Thanksgiving Day Goal

Well, Thanksgiving Day is right around the corner, and I'm dreading it. I'm spending the day with my best friend's family, and her Mom is such an excellent cook. I already know I'm going to want to gobble down everything.

My goal for the 24th is to eat everything in moderation and not put on any weight. I also would like to work out that morning before dinner.

What are you Thanksgiving Day goals??


  • jclayton28
    That's a good idea. Working out before might be one of my Thanksgiving Day goals. But I'm going to a friends house that I've never been to before so I guess I'll see what they think. I would like to just eat in moderation as well. I think I'm going to go with very few carbs up until Thanksgiving too. I also think I'll try to limit myself to only one dessert. Sweets are my big issue.

  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    I am running the Turkey Trot (5K) here in Pittsburgh that morning so my first goal is a new PR. Then I'm hosting Thanksgiving for some family and friends and my second goal is to not overeat just because I ran that morning. ;)
  • kagenw
    kagenw Posts: 260 Member
    Well, some may look down on me for this but, i'm not going to worry about my diet for thanksgiving day. I just want to enjoy the day and spend time eating with my family :)
  • chris6515
    chris6515 Posts: 131 Member
    Mine is to try a little of everything, eat slowly, and enjoy every bite. Then to stay the heck away from the leftovers and enjoy visiting with everyone instead of continuing to nibble!
  • anamikaraks
    anamikaraks Posts: 59 Member
    I think making it to the gym in the morning is my #1 goal. Also taking everything I want on ONE plate. No seconds. If I want a little more of one thing I need to take a little less of something else. I think that actually seeing everything that I am planning to eat all at once will really help me realize how much I am eating.

    I also want to remember to thank all of you on MFP who are helping me get through my first sane Thanksgiving. So, in case I forget, thanks all!
  • wonca
    wonca Posts: 81
    Definitely working out that morning, but after that.. I'm ok with eating whatever. As long as I don't sit down and eat a whole pie by myself, I'll be fine. ;)

    Just looking to spend the day with family and friends.
  • Isabelleza
    Since I am the 'cook' this year, I am going to tweak some of the yummy dishes to make them healthier for me and for my loved ones. :bigsmile: I am definitely going to enjoy this day eating a little bit of everything. :wink:
  • JediMaster_intraining
    Work out all week including that day to counteract whatever I may eat! However, this year I am only eating until I'm full unlike previous years where I ate until I could barely move!
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    We'll be serving food at a food shelter on Thanksgiving. Then having a very small menu at home with just me and my partner. She's not a big eater, so with the turkey, stuffing, and gravy, I'll fix one special request dish for both of us and no dessert. I know her request will be either mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes. I havent decided on mine yet.
  • cecee27
    cecee27 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm starting my Thanksgiving Day by running in the "Human Race" that is put on by our local food bank. I'm excited! This is the first year in my entire life that I will be in shape to actually RUN! I plan on eating Thanksgiving Dinner in moderation! Also, I'm going to make dessert that is friendly to my diet as well as tasty!
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    well im doing a "Run to Feed the Hungry" 5k on Thanksgiving(I live in Cali) and after that my hubs and i are going to his families for dinner and im going to eat everything in moderation and then work out the next day as well :)
  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    Well, some may look down on me for this but, i'm not going to worry about my diet for thanksgiving day. I just want to enjoy the day and spend time eating with my family :)

    You go girl! Enjoy some good eats and family time. :)
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    Well, some may look down on me for this but, I'm not going to worry about my diet for thanksgiving day. I just want to enjoy the day and spend time eating with my family :)
    I'm with you on this one plus on the day after thanksgiving I'm going to enjoy a slice of cake and little bit of ice cream for our soon to be 8 y/o birthday.
  • stefkhan
    stefkhan Posts: 27 Member
    Sounds like moderation and having fun are the main key's here! I hope everyone enjoys their holiday. Stay safe and have fun!
  • Heidi_Edgi
    Heidi_Edgi Posts: 65 Member
    I'm working my butt off these next two weeks, not allowing myself a cheat day until Thanksgiving. I think Thanksgiving day is worth a cheat meal. Sometimes rewarding yourself with all that hard work, really keeps you sane.