Need motivation adn a challenge doesnt hurt either

HI my name is Sheila. I am 26 and hate the weight i am now. It makes me miserable in every aspect of my life. I was always pretty small but once i got pregnant i ballooned. afterwards, I had gall bladder issues so i lost all my baby weight within the first few weeks. Then i had gallbladder removed and was able to eat again so i got almost back up to my peak pregnancy weight!!!! (only 5 pounds away!!) Gross. i have done different things to get it off and i do good and lose and then i fall off track and gain back. I have not gotten back up to pregnancy weight again but i also have not gotten back down to pre pregnancy weight. Almost last summer but then i went crazy and gained 10-15 pounds back. I need motivation! Without it i get no where. I also love competition in weight loss. So anyone wanna put to me a challenge i welcome it. I also welcome new friends anytime. :) If you wanna add me as a friend just send the invite. Thanks and good luck to all, including me!
