Weight loss around the middle



  • lyddsmom
    Time. Time. Time. I was just complaining to my husband about this issue last week. I, as is true for many people, seem to lose my weight around the middle last. Just keep up the good work. It will come off...I hope sooner than later.

    As far as eating or not eating certain foods: there are certain foods that bloat me, but that is a different issue. I think if you are eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising it will all pay off. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to eat certain foods or not eat certain foods. I have found that the simpler I make my weight loss plan the easier it is to stick with for long periods of time. Hang in there, you are on the right path!
  • embeck79
    embeck79 Posts: 34 Member
    wow, thank you for the advice, tips and your own experiences, really appreciate it and the fact that its not just me! :/

    i guess i have only been at it since august-ish so maybe im expecting too much too soon?!

    i have been motivated by your comments, love exercise so upping my cardio maybe the answer :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I would not want to contradict Dr. Oz, but...

    What little reading/research I have done says basically that fat goes away in the reverse order that it was added. In Accounting terms this is called LIFO (Last in , First Out). So there is no real way to reduce body fat in any specific area with any mix diet and exercise. Instead as you continue to exercise regularly (specifically cardio workouts) and maintain a healthy diet. The excess weight (fat) will go away in a natural progression.

    Note that reducing fat and increasing lean muscle mass are two different things! You can increase lean muscle mass and strength by training specific sets of muscles. However, I can say for a fact, that no amount of sit-ups (or any abdominal exercise) will reduce belly fat!

    I have not studied this extensively, but the transition I have seen in my own body as I lose weight seems to support this hypothesis. I have lost fat in order from my face & neck, arms, legs, butt, flanks (love handles). I am now working on a stubborn lower tummy section that I am sure includes not only fat but some excess skin that I am told could take up to 2 years to diminish.

    Best of luck in your ongoing journey!

    Contradict Dr Oz all you want. The man mostly comes off as an idiot. His condemning the apple juice industry for finding arsenic in apple juice really killed any credibility, I would think, since arsenic is naturally occurring in apples...
  • dkueter94
    I have the same problems! Especially after having my little girl! But I have noticed I've been doing the 30 Day Shred for a few weeks now (I'm on day 24) and my stomach has gotten flatter. I think its because of the vigorous 3-2-1 workout (3 minutes strength, 2 of cardio, and 1 min abs). I'm still on level 2 right now so I'll be doing this program longer than 30 days which is fine by me-its a GREAT workout. But it really has helped!
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Contradict Dr Oz all you want. The man mostly comes off as an idiot. His condemning the apple juice industry for finding arsenic in apple juice really killed any credibility, I would think, since arsenic is naturally occurring in apples...

    Yeah, Dr. Oz is a D.A.
    Several foods contain arsenic and amegdalyn which converts to cyanide in our bodies.
    Unless you have lipo done, no such thing as spot reduction. Get lean enough and your belly will flatten out plain and simple, it's not rocket science people.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    my tummy shrunk 12" I eat low carb mostly gluten free (bread) potatoes not more than once a week, limited rice and no pies, pastries, regular bread. lost one and half stone. I also use sauna (sweat belt) around tummy when exercising with zaggora hot pants and a sauna vest.. so belt is dripping when I take it off... I'm sure it somehow tones tummy better.. When I havent been able to exercise and just dieted I've lost weight but no inches.

    When I manage a few good sessions a week and sweat loads at each one I lose inches off tummy and waist.
  • melanie_J
    melanie_J Posts: 136 Member
    I hadn't been losing any on my stomach, I had my "shelf" above my bell button, and my "overhang" over my hoo-hah (TMI I know!). Now that I've started c25k, I've lost amazing inches off my stomach in just then 2 week I've done it so far. My overhang isn't hanging much anymore, in fact, it's almost gone, and my shelf has gotten smaller. So jogging DOES help!
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    Low GI diet. Tummy fat is usually a sign of insulin resistance (google syndrome X) and if you switch to only low GI carbs, fruit & veg, that will make a difference (been there, done that). Don't give up carbs. You should never give up a whole food group. Just stay away from white flour products. Good luck! :bigsmile:
  • jessjayla
    belly fat is a big thing for me as well- it's becoming my "problem area"! Great advice in here- Good luck on your way to losing yours!