Bikini-ready bod group for the non-overweight

Hello, I thought it would be a good idea to start a 10 pound group for persons who are not technically overweight, as not to insult (or come off as insensitive) to those people who are struggling with more serious weight problems. Basically, it is for those of us who have a little extra baggage and would prefer a bikini-ready bod...even though it is November! I'm going to attempt this in 2 months at 1,200 calories a day. I will post the results. Who is with me?:happy:

We should all start by naming:
1). Our goal
2). What we pledge to do differently in order to achieve it

I pledge to cut out alcohol (bye-bye wine! *sniffle*), reduce my calorie intake, and keep up the food diary.


  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Sure. My goal is 15 pound though. I am 5' 5.5" and currently 140 # and my goal is 125 lbs.
  • Im with you!
  • My goal is between 10-15lbs. I'm 5'9, 170 and looking to get over this hump and break the 165 mark.
  • trenley
    trenley Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in! I'm 5'8" and 148.
  • LisaWeir74
    LisaWeir74 Posts: 88 Member
    I would love to join!! I have been trying to lose 10 lbs for about 3 months. It isn't happening too fast either!!
  • Hoorah! We should all start by naming:

    1). Our goal
    2). What we pledge to do differently in order to achieve it

    My goal is 10 lbs by January 15. I pledge to cut out alcohol (bye-bye wine! *sniffle*), reduce my calorie intake, and keep up the food diary.
  • Count me in! I'm trying to lose 10lbs. and having a difficult time staying under 1200 calories. =/
  • No kidding! I have the same problem as you...2 glasses of wine a night and I can't fit into my jeans! Yipes! I'm cutting it out completely until I can learn self-control! I am hoping it will be easier to maintain the 1,200 calories without all that wine. Alcohol makes you crave greasy food, on top of the calories themselves.

    Here's to us lady!
  • Hey! I'm new to fitness pal as of today and this is perfect for me! I have been consistently running and working out for about a month and a half and the only change I've seen is reducing cellulite on my legs.. No weight change really. I'm currently 132 pounds and 5'1, an ex gymnast and dancer with lots if muscle, and id like to get down to 120. My body idol is Carrie underwood... She lost about ten pounds and it made a huge difference!!! I'm graduating from college in a month and I am nervous about all of the holidays and food celebrations coming up!

    I'm on a 1200 cal diet and I will be tracking everything I eat because I feel like I eat healthy but maybe my portions are too big... It's frustrating sometimes to say I'm counting calories because I'm not fat... But I still have fat to lose! Biggest goal.... dont deprive myself of tasty things... Just eat smart and stay active!

    Also.. Pinterest fitness section is so motivating for me!!

    here we go :)
  • kwamsat
    kwamsat Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in! I would like to lose about 15 lbs. though : ) I am 5'8" and 154 right now...I would like to be in the 140s.

    My huge issue is cutting out my beer on Saturday game days...Go Huskers! We should start a group on here! Good luck everyone!
  • Yeah, I know its frustrating to count calories when you don't feel like you're overweight or overeating! I came to the same conclusion that it must be portion sizes, because otherwise I exercise and eat right. Here's to re-training ourselves to eat!
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Start a group...... called 'The Last 10 Pounds' or something like that.
  • Started the group! I invited you all but if there is a problem, it is called "bikini-ready bods"! :)
  • starsarai720
    starsarai720 Posts: 31 Member
    This is PERFECT For me! I'm going to join the group now, but in case I don't find it:

    Current weight: 140
    goal Weight: 130-135
  • soccerkon26
    soccerkon26 Posts: 596 Member
    Can you add me to it? :)
    134 trying to get to about 130 (maybe lower?) but definitely tone my body....going to Hawaii at the end of April!!
  • This sounds like the place for me. I gained nearly 15 lbs of new relationship weight and I want it gone. Please add me, I need motivation.
    Current: 133 lbs, goal: 120 lbs
    Height: 5'2"
  • skinnymodel_128
    skinnymodel_128 Posts: 5 Member
    This is great!! I am looking to lose 10-15lbs by April/May and I'm going to eat around 1200-1500calories a day and exercise on the days I can. I'm currently about 147lbs and would like to be 130-135. Feel free to friend me anyone :)
  • dinosaurparty
    dinosaurparty Posts: 185 Member
    This is just what I need :)

    I'm 5'6". Currently around 145lbs, probably (my scale died, RIP) - my goal weight is in the 130 - 125lbs range. So 15 to 20lbs to go.

    I'm going to try to keep my calories in the 1200 - 1400 range, depending on whether I work out that day. No more treats or sugary drinks at work :( That'll be the hardest part I think.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Why would you only be eating 1200 cals if you're trying to lose the last 10lbs?
  • little_hercules
    little_hercules Posts: 64 Member
    Goal is to do a double century in June
    Having to lose 15 pounds.
    Cycle more miles and cut calories