Anyone else go to the grocery store every other day?

I totally do... it helps that it's so close. I NEVER buy in bulk, because I find everything goes bad fast. And sometimes I just get inspired! Sometimes I wonder if the cashiers think I'm insane for coming in so much, haha.


  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    HAHA! I wonder that about my publix cashier. I always seem to get him when I shop for lunch. :)
    I like to to go for certain things every day or two. I get sick of foods easily, I buy a few things here and there. I can only buy like 2 bananas at a time LOL
    The good stuff goes bad quicker :smile:
  • maddyg1989
    maddyg1989 Posts: 108 Member
    I guarantee that the cashier's don't remember you unless you do something crazy and then they'll remember you!!! haha. Anyways, I go very often. Just because of the perishables like yogurt, milk, etc. Also, I like to get fresh fruit and not the fruit that's been sitting in my fridge for days. I'm kinda crazy like that. ;D
  • stoofers
    Yes!! I'm there constantly. I don't mind, I really hate food that will go bad, and I'm paranoid about expiry dates and stuff. Glad to know someone else out there is a frequent grocery shopper.
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member
    i do! i love fresh foods, so i buy normally what i need for 2 days or so
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Yep, for fresh F&V it's essential
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I'm a frequent grocery shopper, but I also coupon and stockpile non-perishables/frozen items. The cashiers know me and my sons due to our frequency and the fact that we live in a small town :)
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I go usually at least once a day - if not more.
    It's just me usually and I never know what I want for dinner.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    i used to, until I learned how to shop efficiently. Now I can go once-twice a week.
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    I average about twice a week. When I was eating +75% raw foods, I was going every two to three days.
  • Aegelis
    Aegelis Posts: 237 Member
    In the U.S. we only go once every week or two weeks as needed. When staying in the U.K. it's common practice to go every other day due to food expiration dates. If you're a healthy eater who insists on fresh fruits and vegetables rather than waiting for them to ripen or being out of season, I can certainly understand why you'd go every other day in the U.S. as well.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I started doing this. I probably go 3 to 4 times a week easily. Like you said, when you buy in bulk it seems like everything goes bad!
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    We purchase food every other day. Unfortunately we don't have the discipline to keep food in the house. I hear it callig me from the kitchen, LOL My son often brings crackers in our house for his daughter and I find it very hard to resist them. So yes, we definitely shop every other day. Another thing... I hardly do any of the shopping. I would buy more than needed. Temptation would over power me. Thank God my husband has greater strength and doesn't mind going. I stay clear away from the supermarket.
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    i do our main shopping every 2 weeks but i go to the farmers market at least 3 times a week
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Not every other day all the time, but at least 2 times a week. It's hard when you are eating fresh foods to buy enough for a whole week that won't spoil! Plus it gives you options to change it up and not be stuck with the same 'ol same ol!
  • kubicak
    Depending on what you're buying, I don't get the whole 'it goes bad too fast'. Yes, if you buy a dozen bananas and it's just you eating, then you'll definitely get some brown spots, some fruit flies, etc. I get that part of it. But if you also buy some slightly heartier fruits, like apples, oranges, pears, grapes, just a couple bananas, and anything else that fits your palate (and yes, I know some people consider some of those fruits bad because of the sugar levels, blahblahblah), but you don't have to eat a thousand bananas in a month. Mix it up a little and make it so that you're not at the shop 4 times a week. The same goes for vegetables: carrots, celery, onions, bell peppers, potatoes (for those of you that still eat them), lettuce, garlic, etc -- these things last a long time and aren't considered 'not fresh' if they sit in your fridge for a couple days. They get pulled out of the ground. They get washed. They sit in a crate for some time, they sit in a vehicle for some time, then sit in the produce section for how long before it reaches your home. If it's not rotting, it's not bad. An orange sitting on your counter for 3 days is not going to change nutritionally. Not everyone lives in the same situations either and I realize that -- bread sitting on the counter goes bad quicker if it's warmer in the kitchen versus a fairly cool kitchen. But bread in the fridge lasts even longer in both situations!

    That all being said, you buy smart. I still think going to the market more than once a week is pretty outrageous, however, I am guilty of that most weeks because I'm feeding two people with what I buy and often times, feeding three as my partner has the appetite of two; and that's if we don't have company! It's hard to keep things on the counter and in the fridge, and when I do buy more, we just go through it even faster since it's available. We stock pile canned items because buying in bulk that way is way more cost efficient than what the local grocery store (e.g. Albertsons or Safeway, versus Costco's bulk) can offer us. Not a lot of people are made of money and can just continually throw dollars at an empty hole of rotting, moldy food, but a little planning ahead of time can prepare you to only visit a store once a week, and as some others have said, up to once every two weeks. I'd kill if I didn't have to shop but twice a month at Albertsons/Walmart/other local store and am glad we go about every 3 months to Costco.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    The wife and I usually set a menu for the week based on what we have in the freezer or what is on sale. We do the main trip on Saturday or Sunday. I usually pop in during the week to see if I can find any specials or if I need an unforeseen ingredient. I'll also change my mind about a meal and may have to grab something else.
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I think you're missing the point of my post. I'm not upset about going every other day - I LIKE it. I buy just for me, so I spend roughly $10 every time I go. I walk, so I'm not using gas. I "mix it up a little" by going to the store often and buying what tickles my fancy at the given time. Actually, I've saved a ton of money this way (I have spreadsheets galore and budget like a madwoman) by never eating out, and instead constantly going to the market to create new concoctions. I think calling this "outrageous" is a bit harsh.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I think you're missing the point of my post. I'm not upset about going every other day - I LIKE it. I buy just for me, so I spend roughly $10 every time I go. I walk, so I'm not using gas. I "mix it up a little" by going to the store often and buying what tickles my fancy at the given time. Actually, I've saved a ton of money this way (I have spreadsheets galore and budget like a madwoman) by never eating out, and instead constantly going to the market to create new concoctions. I think calling this "outrageous" is a bit harsh.

    I get what you're saying, but I would go crazy. I already try to do too much every day, and sometimes going to the store once a week feels like a huge dent in my time. I prefer to do what some of the other posters do and buy smart less often than going to get things daily just because. I'm a creature of habit and I rarely crave changes that can't be planned ahead for, anyways.

    All the power to you, tho :)
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I think calling this "outrageous" is a bit harsh.

    ^^ agree.
  • missruiz11
    I think you're missing the point of my post. I'm not upset about going every other day - I LIKE it. I buy just for me, so I spend roughly $10 every time I go. I walk, so I'm not using gas. I "mix it up a little" by going to the store often and buying what tickles my fancy at the given time. Actually, I've saved a ton of money this way (I have spreadsheets galore and budget like a madwoman) by never eating out, and instead constantly going to the market to create new concoctions. I think calling this "outrageous" is a bit harsh.

    I go to the store often too!! I like it. I always have a taste for something different and always come across new healthy recipes. Sometimes I may be missing one or two things. Its also a way to discover new items and keep your tastebuds excited, I think!!