I feel like my family are sabotaging me!!



  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Ok I took a look at your diary,if that is really how your eating then no wonder you cant stand to see your family eat. you are starving.
    Listen I dont know you or your story but this is not the way to lose weight. The only one who is going to sabotage you is you.

    I agree with this wholeheartedly. You are not eating enough food. It's not your family's fault you feel hungry when they are eating. Your body is trying to tell you it needs more.

    I third this. You need to eat more.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Ok I took a look at your diary,if that is really how your eating then no wonder you cant stand to see your family eat. you are starving.
    Listen I dont know you or your story but this is not the way to lose weight. The only one who is going to sabotage you is you.

    I agree with this wholeheartedly. You are not eating enough food. It's not your family's fault you feel hungry when they are eating. Your body is trying to tell you it needs more.

    ^^ This too! Eat some real food, and meet your calorie goals. You can add fruits and veggies to bulk up your diet and that alone would help you to feel like you aren't starving so much.
  • Ok I took a look at your diary,if that is really how your eating then no wonder you cant stand to see your family eat. you are starving.
    Listen I dont know you or your story but this is not the way to lose weight. The only one who is going to sabotage you is you.

    Wow, I looked back a few more days... Fear is so right, if you are logging everything you eat and are only eating 800 calories a day you are putting your health at risk!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Focus, Focus, Focus!
    The decision to change has to be yours and the effort has to be yours!
    What goes on around you are nothing but minor distractions.
    Set your goals, make a plan and follow through. In the end the results & benefits will be yours.
    It is always harder to be the person who does something different. But in the end is not the unique individuals whom we respect the most? Those people with the drive to accomplish their goals regardless of any obstacles?

    Good Luck and keep up the good work.
  • Thanks to all of you! It's nice to finally find some support out there! My spouse likes to say he's supportive, but when I try to loose he eats a bunch of crap in front of me and asks me if I want any of it. When I complain about it, he says "I love you just the way you are! Isn't that enough?" Arrrggh! Work isn't much help either. We have what's called a "snack shack," but I like to call it the "fat shack."
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I'm going through this now. my grandparents (who live with me) are both overweight. They eat junk ALL the time. When i go looking for a healthy snack at night im staring at so much unhealthy choices. my weight loss journey has been a roller coaster because of it. and than the cooking! ... my gma is from newfoundland and man can she cook! ... its so hard not to eat 3 plates of her cooking! .. but the worst for me was my recent hospital trip. i was admitted on thursday after having surgery which required that i fast before hand. she showed up on friday with CANDY those little 5 cent ones that i CANT resist. and a container of pringles. at this point i was still on a strick liquid diet and couldnt even eat solids. im proud to say that those things came home with me on sunday when i was released still intack never touched. i had 1 serving of pringles (150 calories) and still havent touched the candy! its hard but if i can do it YOU can do it! ..... my husband also eats alot of crap in front of me so i finally learned to ask him to leave the room till hes done! .... at first he didnt like it but i told him i need his support. being the sweetheart he is he told me that im perfect the way i am and i dont have to change but i told him im not doing it for you im doing this for ME!

    I wouldn't like to be told to leave just for wanting a snack! That is the most selfish thing I've ever heard. If you don't have the self control to be around someone eating, it's your problem and you need to leave.
  • FIRSTLY: Im not hungry all the time.

    SECONDLY: Didnt ask for your opinion on my diary? (I am constantly working, and the 5 minutes I DO get a chance to eat has NOTHING to do with you)


  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    FIRSTLY: Im not hungry all the time.

    SECONDLY: Didnt ask for your opinion on my diary? (I am constantly working, and the 5 minutes I DO get a chance to eat has NOTHING to do with you)



    Noboby attacked you,us giving our opinions on the fact that you eat 800 calories a day is not attacking.Yes it is your body your choice. But we still have a right to give our opinions.When you post on a public forum you are opening yourself up for all opinions even the ones you dont like.
    You might also want to look up the word attack to learn its true definition because nowhere in this thread were you attacked
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    FIRSTLY: Im not hungry all the time.

    SECONDLY: Didnt ask for your opinion on my diary? (I am constantly working, and the 5 minutes I DO get a chance to eat has NOTHING to do with you)



    I don't see where you are being attacked. All I see is people concerned for your health. It's ok that you're busy, but that just means your body needs even more fuel to function. We don't want to see you doing permanent damage to your body.

