Help flatten tummy

Lets make this clear to begin with. I know there is nothing such as spot reduction and I don't expect anything.
I am looking for exercises to HELP flatten my tummy and tighten my core.
Even when I was back in my teens at high school and had a BF of less than 10% (Gods those were the days) I have had a 'pot' belly.' type thing happening.
So what can this magnificent community suggest??


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Clean diet and cardio/weights to burn the fat and thats about all you can do.

    You can do ab work till your blue in the face, but if the fat is still there all your going to have is really strong ab muscles.
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    The 30 day shred really helped mine disappear! But I had to eat clean to achieve it. Good luck!
  • chickenpoppa
    chickenpoppa Posts: 207 Member
    i feel your pain. im the same and would like advice on this too;-(
  • kdenny1
    kdenny1 Posts: 134
    jillian michaels 6 week 6 pack
  • sarahcraig24
    Pilates was the best thing for my belly, it really helps flatten your belly, and give you the core muscles you are looking for. Also helps with posture etc.
  • Redladystl
    Redladystl Posts: 351 Member
    Eat clean little little little carbs.
    Jeanette Jenkins -the Hollywod Trainer- Belly Fat Blaster DVD
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    Cardio, cardio, cardio! Eat clean, drink plenty of water. It is HARD work but worth it, I am in the process myself and these love handles are taking forever! but I am running 6-12kms a day as well as weight training
  • raniasaffarini
    Hi Dear , you have to avoide the sodas and teh Milk drinks, plus reduce the carbs intak and be healthy with 3 times activity a week at least, for me i get Bloating from Milk and cabs specially the white carbs, Good luck
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Thanks for all the advice, but maybe I wasn't clear enough.
    I am not talking about getting rid fo the fat on my abs, I know that will come with time.

    I am asking for exercises, that will help tighten and hopefully flatten the mid section. I know I am capable of a flat mid section even with the current BF levels I have now, but I don't have one and I have no idea of the exercises to help me in the right direction.