Ski Walking

I can't find any online calculators on ski/pole walking. I see tons of articles on how it burns 40% more calories while walking. Anyone know?


  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 330 Member
    I don't even know what that is, sorry
  • walkingsun89
    walkingsun89 Posts: 15 Member

    I wanted it to be a clickable link lol.

    Benefits of Pole Walking
    What Can Pole Walking Do For You?

    Pole Waking not only makes walking more beneficial but they actually take less effort to use and are easier on our bodies.

    * We use less than 50% of our major muscles when we walk without walking poles – when we use fitness walking poles we use over 90%. In doing so we spread our weight out helping to lessen the load with which we hit the ground by 26% - making a big difference for those people who have back, hip, knee, ankle or feet problems.
    * Not to mention walking with poles while we walk naturally aligns our spine and strengthens our core with each step – helping use to stand and sit taller.
    * We also don’t have to go as far or work as hard when we are using walking poles we increase our cardio by 20% and our calorie burn by Up to 48% without any more effort!...What more could you want? Oh! and you can do it in less time too -30min of Pole walking is equal to 50min of regular walking.

    It’s one of the most beneficial and rewarding activities you’ll ever do!
  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
    I would think it would be similar to cross country skiing or elliptical, but I am not sure.