I think I'm not sure

I've been using MFP for about a month now. I've gained and lost and gained and lost the same 5 lbs over and over and I have a long way to go. I'm not sure if I'm eating too many calories, not enough calories, or if I should be working out more. I'd love to have some MFP "friends" for support, encouragement, and advice. Thanks!


  • PennyS44
    PennyS44 Posts: 16 Member
    The site gives you the calories you should eat. Eating less than that is not advised but you can increase calories allowed with exercise.
  • Try upping protein and downing the carbs!
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    Make sure you are drinking plenty of water! Water is KEY! At least 8-10 cups a day. If youre not already, try it! I'm speaking from experience and it may only work for me, I cant speak for others but water is my best friend!
  • I don't have the answer to what you could possibly be doing wrong. However, I do know the struggle of losing and gaining weight. This is my 2nd time trying MFP and although I have yet to see the scale move in the last 2 wks I'm still excited. I agree with the previous post. Try to eat as close to the recommended calories as possible. Drink plenty water and all exercise counts. There's no secret to this thing. We just have to stay dedicated and make sure to burn more than we eat! I'd love to be your fit pal! Best of Luck! Hope you have a healthy and happy day!
  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    I agree with Lesley....
    Also, it looks like you aren't losing too much weight, so fluctuations are going to be normal. Just make sure to stay within you calorie limits and Macronutrients, and don't give up!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I've been using MFP for about a month now. I've gained and lost and gained and lost the same 5 lbs over and over and I have a long way to go. I'm not sure if I'm eating too many calories, not enough calories, or if I should be working out more. I'd love to have some MFP "friends" for support, encouragement, and advice. Thanks!

    What ever you do, make SURE you can DO it CONSTANTLY. I have lost 15 lbs. in the last 3 months by eating MORE! I used to eat 1000-1200 Calories per day. But I could NEVER ADHERE to that because I would always over eat on the weekends, so I was always "rebounding." I read an article here about the woman who ate 700 Calories a day and gained weight/or could NOT lose weight. I said the heck with extremes >low calories, too much exercise. So I upped my calories slowly to 1200, 1300, 1400 calories per day and DITCH the SCALE!. My focus was LIVING My Eating Plan, eating healthy and focus on fun and enjoyment. I began to ENJOY My LIFE because i could eat AND began to lose weight. I can LIVE with My Plan, I can be Healthy AND Happy! (And I only weigh about every 6 weeks.)