Please have a look at my Food Diary



  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    1. Is that you in the pic? If so you don't need to lose weight. Perhaps you want to build muscle, but getting thinner should not be your goal 2. That is not enough food. You shouldn't eat less than 800 kcal and that's not even advisable. Ideally you should eat between 1000 and 1200 kcal TO LOSE WEIGHT. Not to build muscle or even maintain. If you are a runner then you should be taking in even more.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Certainly, you expected everyone to tell you that you're not eating enough... right?
  • You will lose weight eating 1200 calories a day. Whatever MFP has your calorie goal set at, is what you can eat every day sitting on the couch doing nothing and still lose weight.

    Please eat more.
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    You have to do some activity if you expect to lose weight. It's just how it is. Activity is also healthy for your heart, body, and mind. Depriving your body of much needed nutrients will end up biting you in the butt later and can lead to serious health issues.
    I do 1000-1200 a day and try to never go below 900.

    - Your calories are not high enough. Take care of your body and give it the fuel it needs to go through the day. :)
    - There is not enough protien in your diet. Protien promotes healing and weight loss. :) Aim for a high protien, low fat, low carb diet, I've seen lots of healthy success with this. I aim for at least 60 grams of protien a day and when I meet the goal, my body feels fantastic! Good protien sources are turkey, chicken, lean meats, beans, and cheese.
    -You did good on the egg in the morning, they are a great protien source and gets your body moving! Bacon you can substitute for Canadian or Turkey for a high protien, low fat meal.
    - Grapes are good for vitamins, but not a good fuel source. Add a protien.
    - Drinking your calories is not a good idea, especially on carrot juice :(.... Could have eaten a good meal for 180 calories and gotten better nutrients.

    Don't starve yourself, it's not worth it I promise. :)
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Anyone can do this for one day. Let's wait until she has a week or two filled out and review.
  • You are not anywhere near eating the amount that you should be. just under eating will hurt more than help. you should up your protein intake and eat simple sugars like fruits and veggies before working out. you will get a natural energy boost and the protein in your diet will repair your muscle. you will increase your gains exponentially. cardio is key. i have found that 100 meter sprints in sets cut fat faster than distance running (dissertation by my college professor). i like to do 2x100m 4x50m 1x200 with full recovery (1 lap) in between each sprint done
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    I'm not trolling. I just hate excercising so i figured if i eat less i will lose more weight.. im 60kg now so when i pressed complete entry it said i would be 52 kg in 5 weeks if i eat 500 cal

    How tall are you?
    If you are 60kg there is a really good chance your BMI is already in the healthy range and that if you lose any more you will be unhealthy.
    I think you need to a lot of research to understand what is a healthy lifestyle. There is a lot of crap on these forums, and a lot of good advice as well. But if you are completely new to understanding what is healthy you may not be able to tell the difference between the 2. So i'd recommend reading a book and stay away from anything like Akins, south beach diet etc. Perhaps something like the CSIRO diet if you are in Australia.
    Alternatively go get a checkup at the doctors or see a nutritionist and ask them specifically to discuss with you what is a healthy diet and get them to weight you and measure you for fat %.
    I suspect they will tell you that you are already at a healthy weight. you may benefit from more exercise though to tone up. More muscle improves your metabolism.

    Just think of this - if you starve yourself now trying to loose weight, you can really screw up your metabolism for later. The minute you eat something bad (and you will, as your body won't be getting enough nutrients so will eventually create a uncontrollable urge to binge) and then you'll eventually put back on whatever you might have lost, and possibly more as your body will think it is in some kind of famine and needs to bulk you up for security.

    In your photo you look beautiful. Don't ruin your health.

    Take care.
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    Funny - your post and food are almost exactly the same as another newbie "look at me" troll from last week.
    *rolls eyes*
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    Oh by the way you appear to have 40 kg as your goal weight.
    If this is, please go to a doctor. You will hurt yourself.
    Skinny isn't worth ruining your life for.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    The big green number at the bottom says you're 731 calories short of your goal.

    You need to eat 731 more calories.

    If a 1,000 calorie a day deficit is good, a 2,000 calorie a day deficit is NOT twice as good. Actually, it's twice as bad. Your body will rightfully assume you're starving it and it will hang on to every calorie you consume like it'll be the last.

    Eat more.
  • Too little for lunch and dinner !!! You are going to gain weight again pretty soon I'm afraid...
  • Eat a big mac. That will consume the rest of your calories for today and you'll be fine.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Eat a big mac. That will consume the rest of your calories for today and you'll be fine.

    McDs FTW!
  • can we kill this thread?
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Anyone with more than 2 brain cells knows that a half cup of grapes (roughly 7 or 8 grapes) is not a normal lunch. I'm going to go ahead and give you the benefit of the doubt and say you have more than 2 brain cells. You obviously know this is to get a rise out of people or to validate and reassure yourself that you are in fact restricting yourself to the point of starvation. Looks like you're getting the responses you're looking for. Congrats.
  • you cannot only eat 500kcals a day?????!!!!!