Looking for Friends

Hey everyone! I am new to MyFitnessPal and love it so far. I have been a member for like a week...and am really interested in finding some friends. From all that I have read, its much easier if you have a solid support group.


  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome, feel free to add me to your friends list.
  • lniffa
    lniffa Posts: 675 Member
    Welcome, this is a great website. You can add me if you like!
  • tamaranash
    tamaranash Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome! Its a wonderful site.. add me too
    You will find this site very helpful, I am 9 lbs from my 1st goal.. and I have MFP to thank, ohh, and my motivation!
  • tamelakaye79
    tamelakaye79 Posts: 70 Member
    I am new by a few weeks! Feel free to add me! There is power in numbers!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    you all can add me too! I lost 3 and a half pounds in the first wk and I had ice cream this week and alcohol!
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me as well:)
  • Yary2931
    Yary2931 Posts: 44 Member
    Welcome aboard. I have been using this site for approximately 1 1/2 months and I LOVE it!!! Feel free to add me if you with and good luck :-)
  • Feel free to add me! As well as with anyone who replies...
  • Welcome to MFP! This is truely and amazing resource of support and a great tool for staying fit and healthy. Feel free to add me. =)
  • Hi! I'm in the same boat as you. I'm about a week in to this and looking for new friends. I know having support and encouragement will help me stand my ground when it comes to my food battle haha. Nice to "meet" you :)
  • Lorifngus
    Lorifngus Posts: 6 Member
    Add me... I too am looking foe some new MFP pals!
  • emorledge
    emorledge Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I've been using this app for about two weeks. It's great, and so easy to use! Add me to your friend list, it'll be great to have a support group!
