Exercise with groin injury

Two weeks ago I pulled some muscles kickboxing. I was feeling better after a week, so I did a light work out. Not good. When will this get better so I can exercise again? How friggen long do I have to wait? Can anyone give me any ideas of workouts I can do while its healing? I am going crazy! (Mostly because it is impossible for me to net 1300 calories).


  • 2knoxs
    2knoxs Posts: 81
    This is a tough injury to have, sorry for you, but rest is best, and it sucks..in the Marines they didnt care if we hurt so we always had to run through this kinda stuff, but its not recommended. I hope you get some advice that your looking for cause I know you didnt want to hear rests. :)
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    In a groin injury the first 2-3 weeks are critical for fast recovery. Depends a lot about the type of the injury. I urge you to go and see a phisiotherapist with experience.If left untreated or worse pushed wrong can last for a long time.Believe me, I have extensive experience with that.
    Good luck.
    Two weeks ago I pulled some muscles kickboxing. I was feeling better after a week, so I did a light work out. Not good. When will this get better so I can exercise again? How friggen long do I have to wait? Can anyone give me any ideas of workouts I can do while its healing? I am going crazy! (Mostly because it is impossible for me to net 1300 calories).
  • I hesitate a bit posting this...but I feel your anquish. I once pulled my groin training for a marathon and I did not want to lose ground as well. I started on the elliptical and I was able to continue to burn my calories as well as keep some cardio in my daily routine. If you go this route, go slow and easy. Rest your muscles and ice/heat as appropriate. Either way, you are going to have to make modifications to your diet/routine no matter what. Good luck!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Definitely see a physio!

    I pulled my groin in Feb. Saw physio and did some rehab stuff but still trained around it a bit. Until May, when I was doing jui-jitsu and because of the groin injury I ripped the hip flexor off the hip bone. (yes that hurt A LOT!) It is about 90% recovered now I would say. DO NOT rush back into it!
  • stingrayinfl
    stingrayinfl Posts: 284 Member
    See a physio. Most groin injuries are related to the hip. I had a similatr injury 2 weeks before my first half (very painful, could barely walk). Saw a phsio twice and was able to complete the half. I learned some good strecthes that I still use. I still have problems with it from time to time, but as of now, It has not put me out to pasture.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I've been suffering from groin strains. For me, the cause is always a jerky, sudden movement. I've done my research and depending on how bad you may have teared that tendon/ligament, is the deciding factor in how quickly you'll recover. I figured mine wasn't that serious because yesterday I was pretty limber and did some plyos no problem. I was doing weighted bounce-bounce squats (jump up and down twice and on the 3rd landing you jump down as in a plie squat and jump up; repeat). I was estatic to be able to do these without feeling that annoying pull in my groin.

    I recommend a lot of stretching of the groin. I like to sit Indian style with my feet facing each other and i lean forward at the hip. I think you've seen this stretch. Then just stretch the legs in general. Then I continue to do all leg exercises at a less strenuous degree to continue to strengthen the leg. You'll recover! You'll be back in that kickboxing soon enough!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    If it is a muscular strain then light stretching is good.

    If it is a tendon/ligament issue then stretching is BAD!

    That is why it is definitely best to see a physio before you do anything really.