Working full time mom needs some support

Hey all, been on the site for a couple of weeks and am enjoying it. I think I need some more support from the community to help stay motivated. I'm finding myself slipping back into my old "I don't have time to exercise today" routine. Any tips for keeping motivated, like I was two weeks ago when I was fully committed and all fired up? Besides looking in the mirror, of course! Thanks so much, everyone!


  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    The challenge or accountability groups can help... peer pressure is a bit** ;) Do you have any of the home workout programs, usually some challenge going on for the more popular ones...I am starting a p90x challenge on the 15th..

    If you want to add me ill just nudge ya along as well... >:-)
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I see those beautiful children in the picture with you and I think you should look at them for inspiration!! Add me if you like!!
  • Sanvita58
    Sanvita58 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi I work full time and have 5 yr old daughter...i go for my 5 kms walk in the morning before she wakes up and once i am back from work and make my daughter have her my 30 need to be really motivated to be able to do sure u can squeeze in some time after you put kids to bed and before they wake up....all the best...
  • lizzyc357
    lizzyc357 Posts: 22 Member
    Totally got your back! I wish you nothing but luck!!
  • stresco
    stresco Posts: 354 Member
    Im not a mom, but I am a Dad. Got 2 boys and travel constantly for work so I know what its like trying to balance your time. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Hi there! I am a mom and also work full-time. I usually end up working out before they wake up around 5:30am or after they are asleep around 10:30pm. It's difficult but it can be done you just need to put YOU first. With dedication and consistency I know you can do it. Feel free to add me. We can do this together! :bigsmile:
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    I'm a mom of 2, work full time...I go to the gym at least 5x a week...I try to just remind myself why I'm doing this. I want to be around to watch my kids grow up, and have kids of their own. I don't want a bunch of health problems in 10 years and that keeps me motivated. Of course, MFP and the great people on here help a LOT also! Add me if you like, I always try to motivate and support my friends and appreciate the same. As for time, I will wake up an hr early to go work out, or after the kids have gone to bed, I will run off to the gym for as long as I can. It's not easy to always find the time, but you can do it!!
  • polar135
    polar135 Posts: 319 Member
    It's hard to find time but it's a must. Try working out at lunch, or waking up an hour early, or work out after the kids are asleep. I am not a single dad, but that is how i find time to get my workouts in. (i have to keep the balance of hanging with my wife and kids and not working to much.)

    You can also involved you kids in the work out. Take a family walk. Race them in the yard, have them try to catch you, play the wii Fit. (They will love this kind of stuff and it serves a double purpose.)

    Would be happy to support ya if you want to add me.
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello! I am also a working mom and have just figured out a schedule in the last few weeks. Our son is only 5 months old and the first 3 months I was home with him on maternity leave so going to the gym once his dad got home was fine. But once I started back at work there was no way I was going to go to the gym after work when I hadn't seen my baby all day. So we started doing the baby bed time routine and once he was asleep I'd go to the gym (or I'd try to go to the gym). But after working all day and then coming home dealing with the home stuff (cleaning, cooking, playing with the baby) I was exhausted and the last thing I wanted to do was go to the gym. So I bought the 30DS and that has definitely helped. I don't have to leave and it doesn't take nearly as much time as I was spending at the gym (probably more effective too as I'm completely uncomfortable at the gym). And I totally agree with Polar, get the kids to play the wii fit with you, my 5 year old nephew loves the Wii, I'm sure you're kids would be all over this!

    You have to remember why you want to get healthy.....for me, it's my son. I want to be around to see him grow up. And that motivates me to get my butt moving! Good luck mama!!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    I have a three year old, I work full time, and I am going to school one night a week. It is hard, but you have to make yourself a priority. Your kids need you to be the example.

    I am currently going to a gym that offers childcare for 2.50 per hour. I don't feel guilty dropping him off there - he gets to play and I get to have some time to get my head clear and my body healthy. Before I joined the gym, I used DVD's at home. 30 Day Shred is a great workout, and it takes less than 30 minutes. My son even does the DVD's with me!

    Our kids look to us to show them how to live, and there is nothing more important than teaching them how to be healthy, especially if we want to save them from having to battle their weight like we are all doing now.

    Good luck - you CAN do it!
  • 2kidzlater
    2kidzlater Posts: 134 Member
    Putting yourself first takes alot of time. It's hard to do, but once you do you and your family will be greatful! Starting a 100 Day Logging In Challenge this monday which happens to end on Valentines day. If your interested...friend me.
  • pamotey
    thanks everyone!! since i've posted this, i dragged out my treadmill and started walking for at least 45 minutes each morning before everyone wakes up. also, i've started walking to work when i can, which is about a 45 minute walk. i really appreciate all the support - you all are the best!!!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    please add me if you wish. definitely adding the kids while you exercise it great also, we go to the park to toss the ball or play basketball out front. they like to sword fight also and sometimes i get into it! so fun! we have the wii fit and the xbox kinect and we play dance revolution and some of the other games on those. boxing is one of my favs cuz i usually win! lol
  • brandeejean
    brandeejean Posts: 25 Member
    Great job! I'm just getting back into the swing of things and making myself find time. I started C25K last night on my treadmill with my kids right next to me doing their own thing. (They are 8 and 10 though.) I couldn't get up any earlier than I do and the boys are actually pretty impressed that mom was running :)
  • Jessieamoore
    I am just starting up a routine. I am also a full time working Mom. I am out of the house from 7:30am till 5:30pm. It's tough to fit everything into one day. As soon as I get home, it's time to cook dinner, give baths and get ready for bed. At the end of it all, I just want to sit down. When you are ready to sit down, get your hiney up and do a quick 30 minute work out.
  • coachLisaF
    coachLisaF Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Anna!
    I am a health and fitness coach, and would love to offer you some support!
    I just started this a couple of days ago too! I am enjoying it...Sounds like you have alot of fun with the kiddos! Mine are pretty much grown, with the exception of my 17 year old who is still home, and we actually played the wii the other day! We golfed and bowled! LOL
    What are you doing for exercise? I enjoy tennis and some running..I also enjoy Chalean Extreme, its a great program! I have lost 30 pounds since April, and still have about 10 or 15 to go..? :)
    Looking forward to talking to you!
  • Kahiapo
    Kahiapo Posts: 29 Member
    I'm a working Mom too. I found it very hard to fit in exercise at first so I started taking 20 minutes of my lunch break and walking around the outside of the building (small building) only 2 days a week. In 3 weeks I had lost 10 punds and it jump started the motivation to make it to the gym. I find that if I change my clothes at work before I leave I have no excuse to miss the gym, even if I'm only there for 20 minutes its something. Down 35 pounds so far and if my lazy butt can find the time and motivation I have no doubt you will too. Good luck and feel free to add me for motivation as I could use it too! :)
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I look at my workout time as mommy's time,. there are days were I just cant make it to the gym because I can't work out late because then I am too wired. Plus I use my daughter as my motivation. I want to be able to keep up with her!
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    I relate to how you feel. I am a working mom as well. I have a 9mth old son. When I started back to work I thought I found the perfect balance with everything. I would wake up at 4:30am work out & have to be out of the house by 6:30am. Started off great. I don't get home until about 6:30ish. So it made for very long days but, soon I started slacking on the morning workouts.

    After skipping almost 2 weeks and putting 5lbs back on. I have decieded that working out in the evening after my son goes to bed fits my schedule better. I have always been a morning exerciser but, my life is different now.

    So once I put my son to be I prep dinner. Workout. Eat dinner. Pack lunches and our bags for the next day & still have a few minutes to sit down & relax with a book before I fall asleep.

    Sometimes you just have to think outside of the box to find what will work best with your schedule.