is there a certified dietician/nutritionist on this forum



  • wow, i didn't know my question would cause such a stir.....anyways, maybe someone on here has been through this and could give me some advice which i will consider very goes...i gave done a lot of research beyond mfp and figured out that my bmr is approx. 2400 calories a day, of which i have dropped my caloric intake to 1400, and i exercise 3-4 time a week which burns anywhere from 400-500 calories, which on most day i eat back...i have been doing this since the 16th of october, and have hac ZERO results, now if i eat 1000 calories per day less in a week i should lose 2 pounds in that week alone, not including my exercise... my body has not budged and it doesn't make any sense, i am losing my resolve to continue.....i will display my food diary to let everyone see, i am eating a good variety and doing what is "right", just don't know what to do next....any input would be appreciated
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    wow, i didn't know my question would cause such a stir.....anyways, maybe someone on here has been through this and could give me some advice which i will consider very goes...i gave done a lot of research beyond mfp and figured out that my bmr is approx. 2400 calories a day, of which i have dropped my caloric intake to 1400, and i exercise 3-4 time a week which burns anywhere from 400-500 calories, which on most day i eat back...i have been doing this since the 16th of october, and have hac ZERO results, now if i eat 1000 calories per day less in a week i should lose 2 pounds in that week alone, not including my exercise... my body has not budged and it doesn't make any sense, i am losing my resolve to continue.....i will display my food diary to let everyone see, i am eating a good variety and doing what is "right", just don't know what to do next....any input would be appreciated

    BMR =/= TDEE

    please eat more. ht/wt?
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    wow, i didn't know my question would cause such a stir.....anyways, maybe someone on here has been through this and could give me some advice which i will consider very goes...i gave done a lot of research beyond mfp and figured out that my bmr is approx. 2400 calories a day, of which i have dropped my caloric intake to 1400, and i exercise 3-4 time a week which burns anywhere from 400-500 calories, which on most day i eat back...i have been doing this since the 16th of october, and have hac ZERO results, now if i eat 1000 calories per day less in a week i should lose 2 pounds in that week alone, not including my exercise... my body has not budged and it doesn't make any sense, i am losing my resolve to continue.....i will display my food diary to let everyone see, i am eating a good variety and doing what is "right", just don't know what to do next....any input would be appreciated
    Why eat most of your exercise calories back? That's like saying I take 2 steps forward then 2 steps back, why am I not getting to the finish line? I wouldn't eat more than half of them back.
    Also, you're probably understimating your caloric intake, i.e. not accurately weighing your food and thus eating more calories than you are estimating. You could also be overestimating your BMR and TDEE. If you overestimate that by even several hundred calories and you're only eating a deficit of several hundred calories you are actually at maintenance. This isn't rocket science.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    gonna just throw this out there.... but from what you've mentioned, it sounds like you have too large of a calorie deficit. possibly set your caloric intake to something closer to 1500 or so since you said your BMR is around 2400 (?)....

    good luck!

  • 5'7"......210#...oh and i wanted to add that i have gone from a sedentary lifestyle to exercising 3-4 times a week for alittle over an hour, by doing treadmill, step aerobics and weights, and staying in my fat burning zone
  • happy_travels
    happy_travels Posts: 51 Member
    "Why eat most of your exercise calories back? That's like saying I take 2 steps forward then 2 steps back, why am I not getting to the finish line? I wouldn't eat more than half of them back.
    Also, you're probably understimating your caloric intake, i.e. not accurately weighing your food and thus eating more calories than you are estimating. You could also be overestimating your BMR and TDEE. If you overestimate that by even several hundred calories and you're only eating a deficit of several hundred calories you are actually at maintenance. This isn't rocket science."

    This this this. I find that this sums up the problem almost every single time. At least for my self and the people I know.
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    5'7"......210#...oh and i wanted to add that i have gone from a sedentary lifestyle to exercising 3-4 times a week for alittle over an hour, by doing treadmill, step aerobics and weights, and staying in my fat burning zone

    My stats were similar to yours when I started (5'8 and 208) and I did better at 1500 calories and eating most/all of my exercise calories back. If I were you (and Im not certified or a professional in anything, just telling you what has worked for me) I would bump my calories up 100 at a time and see if that moves the scale a little bit. That will only work if you are positive about the number of calories you are eating per day, if you are weighing and measuring everything. You might be throwing your body for a loop by drastically decreasing the calories it's been used to getting and so its fighting against the fat loss.