    Your original post said you felt your family was sabotaging you. There is a big difference between feeling disconnected from others and them making a conscious effort to hurt you with their actions. You said your family is supportive, why not ask them to share in a healthy meal with you. There are some great ways to make healthy dinners for the whole family.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Maybe they feel like you are disrespecting them too! Can't you find some way to compromise in your house? There are some very delicious meals you can make for your family that they won't even think about being 'diet' meals. If you were in my family, I would say it is disrepectful for you not to eat with the rest of us. If this is going to be a lifestyle change, then you will probably need to find some different tactics to deal with what people around you are eating.

    If the family TRULY is supportive, they will not have one word to say nor ill feeling if she has to do this.

    Its NOT disrespectful in any way shape or form! If the foods the family makes are not something you can trust yourself with, nor can have, making a meal that you CAN enjoy means you are holding yourself responsible AND still sitting at the table with your family enjoying a meal together.

    The OP made it very clear that she acknowledges the family making meals that are counter to her weight-loss efforts, and SHE is taking responsibility for herself to prepare a meal that she CAN have and still sit at the table with them together.

    My rule when inviting people over for dinner is that I want them to feel free to bring a dish with them if they would like to. I have way too many dietary restrictions ordered by the physicians and specialists I see and need to prepare accordingly. My husband supports me 100% and actually enjoys the meals I make (I work as a Chef for a living, he is SPOILED! )

    I tell my guests what I am preparing as a way to help them to determine what they may plan on bringing along.

    No... its NOT disrespectful...
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i cant understand why anyone would expect their family to not eat in front of them???
  • I dont expect them to not eat in front of me, Im saying i feel disconnected because we cant sit down and share a meal together, because they are eating at completely differently to me ie. time and type of meals.

    They are supportive of me trying to lose weight, however, they are all overweight, but chose to do nothing about it...

    So I took responsibility for myself, and now I feel alone..
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    FIRSTLY: Im not hungry all the time.

    SECONDLY: Didnt ask for your opinion on my diary? (I am constantly working, and the 5 minutes I DO get a chance to eat has NOTHING to do with you)



    Kelly... (WOW, youre young enough to be my daughter! LOL)
    I work as a Chef for a living - often working 50-60 hours per week between my full time job and my side job as a Baker. There are days I cant grab a meal break because the demands of the business at hand. Im around food ALL of the time and customers who order some of the most unhealthiest of foods that would make my mother's cooking look like it was diet food (Coming from a french canadian family where everything is butter, pork spread, cheese curds and meat pies)....

    As crazy as it gets, Im lucky if I can get in 900 calories per day for three days - these are generally the shifts I close. My physicians know it, my Endo-specialists know ALL about it. And when I send my food logs in, they know I am still making healthy choices, drinking plenty of water... and ohh... THE EXERCISE! WOW! Lots of heavy lifting, speed walking back and forth, events where Im going from floor to floor... TRUST ME, it gets crazy... and the physicians who oversee my care know everything about what goes on and what goes in and never has a problem with it.....

    Personally, I wont critique anyone's diary because I dont know what factors caused them not to eat a meal, or whatnot.. Tonight I work until 1am. When I get home, its shower, go to bed, and wake up around 12:00pm... yeah, Im not going to be eating breakfast... but if people saw that I had no entry for breakfast, people would automatically assume I was starving myself... but at least, personally, I know why I didnt eat breakfast and no one but my doctor and myself need to know...

    Chin up young lady!
  • ..
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I dont expect them to not eat in front of me, Im saying i feel disconnected because we cant sit down and share a meal together, because they are eating at completely differently to me ie. time and type of meals.

    They are supportive of me trying to lose weight, however, they are all overweight, but chose to do nothing about it...

    So I took responsibility for myself, and now I feel alone..

    You will feel alone only if you allow yourself to feel it. If your family wishes to continue eating poorly, unfortunately that is their choice and only they can make the changes necessary on their own. They have to be ready to make the changes happen.

    Honestly, I dont ever want what my family makes... OR my in-laws (ended up with food poisoning EVERY DAMN TIME! LOL), my husband still has the regular foods while I have a modified dinner for myself. And where I play with food for a living, its easy for me... Yup, hubby still offers me some of the foods he has that I know I cant have, but I simply say 'no thank you but I cant have that' - and he goes on his merry way.

    You can empower yourself and focus on you. No one can take that away from you except you. At least your family is supportive, thats the tackling fuel you need....
  • FIRSTLY: Im not hungry all the time.

