Following Drs orders on calories

Saw my Dr last week, and he told me as a nursing Mom, at my weight, I needed to eat at least 1800 calories a day. I've not eaten well this weekend, and went over my calories yesterday, but all in all I have been trying to eat healthy. I've gained three pounds. Now I know, part of this is the higher sodium I had yesterday, but sheesh. Hard to not be irritated. Mymilk supply is better, though. It had lessened, and baby boy was not happy. He seems more satisfied now.

Being 42, being 270 pounds, having my knees hurt, and being tired all the time...SUCKS! I NEED to get this weight off before I develope more serious health problems. Aack!




  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    You gained weight....but you know you didn't gained fat!!!!

    Listen to your Dr and in time, your weight will come down.

    Patience :)
  • alaskagirl5
    alaskagirl5 Posts: 95 Member
    Hey Sheri! Good luck on losing weight! :) Every mom I have ever talked to said that breastfeeding has helped them lose the baby weight a ton faster than if they had bottle-fed so don't get discouraged! :) I hope you start to feel better soon! One exercise I did a lot when I hurt my knee was punching! It doesn't really sound that hard, but continuously punching the air gets your heart rate up fast! :) Good luck and have a good day!
  • I know it's hard not to be discouraged, just keep trying!

    I'm also a nursing mom (nursing 10 month old twins) and I had a hard time figuring out what "extra" to give myself per day to make sure I kept my supply in check, I ended up adding the "breastfeeding 7 day" in the food tracker, which is approximately 300 calories, and it seems to be working for me.

    Make sure you are drinking TONS of water, that will really help with your supply! (In my experience)
  • SPheonix22
    SPheonix22 Posts: 90 Member
    I would stick with what the doctors said. but remeber to drink A LOT of water. You need it for the milk and to stay from being dehydrated. Take your multivitamin. I don't know when you strt ted breastfeeding but you'll know your losing because you will be hungry all the time. and i mean all the time. It is really difficult not to overeat, I breastfed twins and man I felt like a cow. Both in weight and in milk. LOL :laugh:

    Don't do anything more strenuous than a walk and stay in the allotted calories. It'll come off in no time.
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    Hi, Sheri- I breast fed, too, and didn't see the miraculous weight loss from it that many of my friends did. But I'm with your doctor-- 1800 calories is not a lot for an adult woman, especially one who is breast feeding. As I recall, I was eating a lot more than that.

    Can you increase your movement? Put the little one in a stroller, and burn some calories that way?

    Congratulations on your baby, and don't be too hard on yourself. Enjoy this time! :-)
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    You can add breast feeding in your diary. Just FYI. Search "breast feeding" under foods and it will adjust your calories and nutrients.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    It could just be the sodium making you retain water. But also, if your milk supply is better, wouldn't that make you weigh a little more? I mean if you're physically carrying more milk it's got to weigh something.
  • Thanks for the encouragement, guys. My ds is eight months old now, and he is my ninth baby, so I know from experience I rarely lose weight while BFing. However, this is the first time I have tracked, stuck to a calorie goal, and am working with my Dr to get the weight off. Right now I have no physical problems requiring medication, but I know at my age, I NEED to get healthy. My Dr isn't truly worried about my weight, as all my bloodwork is great. LOL However, I know I am slowing down, I know my knees are getting worse, and I am tired much of the time. Time to get moving in the right direction!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I lost a TON of weight while BFing my daughter, but I think it was also because I did the whole baby wearing thing and had her strapped to my body almost the entire time she was awake, until she could sit up on her own at 5 months. I still packed her all over in her Baby Bjorn, and later in a backpack, until she just wouldn't stay in it at all. :tongue: