Nacho bell grande

I have had a horrible day. for breakfast I had a bacon, egg, and cheese mcgriddle meal from mcdonalds whith a diet coke, half a fiber one bar and a little bag of hot popcorn. Later on I had two bowls of cinnamon toast crunch (with 2% milk lol) and I've been snacking on mint oreos. But now my boyfriend is on his way home and he's bringing me a nacho bell grande meal with a diet coke. Smh I plan on getting back on track Wednesday. I say Wednesday because I want to eat some fries and chicken tomorrow lol. But I did great last week and I only have 5 more lbs to lose (ill be 135) or more after tonight.


  • RobertG86
    i LOVE tacobell :-(
  • 4alison4
    That sounds like me for the past few months....which is why I'm back on here! Don't beat yourself up over it, if we didn't indulge sometimes we would be miserable!
  • Mommy2B2G
    First Kudos for admitting it and being honest to yourself! NOW Dont beat yourself up ....its nice to indulge once in awhile and get those cravings outta the way :) Just dont do it daily cuz all your hard work will be wasted. High five girl!
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    Might do your body a bit of good to spike up the calories for a couple of days. I've done that before with no harm done. Enjoy yourself and get back on track Wednesday. You'll be fine...gotta live your life! :)
  • godslilgerl
    godslilgerl Posts: 64 Member
    ha ha nachos bell grande is what i cheated with last week...yumm
  • linda1243
    is it wrong that I saw nacho bell grande in the topic line and had to look! Deliciousness. Good for you for having a little cheat time and getting back on track. I think we need these days to keep us sane. =)
  • 235INFidel
    235INFidel Posts: 10 Member
    Don't sweat it. I'm jealous though. I can't remember the last time I had Taco Bell! If I see that XXL Chalupa commercial one more time....
  • gonnaloseitforever
    It's that mega steak flatbread Taco Bell commercial that is getting me.