Please critique my food diary

I would like to know if I am doing ok. I started Oct 17 and lost 12 pounds the first 2 I am at a stand still. I KNOW I am not plateauing and I am not freaking out (so far) because I have been on a diet all my life and know this is normal. I just would like to know if what I am eating is on the righ track. Where can I do better?

For those looking at my snacks aren't all at once...I just add what I have in between meals in that one spot. I should break it up but never remember to do so.

At the moment I am not exercising....trying to get my eating under control. I am semi active at work and I do go home and clean before I cook my dinner and have a chance to sit down for a bit to relax. I have a treadmill...just need to drag it out of the storage room and into the TV room.


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Have you ever considered going 'clean'?
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    Have you ever considered going 'clean'?

  • khartley535
    khartley535 Posts: 151 Member
    It looks Ok to me, but I would do a couple of things differently.

    Make sure that you are drinking enough water, and log it too!

    You also may want to consider bringing your calories up from 1200. It sounds odd, but keeping your cals at the bare minimum *can* impede your weight loss.

    *can, not will*
  • Leola2011
    It doesn't look like you're eating enough calories, to me. You've got to give your body something to burn and I suspect you're not doing that adequately. Also, your sodium intake is rather high, which will cause you to retain a lot of water weight. I struggle with sodium also and it is an elusive animal.
  • DawnB86
    DawnB86 Posts: 99 Member
    One suggestion from my nutritionist: try to eat at least 20g of protein with your breakfast. It gets your metabolism going in the morning. Also, agreed that your sodium goal is a little high. Try bringing it down to 1500.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Ill send it to you in a private message... It might be best that way
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    More calories, less processed foods, and I wouldn't skip lunch. If you're at 1200, you really need to be eating every last calorie.
  • QueenStromba
    QueenStromba Posts: 57 Member
    You're eating a lot of processed food - I really wouldn't call that a healthy diet at all. If you're going to cut out one thing then make it the diet pepsi, that stuff really messes with your body. You'll feel a lot better if you start cooking everything yourself from natural ingredients. I'm guessing from your diary that you are a major yoyo dieter?
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    My observations. You're consuming an awful lot of sodium, that's not being tracked properly. No way that 30 Special K SEA SALT crackers have 0 mg of sodium -- it's got SALT in the danged name. Check the box against what's showing up in your log and make the appropriate corrections to the database (you can edit an incorrect item) or take a moment and look for the version that's entered correctly. You're not drinking enough water to flush that sodium out of your system properly. And finally, throw away the chips and crackers. You're eating 3-5 servings of day. Try a green vegetable instead. You're only averaging one serving of veggies per day... and no fruit. You should have 5-8 servings of fruits/veggies per day for healthy macrobiotics. You won't get vitamins A and C from Doritos... you'll get them from broccoli and an orange.... and you'll be fuller longer.
  • SFMegatron
    Make sure you track your sugars too; they are just as important as calories. Step up your lean protein and eat more natural ingredients. Plain non-fat greek yogurt with a bit of honey or fruit is a lot better than processed yogurts with artificial ingredients. Nix the diet soda (once again artificial ingredients) and go with sparkling water with a splash of 100% fruit juice (gets that fizz fix taken care of)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    thanks so much for handling my private message the way you did... my offer still stands if you need..
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    Thanks for all the great suggestions and replies.

    In my defense, I just want to say, I know there are quite a few processed items in my meals (baked chips, pretzels etc) but......I have been denied this foods for YEARS on Atkins and I have been enjoying them just a little bit. I don't want to rely on them and I do want to taper off them. It's finding foods to replace it with that I am having probs with. I can only eat so many baby carrots and raw cauliflower with my lunch.

    Thanks for being gentle with me. I know I asked for it and I haven't had to cringe yet! :)