    Other than that, be patient with yourself. You've been at this for barely a month, and I'm sure you didn't gain all your weight in a month. I've lost 60lbs but it has taken me since January.
  • I'm about to take the RD exam...but really, if you want solid answers I'd go see someone in person, rather than on a forum.
  • violon
    violon Posts: 74 Member
    i have a question only you would be able to help me with.....i am doing everything i am supposed to do, and absolutely no results....what is wrong with me?

    Dietitians charge for their services. Why ask them to help you for free? Not to be mean, but I have a dietitian friend who is asked health advice all the time (even at bars). Her answer? "I spent a lot of time and money on my education, I'm not giving it away for free. Make an appointment."
  • One question I would have is what are you "supposed to do?" we are all have to find for sweet spot..for me it is no diary and eating a lot of fruits and veggies with limited breads....for some it is more grains less is different for everyone..just like as much as we all gained from eating, our bodies are different and we gain for different reasons....mine was white sugar...and have to find yours....
  • wow guys!!! relax! this is my mom, she is 51, eating what she should (I view her food log) she has tried not eating her exercise calories, she has worked out for about an hour a day 5 days a week her calorie goal is around 1500. She is busting her butt and has lost 1lb and gained 2...she's been at it for a month...somethings gotta give!! can you blame her for being frustrated??? and being a Registered Dietician IS a credible thing so for the few of you that claim you could be one...go to school for it then let's talk. I, however, am going to school to be one but as any professional in any field knows, you learn the fundamentals in school and when you get into the field is when you really learn it all. That is why I cannot help my mom as best as someone else can right now.

    That being said, my mom is coming from a defeated position and you are not helping her...this is supposed to be a forum for encouragement not bashings...all the rude posts are going to do is knock her back down and make her not want to put herself out there and ask for you remember being in class when you were younger and raising your hand to answer and having either the teacher or fellow classmates snicker and your response and make you feel stupid?? did you ever raise your hand to answer again?? This is a tough thing for her...please recognize that before you assume things and make arrogant remarks and just because you are fit and in shape, doesn't give you a basis to give other people nutrition know what works for you.

    Frankly, reading some of your responses really irritates me..."if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"

    MOM you are doing a great job!! please do not let this knock you back on your butt, this is a struggle and you have struggled with it my whole life. You will continue to struggle with it for the rest of yours. You are amazing and I am so proud of you!!! Please don't quit, you'd only be cheating yourself. I love you so much, you deserve nothing more than to be happy and healthy, that's all I want for you!!
  • and to those of you responding with HELPFUL advice, thank you!
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    I'm certified in nutrition, but not a certified nutritionist... >_>
  • please do not discredit those of us that are busting our butt's in school, paying out the rear for education to make this world a better place and to do the best we can for ourselves...Sorry but working in a pizza shop for the rest of my life is not my best and I will gladly "regurgitate information" if that earns me 50K a year more ;}
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    wow, i didn't know my question would cause such a stir.....anyways, maybe someone on here has been through this and could give me some advice which i will consider very goes...i gave done a lot of research beyond mfp and figured out that my bmr is approx. 2400 calories a day, of which i have dropped my caloric intake to 1400, and i exercise 3-4 time a week which burns anywhere from 400-500 calories, which on most day i eat back...i have been doing this since the 16th of october, and have hac ZERO results, now if i eat 1000 calories per day less in a week i should lose 2 pounds in that week alone, not including my exercise... my body has not budged and it doesn't make any sense, i am losing my resolve to continue.....i will display my food diary to let everyone see, i am eating a good variety and doing what is "right", just don't know what to do next....any input would be appreciated

    It sounds like you are making some really positive changes. Things you could try:
    - be extra vigilant with logging your food and exercise, maybe there are some inaccuracies creeping in.
    - look out for any changes in weight that are related to your monthly cycle, this can make a difference for women
    - open up your diary so you can get some constructive criticism on the kinds of foods you are eating
    - keep eating your exercise calories, though don't stress about eating every last one. As long as you are close to your net goal you'll be OK.
    - keep going anyway. You know you are making some good changes here and changing habits, you will see some results from this even if they aren't what you are expecting on the scales.
    - measure yourself to see if you are losing inches not pounds, or judge by your clothes, are they any looser?
    - try it for a few more weeks and if you aren't seeing any changes, go see your doctor to get investigated for any medical reasons why you aren't losing weight as you expect.

