Anyone else have a setbacks lately? Looking for positive sup

Okay, so for over the past month I have been eating sensibly and working out on a daily basis. I have a history of emotional eating and have had it in check for quite some time now, well I did. Yesterday it started back again. I start a new job tomorrow, and the stress from that and from having to travel 5 hours in a very undependable car on budget constraints and stressed for time I got very nervous. I was terrified my car wouldn't make it and have been on pins and needles the whole way there. I am at my destination, but have to leave again Wednesday only to drive back again on Sunday and then do the same thing for the next 3 weeks. It was my first road trip by myself and I am lonely here in a new (scary) city/side of town in a nice but empty hotel room. I have eaten 2500 calories yesterday and then again today. And you know what sucks? I have been trying to lose weight specifically for this first day of work and here I am the days before eating everything in sight, I already feel so fat. I put on weight very easily. Anyone have any motivational words of support or advice or suggestions for what to eat (I'm a vegetarian, I don't consume milk or eggs either). For breakfast I can have a starbucks cappucino and oatmeal for 300 calories, I don't know what to eat for lunch and dinner....theres nothing around here. For dinner today I ate a large fry at 640 calories :o


  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    You sound like you are under a lot of stress. Please dont beat yourself up over it and try to forgive yourself. I know it is not easy. Once things cam down you will get back on track. Are you drinking water? I am not a fan but it does fill you up. Please add me as a friend and I will support you as best as I can,
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    I find hummus and flat bread to be really filling and tasty. I also just recently found some cucumber dill dip (oh wait - said you don't eat dairy) - - the hummus and bread are filling - and not "too" bad.

    But most importantly, try to not beat yourself up about it. No doubt you beating yourself up about it will make the situation even worse (it does for me anyway). So - - it's fine - - tomorrow is a NEW DAY! You can do it - - and congrats on the job!!!!!
  • SoCalMike
    Yesterday was Yesterday, Today is today, but tomorrow is a new day to start fresh again. I know it's hard, but you'll never get where you're going if you're always looking where you've been. Looking at poor choices made in the past, will never get you to your goal in the future. It's the decisions you make in the next few seconds that determine the direction of your path ahead.
  • LowCarbConvert
    Congratulations on your new job!

    Do you have a mini-fridge/microwave in your hotel room? Is there a market nearby where you can stock up on a few things like veggies or oatmeal or inexpensive things you normally eat?

    I know the stress that unreliable transportation brings (I once had my brake lines break on my way home from work. And in the winter, my car doors wouldn't latch, so I'd have to bungee cord them shut! It was terrible at the time, but now -- well, it'll make a good story for my memoirs, lol). It will be okay. It will! And if your car breaks down? Well, someone will stop to help. AND, you already did the trip successfully once -- I have no doubt that you can do it again, and it will probably be easier the second time.

    Don't be too hard on yourself, and don't let your stress get the best of you. You're already a success -- a new job, on plan with your eating [for the most part!], and you have one 5-hour trip under your belt. You can do this :-)
  • amnix
    amnix Posts: 4 Member
    You have to know that you are not on a new job or in a strange place by accident. This is your moment for personal growth. The fact that you have been controlling your diet to meet your weight goals, you have prepared yourself for this career opportunity, and made it to your destination means means alot!

    You are a capable and confident person. You have identified that you are an emotional eater. Now you have to decide what you are going to do to avoid emotional eating when the urge hits you. If you know what you will do when that feeling hits you, then it's just a matter of executing your plan --you can take the emotion out of the equation.

    For me, exercise worked. I decided that whenever I found myself wanting to reach for food to pacify emotional turmoil, I would go for a walk, walk up/down stairs, get on the treadmill for a few minutes, or any other activity that was physical, until the immediate urge passed. But anything you choose to do, besides eat, would probably work. Having a plan is half the battle. Now, I don't know anything about vegetarianism, but my recommendation would be to plan what you are going to eat tomorrow based on what is available in your current location. Planning will probably relieve some of your stress and help you make better choices for tomorrow. You have to remember that giving in to the urge during an emotionally stressful moment is counter to your goal.

    As for the stress related to your transportation situation, I certainly understand...Been there; Done that; Got a t-shirt!! You have to know that if a situation arises --whatever it is--you will handle it! Worrying has never caused or prevented anything from happening. Whatever happens, you'll deal with it at that time. I'm sure that you have handled many unavoidable, unpleasant, inconvenient situations in your life. If something crops up with your car, you will handle that, too! Tomorrow's a new day..stay encouraged....

    Remember, you are capable and confident and this is just your opportunity to prove it to YOURSELF!! God Bless!
  • swtgrl42
    swtgrl42 Posts: 100 Member
    It is SO hard to not eat under stress. Don't beat yourself up, just take one day at a time. Think of all the wonderful progress you have made. one or two bad days doesn't take that away. You can do this!
  • Samantha1941
    Samantha1941 Posts: 99 Member
    Aw, thank you so much everyone for your kind words! Right now, I am not in the state to where I can think positive,...more like I want to cry! But you are right, tomorrow is a new day and I will try to make it a fresh start and be strong. I'm scared, but thank you so much!
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    I just wrote a post on Here's some motivation. You can do this. Were far more capable than we give ourselves credit.
  • eneale
    eneale Posts: 12 Member
    I need some more motivation! Plz add me if you would like to help, I will do the same for you!