kick the habit! Say "no" to diet coke challenge



  • goingforgoal
    goingforgoal Posts: 25 Member
    I had to travel yesterday alone. Needless to say at 11pm last night, I was at Sonic buying a Lg. diet coke to get me on home. I had gone all day without and then did that. If I'd only left a little earlier, I might not have done it. Oh well, just one in a day is really good for me. I'll likely have one today and tomorrow, but if I can manage to keep from having it around the clock on my desk at work, that'll be a goal in itself. Hang in there to all, it's not easy!
  • Shadowpaws
    Shadowpaws Posts: 109
    I was so tempted today...

    But to quell that temptation, I mixed some soda water with some pink lemonade. :smile: The fizz without the chemicals. Handled my craving well.
  • Just thought I'd check in :happy: Still no soda at all or caffeine! Been a few weeks :tongue: I did have an iced tea once but other than that its been great! I am no longer bloated from the carbonation and have way more energy eating right than when I depended on caffeine! Good luck everyone!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Shapooky
    Shapooky Posts: 7 Member
    If you feel you can't go with out a diet coke or just want a little to help you lower your amount of drinking - try the 8 0z can or diet coke. II do keep an 8 pk in my fridge for the days that I need caffine in the afternoon. I am a big fan of seltzer water from Polar, you get the fizz in different flavors, but no sweetners, no chemicals. I also enjoy a cup of Maeta tea - which has the same amount of caffine as a cup of coffee.
  • Aeilm
    Aeilm Posts: 92
    I used to have a diet coke problem...baddd. LOL Now I start my day with lots of black cofee. ( I usually drink 6 - 8 cups in the morning). Then it's off to water...all day. I drink around 160oz of water a day. Then my friend and I sit down to a diet coke each evening and unwind. I think knowing that I will have a diet coke at the end of the day helps a lot.

    Good luck to you all!!! YOU CAN DO IT! Just think of all that sodium you could avoid if you just said no! :wink:
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