    This isn't professional advice, and honestly, you aren't going to get any on an open internet forum, even if I said I was a certified dietician you wouldn't know if that was true (and I'm not!).
    You might get some good ideas though :smile:

    Good luck!
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    please do not discredit those of us that are busting our butt's in school, paying out the rear for education to make this world a better place and to do the best we can for ourselves...Sorry but working in a pizza shop for the rest of my life is not my best

    Try not to take too much offence, generally the people who think education is merely regurgitation are uneducated themselves. I could memorize like there is no tomorrow, if it were that simple every average joe really would have a PhD. They also seem to forget that diet crazes come and go, and do not work for the population as a whole. As a professional you cannot decide a dieting technique will work for one person as you can never know their exact mental intentions and dedications to their loss. Just because someone decides to see a nutritionist for help, does not mean they're in it for the long haul. And if you try to tell them "do eat stop eat"(just the first example I thought of, I actually do it so certainly not try to demean it) they might end up eating half the house lol. General well being and long term health are the main focus of a nutritionist which is why so many think "Yeah they like, don't even know anything, cuz i know this one guy whose totally buff and he does everything they say not to do, so obviously they're stupid and school is a joke".

    As for the OP, maybe doing "everything" right isn't right for you. If you've been eating clean and exercising regularly maybe its time to give something else a try? Maybe it would be a good time to try zig zagging or upping your calories for a slower, more stable loss? Experiment and play around a little for what works for YOU, and good luck with your success :)
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I don't want to be a bad person, but what will work for a 20 year old doesn't always work for a 50 year old. If you are literally trying 'everything' and absolutely can't lose weight then you should probably talk to someone in real life. I personally lost weight faster by doing about 30-40 min of cardio in the cardio zone, then lifting weights for another 30-40 min a day/6 days a week and not eating my calories back. A lot of people would argue with this, but it works for me.
  • please do not discredit those of us that are busting our butt's in school, paying out the rear for education to make this world a better place and to do the best we can for ourselves...Sorry but working in a pizza shop for the rest of my life is not my best

    Try not to take too much offence, generally the people who think education is merely regurgitation are uneducated themselves. I could memorize like there is no tomorrow, if it were that simple every average joe really would have a PhD. They also seem to forget that diet crazes come and go, and do not work for the population as a whole. As a professional you cannot decide a dieting technique will work for one person as you can never know their exact mental intentions and dedications to their loss. Just because someone decides to see a nutritionist for help, does not mean they're in it for the long haul. And if you try to tell them "do eat stop eat"(just the first example I thought of, I actually do it so certainly not try to demean it) they might end up eating half the house lol. General well being and long term health are the main focus of a nutritionist which is why so many think "Yeah they like, don't even know anything, cuz i know this one guy whose totally buff and he does everything they say not to do, so obviously they're stupid and school is a joke".

    As for the OP, maybe doing "everything" right isn't right for you. If you've been eating clean and exercising regularly maybe its time to give something else a try? Maybe it would be a good time to try zig zagging or upping your calories for a slower, more stable loss? Experiment and play around a little for what works for YOU, and good luck with your success :)

    you are correct, I was just heated when I read some of those comments bc I see my mom struggle and I'm struggling with weight and with school so for people to act like its nothing really irritates, I have to kill myself to lose 1lb or to get an doesn't come easy for me..thank you for your help and advice!
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member

    Diplomas are proof that one was able to regurgitate the info presented in the courses taken.

    Woah. I said this same exact thing in almost these same exact words the other day. Reading this was quite creepy.