    SECONDLY: Didnt ask for your opinion on my diary? (I am constantly working, and the 5 minutes I DO get a chance to eat has NOTHING to do with you)



    Kelly... (WOW, youre young enough to be my daughter! LOL)
    I work as a Chef for a living - often working 50-60 hours per week between my full time job and my side job as a Baker. There are days I cant grab a meal break because the demands of the business at hand. Im around food ALL of the time and customers who order some of the most unhealthiest of foods that would make my mother's cooking look like it was diet food (Coming from a french canadian family where everything is butter, pork spread, cheese curds and meat pies)....

    As crazy as it gets, Im lucky if I can get in 900 calories per day for three days - these are generally the shifts I close. My physicians know it, my Endo-specialists know ALL about it. And when I send my food logs in, they know I am still making healthy choices, drinking plenty of water... and ohh... THE EXERCISE! WOW! Lots of heavy lifting, speed walking back and forth, events where Im going from floor to floor... TRUST ME, it gets crazy... and the physicians who oversee my care know everything about what goes on and what goes in and never has a problem with it.....

    Personally, I wont critique anyone's diary because I dont know what factors caused them not to eat a meal, or whatnot.. Tonight I work until 1am. When I get home, its shower, go to bed, and wake up around 12:00pm... yeah, Im not going to be eating breakfast... but if people saw that I had no entry for breakfast, people would automatically assume I was starving myself... but at least, personally, I know why I didnt eat breakfast and no one but my doctor and myself need to know...

    Chin up young lady!

    Thank you! FInally someone who understands! I work 3 jobs and am constantly running between workplace, and when Im not at work im usually ASLEEP!

    I joined MFP because I wanted to stop eating junk food in my small amounts of break time, and start eating healthier, AND i would also like to lose some weight.

    Thank you for being understanding :)
  • lalasmar
    lalasmar Posts: 18 Member
    I had similar issues when I first tried to change to a more healthy diet. I have a husband and 5 children (mostly teenager boys really) who definetely love to eat. I started out making alot of my own dinners and snacks because I assumed that they wouldnt eat the healthy stuff. Now, almost a year later - we ALL are eating better. Sure, they eat a larger protion than I do. But I only make one dinner - and everybody loves it. They didnt mind the switch to whole grain pasta and brown rice. We also eat alot more veggies now than we used to. They love everything. I bake healthy breads and muffins for snacks almost daily.

    My change in eating has really impacted the whole family in a positive way. I think that you should give your family a chance to get used to a healthier way of eating. Slowly make some changes and let them in on what you are eating. You may be surprised that they like it - and it will only benefit them in the end.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I had similar issues when I first tried to change to a more healthy diet. I have a husband and 5 children (mostly teenager boys really) who definetely love to eat. I started out making alot of my own dinners and snacks because I assumed that they wouldnt eat the healthy stuff. Now, almost a year later - we ALL are eating better. Sure, they eat a larger protion than I do. But I only make one dinner - and everybody loves it. They didnt mind the switch to whole grain pasta and brown rice. We also eat alot more veggies now than we used to. They love everything. I bake healthy breads and muffins for snacks almost daily.

    My change in eating has really impacted the whole family in a positive way. I think that you should give your family a chance to get used to a healthier way of eating. Slowly make some changes and let them in on what you are eating. You may be surprised that they like it - and it will only benefit them in the end.

    I really believe that the OP's family being supportive is half the battle. If they truly have no problem or issue with her making her own meals to suit her WL efforts, thats great. It may in fact rub off on them and they may discover things taste good or better!

    Must be nice to eat brown rice and whole grain pasta... I cant eat any of it in their families of food - cant digest it and end up in the hospital... ***sigh
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    I dont expect them to not eat in front of me, Im saying i feel disconnected because we cant sit down and share a meal together, because they are eating at completely differently to me ie. time and type of meals.

    They are supportive of me trying to lose weight, however, they are all overweight, but chose to do nothing about it...

    So I took responsibility for myself, and now I feel alone..

    It can be lonely. When i was trying to cut calories, id still eat with my partner, but i wouldnt always eat the same thing, or if i did, it would be a smaller portion.

    In all honesty though, i think that the best "diets" are actually lifestyle changes that you can maintain long term, so cutting yourself off and eating completely seperatly isnt something youre going to want to do forever. Id suggest eating together but using portion control x
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