Doing this with my Girlfriend

were both a tad chubby so we would like to get back to our former bodies. im trying to cut from 195 to 175 and she from 140 to 125. we've got a good long road ahead but ive learned that even after 2 days, i am much more aware of what i am eating.

im also looking for some tips and tricks to help myself feel more full during the day without having to eat as much. any suggestions?


  • JeffJohnson26
    JeffJohnson26 Posts: 77 Member
    Hey! My girlfriend and I are also doing this together and it sounds like we have similar goals. I eat about six times a day and make sure I get plenty of protein at each meal, which keeps you full longer. I also drink about 24oz of water before and after each meal. That fills my stomach up and stops me from over-eating. Good luck to you both!
  • NA_Willie
    NA_Willie Posts: 340 Member
    Jeff, that water thing is a pretty good idea.
  • blydon2
    Hey! My girlfriend and I are also doing this together and it sounds like we have similar goals. I eat about six times a day and make sure I get plenty of protein at each meal, which keeps you full longer. I also drink about 24oz of water before and after each meal. That fills my stomach up and stops me from over-eating. Good luck to you both!

    the water is a wonderful idea, i will get good daily water intake, but unfortunately i attend school and i do not have enough meals in my week to eat 6 small meals a day, which i would definitely be doing. i can only eat two per day. next semester i will be doing the "unlimited" meal plan. should i buy lo-cal, high protein snack foods to eat during the day to balance my meals better?
  • bedoozled
    bedoozled Posts: 189 Member
    Also definitely agree with water - I think in general people don't drink enough, but drinking steadily throughout the day goes a long way to keep you from being starving, and makes it easier to make the right choices when meal time does roll around. I find that warm things - tea, broth, etc. - go even farther (maybe it's just mentally more satisfying, especially now that it's winter!). Eating meals with more protein/fiber definitely keeps you full longer, and if you can control your portions, snacking frequently might be a good idea (right now I keep baby carrots and clementines on hand) - it helps prevent over-eating at meals, I think!
  • akaired
    akaired Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! My girlfriend and I are also doing this together and it sounds like we have similar goals. I eat about six times a day and make sure I get plenty of protein at each meal, which keeps you full longer. I also drink about 24oz of water before and after each meal. That fills my stomach up and stops me from over-eating. Good luck to you both!

    the water is a wonderful idea, i will get good daily water intake, but unfortunately i attend school and i do not have enough meals in my week to eat 6 small meals a day, which i would definitely be doing. i can only eat two per day. next semester i will be doing the "unlimited" meal plan. should i buy lo-cal, high protein snack foods to eat during the day to balance my meals better?

    It really depends on what your genetic type is. In the past, i used to shy away from carbs and eat more lean proteins (be it meal bars or whatnot)... But after i got my genetic test back, I actually had been eating the exact opposite of how my body is made up genetically - I NEED carbs and less fats/proteins...
    So before you bulk up on the protein, I'd recommend a genetic test (if interested I can get you the place I took mine thru) - that way you'll know how to eat right for your body type.
    40 lbs more is my goal - already lost 28 so far :D
    (and yeah, i was a big more. One and done..)

    Also, you asked how to be fuller longer - fiber. I'm not just talking about the Fiber ya mix in water... apples, for example, have a goodly bit of fiber and if you mix that with some PB - fiber, protein, fats. Win Win
    So up the fiber you're ingesting also.
    Good luck to you (and me too)!!!