Breaking the habit of eating when I'm not hungry



  • mariechien
    mariechien Posts: 8 Member
    I do it too especially when I am studying =/ ... I'm currently drinking a lot of tea to keep myself "busy" :P but I haven't yet found a way to let this habit go..
  • its easier said than done but I try to brush my teeth and then distract myself with something that keeps my hands busy. Like drawing or knitting.
  • Matttdvg
    Matttdvg Posts: 133 Member
    I simply stop eating at my calorie goal, nothing more, nothing less. Hunger is irrelevant to me.

    I'm sorry, I just saw that. That is entirely unhelpful to her situation. I'm not trying to be mean about it, but it doesn't help at all.

    Good thing she has plenty of other responses to choose from

    Also good thing he's a he, and now everyone is calling him a she :P

    (seriously though, it's not a big deal. I understand it's a female heavy website, and I know I don't have a photo as my profile picture, so people probably assume I'm a she without thinking about it. I just thought I should mention that I'm not a she)

    Anyways, thanks for the responses everyone. Some great suggestions there. I'm thinking that either minty gum or brushing my teeth would probably work best to stop myself from eating when I'm not hungry. I'll give it a go. I do just need to do something to distract myself. It's also great to know that it's not an uncommon problem and I'm not alone. Thanks!!!
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    I try for some kind of activity or distraction until the craving subsides. Sometimes if I'm sitting in front of the tube doing nothing, my mind will wander to food I know is in the kitchen, even though I'm not hungry. If I distract myself for awhile, the craving goes away. Brushing your teeth after dinner is a really good idea too. Who wants to get food all over your nice clean teeth and then have to turn around and brush again before bed?!
  • Hello. I'm wondering if anyone else has or used to have a similar problem to me. Just an hour and a half ago I ate a nice big dinner. It was tasty and fulfilling. Yet just 15 minutes ago I decided I wanted to eat something else. I was still full from my dinner. I was definitely not hungry. Yet I felt the desire to eat. So I had an apple, a handful of grapes and a light cheese triangle (like dairylea or laughing cow, but it was some random cheap brand). Now, that's a lot healthier than the stuff I used to snack on at times like this and I'm sure I'll still be under my calorie goal, but it's still extra calories that are just pointless. Eating when I'm still quite full from a meal is just stupid and counterintuitive to weight loss. I don't know why I do it. I thought about it to myself and thought about how stupid it was to be eating so soon after a big meal, but I still wanted to do it.

    So, does anyone have any advice as to how I could break this terrible habit? I generally think of myself as having good will power - I've been choosing mostly healthy foods and when I'm having something less healthy I'll always make sure it fits into my calorie goal. When I'm with friends and they offer me a crisp or a piece of chocolate I'll refuse. Yet for some reason I don't have the will power to say no to these stupid snacks when I'm not even hungry.

    To break this bad habit, you simply need to drink more water. Say you drink a glass before and another glass or more after then go and brush your teeth after every meal and stay away from the table. This will surely help you from eating foods or snacks. Had this issue before but thankfully, I overcome it using the above approach. Hope this helps! :-)
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    Try Brushing you teeth!

    ^this! nothing is going to taste good when your mouth is minty fresh
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 241 Member
    honestly i chew gum when im "hungry" or like others say brush your teeth, IT WORKS :)