Christmas: What's your strategy?



  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Honestly, Im just not going to stress about any of the holidays. If I pre-plan my meals now, it will be no different than pre-planning the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners ahead of time... Its just another day!

    Ive had Thanksgiving's meal planned for a month... and Im working on Christmas' dinner really soon. And where its just my husband and I, that is TOOOOOO easy! LOL!
  • kcarpen3
    What about just using smaller plates? They say that it is helpful to use 8-inch plates instead of 12-inch plates (or whatever size you normally use, just use smaller ones), less room for food, it's supposed to "trick" you into eating less. The few times I have tried this it seems to be fairly successful.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    For me, I am working on xmas day until 4pm. I plan to take that day and boxing day off from logging then back to it after. I will be working everyday bar one (28) from the 25th to the 1st Jan so I won't have time to overindulge anyway.

    I really don't care for Christmas food and I usually end up losing weight over Christmas as I don't really drink or eat much chocolate or most other holiday foods. It is the savoury snacks that get me but I am sure it won't hinder me. As was said earlier, this is not a diet but a lifestyle choice so I will be doing what I do every year, just with more fitness.
  • grtrtle
    For the Thanksgiving dinner, I'm going to try the one plate strategy (I'm usually a 2-3 plates kind of feaster), plus one slice of pie without whip cream and ice cream. I have no definitive plans for Christmas yet. I guess I better come up with one before the weekend comes upon us :tongue: .
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    My plan is to estimate calories, take smaller portions of the higher calorie items and log log log. I also read in a different thread that a good way to decide what to eat is to pass up the items that you can eat anytime (ie mashed potatoes, rolls, etc) and have small portions of those special holiday items (grandma's pie, special stuffing, etc). That made a lot of sense....why load up calories for something that isn't special....go for the special stuff.

    Our Thanksgiving is out of town so I will do my best with the meal and then I have to figure out how to stay on track with my eating the rest of the weekend!!! My nephew is having a little get together the night before we leave so I have to deal with adult beverage calories!!!

    The only days I plan to not "count" are the night of my husband's Christmas party (am hoping it will be in a hotel with a gym) and the morning after. His company actually flies us from Chicago to Washington DC where the main branch is, puts us up in a hotel and gives a phenomenal party and then a brunch the next day. Not even going to attempt it but considering soups and eating a lot lighter the week after!!!!

    I'll be creating our Christmas meal so I can do what I want with that!!!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Luckily.. (for the purposes of my diet)... I don't get to eat out much and get food delivered to house so not tempted by whats on offer in supermarket.. I just add my 'healthy shop' to basket and its at my door a few days later!

    I'm hoping to go xmas shopping and lunch out next week and its mainly junk food available in the cafe area upstairs (McDonalds/KFC/Fish &chips etc) but as I say I haven't had anything like that for about a year and I'll burn loads of calories self propelling myself up and down shopping centre for around 4 hours .. so gonna treat myself!

    Xmas day will be my biggest challenge I only have to get from car to my brothers sofa and be served with brandy and coke, chocolates, xmas dinner and brandy trifle... lol! .. Luckily I'm getting some new fitness games for xmas (they've already got my list.. lol!) so I'll be able to work it all back off from boxing day!! :laugh:
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    My strategy will be as follows:

    Thanksgiving, Christmas (and eve): Absolutely destroy everything in my path in such a way that FuriousPete would applaud.

    Then resume my diet like nothing ever happened.

    Best. Plan. Ever.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I am on holiday from 22nd December to the 3rd of January. On the 22nd morning, I will switch my allowance to maintenance and I will try to burn with exercice a minimum of 200 cal /day, giving me more calories to eat and yet maintain.

    Well that's the plan, the reality... we'll see

    This sounds like a good plan to me - I'm going to make sure my week off isn't entirely spent in front of the fire with the dog, a good book and a wee dram and include some exercise every day - snowball fight, anyone?! - and make conscious decisions about what I eat and drink on the less-special days of the holidays, but Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Hogmanay, all bets are off. The few days of the year that I get to spend with my family, I will be focusing on more important things than the calorie content of what I'm eating. I will be logging, but my aim is to get to the other side of the holidays without gaining weight, and three days, or really, three or four meals, of indulgence isn't going to be a massive issue as long as I balance things out in the long run. I refuse to spend that time beating myself up for going over my theoretical allowance!

    As for the parties and functions in the run-up to Christmas, of which I have rather a lot to attend, a few indulgences balanced out by a bit more exercise, lighter lunches and predominantly healthy choices should keep me losing weight.

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  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Christmas day and boxing day, when I'm at the families homes, I'm going to allow myself to have some treats. But portions, as I think other people said, will be really key on those days.

    My fiance already knows that if he buys me sweets for Christmas, they should be "thins" bars and dark chocolate. xD