advice for a 5 mile run?


I have recently started running again. I took about a 5 year break (COLLEGE, plus some LOL). I am good for a 5k, but now I signed up for a turkey trot that is 5 mile run on thanksgiving. I have not changed my running at all, and am well aware that I will have to walk some. But does anyone have any tips for me to pace myself, or to do within the next two weeks that may help me? Just curious :)

Thanks in advance!


  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    plan a route for a nice 6-7 mile run. see how you do. slow your pace down a bit, but just go out there and push yourself.

    personally, i never look at my watch ever during my runs, and i use a GPS tracker app on my phone to track my route, which i look at after the run. try iMapMyRun or Cardio trainer.
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    Try out doing a long run, at least 5 miles, and see how it goes. If you keep doing the same route for the 2 weeks leading up to the race, you might find that you can run the whole thing. Honestly running has a very mental component, so think positively! I just did a 5.4 mile race, and only stopped to walk briefly ( very large hill!) which was better than I thought I was going to do.

    Also, you might want to pace yourself slower going out in the beginning of your run (especially on race day) I know that when I run with other people my competitivness comes out, so I have to remind myself to keep my pace, and it def helps!

    Good Luck!
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Agree with engineman. This weekend go out an run a route that's a little farther than the 5-mile race. Set your pace a little slower than your 5K pace and push through it.

    When you run your race, you may want to start with some of the runners that are in a corral slower than what you normally run. As you pass each mile marker, if you feel your up to it, pick up your pace a little bit. Just make sure you push yourself and try your best! The last thing you want is to finish the race and feel like you didn't leave everything out on the course.
  • vanskelig
    Run til you can't run another step. Then walk until you feel energized. Then run again. Repeat. You will find that the walk breaks become few and far between as the weeks go by. I started this 18 months ago, and just finished my first marathon--qualified for Boston! You can do this. Running is the BEST exercise, and you will burn more calories running than anything else :)
  • jessicamckay13
    Just keep putting one foot in front of the other!

    Head out for a run today or tomorrow and see how far you get. Go slow and enjoy the scenery. You may be surprised!

    Running is VERY mental. It's hard to pace yourself at the beginning because so many people start out quickly, but really try to start slowly.
