Sticking to Goal, But still gaining weight?!

Hi! Ive been sticking to my goal fairly well, only going over maybe once or twice a week, and I gained 2 lbs? I showed 2 lbs heavier one day and 2 lbs less the next morning but why has itbeen 2 days in a row now with a 2 lb heavier weight? I dont understand, I stick to my 1200 and I use the elliptical 2x a week, and for the most part im a pretty active person... anyone ever do good but still gain weight?! Help :( Im getting unmotivated because of it!


  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Nope, pretty much if I follow the program I lose weight. I always eat all my exercise calories. But I don't ever go over. Maybe you are logging your calories wrong or the amounts.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    maybe try tracking your sodium? how much water are you drinking?
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Could be water retention. Give it a few weeks and see where you are.
  • karirenae
    karirenae Posts: 106 Member
    Thats one thing i do totally suck at is drinking my water.. some days I do great, and others I drink alot of dt soda and tea :/
  • thinnerjenn
    thinnerjenn Posts: 18 Member
    i know if I am over on sodium or even close to my sodium I retain water and weigh more. Maybe check your sodium.
  • LillysGranny
    It happens....sometimes it is better to weigh only once per week so you don't suffer through all the normal ups and downs. You need to be careful, too, if you're using a lot of user-entered calories that the numbers are accurate, and if you're eating your exercise calories there could be an issue there. And if you're not eating your exercise calories you may have cut your intake too low to lose effectively. There are a lot of things that can cause your problem, but if your portions and calorie counts are accurate and your burn from exercise is accurate then you WILL lose. Be patient.
  • Bellyroll
    With me I eat mucho salt. That affects my weight hard core. Also maybe its because you are not tracking it right. An example is maybe you think you got 4 oz of ground beef but you actually have 8 with out knowing it. I got myself a food scale. Maybe you should consider getting one.
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    What worked for me when I was working out is that you should eat almost all if not all of your excercise calories that you earn. You stay you stick with your 1200, but that's what you need when you are don't work out. If you work out, you need more fuel to burn fuel. My BFF was stuck in the same situation, and she only needed 13 more lbs to lose. I told her to log her exercise and food and and now she's lost them all I believe. So try logging your excercise and eating your extra calories and see if that helps.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    if you are going over 2 or 3 days by how much? and could you be underestimating your portions? are you eating a lot of processed foods that have a lot of sodium? are you drinking enough water? take a look at those things first. then, maybe if there is nothing there, you are just one of those people that needs to exercise more. if i was only working out twice a wk and overindulging 2 or 3 days a wk i would be gaining also, even at 1200 cal a day on the days that i dont go over. we tend to always overestimate what we are eating, at least that is what i learned at weight watchers. my aerobics instructor told me that wkends she eats whatever but during the wk she watches it and i was doing the same thing and i would go up and down the same 2 or 3 lbs. i only let myself have one or two meals a wk that are over, not days. good luck!
  • FindingMyself239
    I had that prolem...I WAS EITHER EATING MORE THAN I THOUGHT AND MY BODY GOT TIRED OF THE SAME EXERCISE ROUTINUE...making sure your trcking your food intake correct. Also add another day of working out in the mix...Dont give up and hang in there it will get better
  • sacase123
    There are several reasons for this:

    -It could have to do with the amount of water you are drinking on any given day
    -The amount of exercise you are doing can cause an increase or decrease in glycogen stores, resulting in smal gains and losses.
    -If you are not weighing at the same time of the day or on the same scale your weight will appear to fluctuate
    -Your weight can fluctuate by up to 6lbs in a given week depending on what you eat, drink, and how much you exercise. Additionally, the time of the month.

    You also might have hit a plateau. With this in mind try adding an extra day or two of exercise to get through this and keep losing. Don't be discouraged. Also, stop weighing yourself every day. Pick one day a week and weight yourself on Wednesday (for example) every week, when you get out of bed. This will help you be less obsessed with the minor fluctuations of day to day changes in weight.

    Hope that helps :)
  • dkbaron
    Hi, It can be frustrating. I have found that if I stick at 1200 or a little below and drink tons of water, I always have a loss. If I go too low, I gain. Look at what you are eating. I only eat lean meats, fish and poultry. Non starchy veggies, low sugar fruits, fresh not from a can and at least 2 servings of non fat dairy. I eat the yogurts and cottage cheese that has probiotics in them. I started 11 days ago and have lost almost 5 pounds. I try not to weigh everyday. If it is that time of the month for you ( thank goodness I don't have that to deal with) you will see drastic fluctuations.

    You can do this, but whatever you do, don't
    t let the scale be the only thing you measure success by. Take your measurements because a lot of time I will lose inches and not pounds and that is fine with me.

    Don't give up....
  • seeled
    seeled Posts: 93
    I am having the same problem. I went to a dietian who did a metabiloc resting status (or something like that). The machine determined I only needed about 1000 calories a day for my body to function. I am starving at 1200. There is no way I can drop another 200. I am trying to cut back on carbs and have upped my exercise routine. Hopefully you and I will both break this streak and get back to losing!!!
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    No you haven't been sticking to your regime!! If that is harsh please know it is said in kindness. But why are you are weighing yourself daily? Stop it now or you will never succeed. Once a week and be strict. If you cannot do that see your doctor. Secondly, exercise twice a week! Double that! What you have to remember is that you need to do more than normal. You describe yourself as active but if you have a weight problem, you are not active enough and or eating to much. I was guilty of both. So measure everything, including yourself, don't cheat, and up the exercise even just going for a walk. Do more, eat less but healthily; if then you are not losing weight, see your doctor. You can lose weight on 1600 cals a day. If you are not losing weight you are eating too much! Simples!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Hi! Ive been sticking to my goal fairly well, only going over maybe once or twice a week, and I gained 2 lbs? I showed 2 lbs heavier one day and 2 lbs less the next morning but why has itbeen 2 days in a row now with a 2 lb heavier weight? I dont understand, I stick to my 1200 and I use the elliptical 2x a week, and for the most part im a pretty active person... anyone ever do good but still gain weight?! Help :( Im getting unmotivated because of it!

    Your diary is not open and there are no details about you so pretty much anything we say is a guess.

    My first thought is that 1200 is too low for most people anyway. Unless you have 75+ lbs to lose, you shouldn't even choose the "lose 2lbs a week" option. That's usualy where people go wrong.

    Second, if you're exercising -- you sould be eating back at least half if not all of those calories. If you have a good HRM and know your calorie burn is accurate, you can can eat close to all of them. If you're using MFP or some other site to "guess" how many you burned, I would eat half as most of them seriously overestimate.

    Eat high protein, lean meats and veggies
    Drop the processed food and soda
    Stick to good carbs like whole grains, quino and drop the white flour
    Watch your sodium and drink lots of fluid.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I am having the same problem. I went to a dietian who did a metabiloc resting status (or something like that). The machine determined I only needed about 1000 calories a day for my body to function. I am starving at 1200. There is no way I can drop another 200. I am trying to cut back on carbs and have upped my exercise routine. Hopefully you and I will both break this streak and get back to losing!!!

    Unless you are about 4'10', have almost no weight to lose and are physcially fit -- I can't imagine how it could be that low.
    Maybe she meant 2000 -- that is much more likely. Have you tried using the tool on here to determine your BMR? I really think you misunderstood. Even 1200 is too low for most people.