, and the weather is doing crazy things. I'm in SC, and one day I'm bundled up to my nose, and the next day I can wear sandals to work. The holidays are fast approaching, and all of the accompanying stress of shopping and not-so-healthy food choices. I just keep reminding myself to continue doing what I'm doing because it's working. I've also not felt well due to some gallbladder issues; I've had pretty consistent pain in my right upper quadrant. Seeing the doctor on Thursday for an endoscopy and hopefully after that getting this blasted thing out. I'm tired of it hurting.

    I think if you're really struggling, make a list of the successes you've had so far. It might be worth it to up your caloric intake by a couple hundred or something (not drastic, but enough to shake things up and allow you a few extra treats along the way). You can always drop it back after the holidays.

    I'm four pounds from my first mini-goal, so I keep reminding myself to hang in there so I can go get my mani/pedi! :happy:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I think it has much to do with the time change, the weather change and perhaps even the looming holiday season.


    Winter is a season where there's not much food available in nature. So our bodies naturally want to store up so we don't freeze and starve to death over the winter. Unfortunately, our bodies never got the memo that grocery stores provide food all year long.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I have definitely been struggling with eating less recently, having been on here for 6 months.

    I know I am only a couple of lbs a way from goal but I have changed to maintenance for a while as I was fed up of feeling guilty all the time- I also need to know what it feels like to eat "normally" and train myself before Xmas etc so I don't go completely overboard over the holiday season.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Wow~how timely is this thread??

    I'm feeling the same thing and believe it's the time of year too.

    I'm also re-thinking the amount of time I spend thinking, reading, and basically obsessing about my efforts to lose weight.

    I was "double-logging" (and double message boarding) by being a member of Weight Watchers Online and MFP. Since I feel I've gotten the most valuable information here on MFP, I cancelled my Weight Watcher's membership yesterday. Saving $17 a month is a bonus.

    I was really just overwhelming myself with double information so no wonder I had to devote so much time to it all!

    So today is Day One of MFP only and hopefully my spirits will lift and I'll hit the ground runnin'!!

    I haven't been double logging, but even using MFP only you can begin to get a little obsessed. That's why I'm not logging on Thanksgiving day or Christmas day (every other day in Nov/Dec, yes, but not those two days). I need a day to just spend with my kids and not worry about every bite that goes in my mouth. I will eat sensibly and not make a pig of myself, but I'm not going to log my diary those days. I think it's good to do that every once in a while to restore your sanity and balance (I knew I was in trouble the other night when I was looking up how many calories were in my KIDS' dinners!).

    You should take the $17 a month and put it in the bank and use it to treat yourself when you hit goals! :smile:
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I suffer from SAD during the winter, and it really means that I don't want to work out as much as I did during the summer. I am doing my best, and have burned 148 calories today, but there's just no way that I am able to motivate myself to do the huge burns like I would have done in the summer.

    My Wii is an absolute lifesaver though, as I'm totally unmotivated to go outside and run, the Wii is the only things that I can do inside.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    same here, I've actualy been gaining weight...too much stress in my life and business with the new job....but im not giving up!
  • niclan724
    niclan724 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'm struggling big time with the weather being so crazy, and life just being so busy. I am trying to pick myself back up and get back to my routine but it is sooo hard. I am a teacher and it is so easy to eat right and work out during the summer for me. Once school starts I feel like I work around the clock. Tack on 3 kids to that. I know, I'm preaching to the choir, but I guess I just need to get it out and see it written for me to put things in motion again....

    There is comfort in knowing I'm not alone though...

    Stay strong everyone, and let's push through so the holidays don't hit us too hard!!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    I am struggling as well......partly due to the change in weather/time/daylight hours (although it has been nice enough to continue walking outside several days), but mostly due to stress with some things going on in my life. When I am stressed, I tend to eat, and not make good choices about what foods I eat. Add to that the fact that I had to take treats to school for a hospitality room last week, and there were leftovers at home.....just not good.
    I tend to do fine during the week when I am not at home to graze......but the weekends do me in. I can lose two-three pounds over the course of the week, but then gain those back over the weekend.
    Glad to know I'm not the only one......
  • Mkrug221
    For me I've just been sooo busy that it's hard to stay on track. I've still been exercising but haven't been eating well. I have some great days and then I have some not so great days. Weekends are especially hard because I'm running all over the place and have been making bad choices food wise.

    I'm going food shopping tonight and then I'm going to be back on track tomorrow.
  • starrnj
    starrnj Posts: 24 Member
    I feel like its the winter, its getting colder and I am getting lazy....and with the holidays around the corner I cant seem to stay focused
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    Yeah, the time change always throws me off...my food intake isn't effected as much as getting in exercise...I do most of my fitness outside and by the time I get off work at 5pm, it's dark and its a battle. Because of this very problem, I am modifying my exercise schedule and what I am doing to make it more winter friendly. Hang in there, because spring comes around again and diligence in the winter has a great payoff!! = )
  • melanie_J
    melanie_J Posts: 136 Member
    It seems over the past couple of weeks that a number of people on my friends list have been struggling, me included. These aren't just people who log in for 10 days and then you don't see them for 2 weeks. These aren't people who only haphazardly keep their diary or work out once a week. These are people who are in it for good. I am one of those people. However, over the past couple of weeks I have found it increasingly difficult to fight the good fight.

    I'm wondering why this is ... is it the time change? The fact that an incredibly busy time of the year is here (I don't know about ya'all but my year is always busy .. 3 kids, full time job, etc. etc ... It's hard to find a time of year when things aren't crazy anymore). A domino effect?

    I took 3 days off of MFP ... well I didn't log or exercise ... I feel better about it today and I'm hoping that I'm back to kicking *kitten* like usual. I just find it odd that it seems everyone is struggling so much around the same time.

    I'm struggling also, it seems like in the summer it was much easier to do this, but now that winter is looming I have no energy for anything. I go on and do my exercises in the morning, because I know if I put them off I won't be able to do it later. I hate it getting dark so much earlier...it just makes me want to lay around. But yes, we're struggling too!!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I agree with Desirai....this is a hard time of year. I too have noticed it has become harder for folk but this is where we need to ENCOURAGE each other to stay on the path or teach each other to rework the goals during the holidays. Maybe you decide not to try and lose weight but maintain untill the new year. Whatever we as 'friends' are here for a reason: Encouragement and support!!!!! Behavior modification is hard it may take several times to get it in the head/heart but support always helps.