Hydroxycut??? Ultra 90???



    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Okay so I took these things when I was in my early 20's lost 20 pounds and then went off them and gained it back and then some. These things made my heart race and made me jittery, to me it just isn't worth it and I perfer to do it the healthy way and without pills. :flowerforyou:
  • vicky62
    vicky62 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am new but I really wanted to tell u please please dont take any diet pills I am 47 years old and just got diagnosed with superventicular tachercadio I will be taking beta blockers the rest of my life When I was in my 20s I took every diet pill on the market and used to drink alcohol to go to sleep at night and get up and drink coffee with my diet pill to wake up and my heart would pound and pound but I didnt care I just wanted to be thin. I started grinding my teeth and caused damage to them also. Then ended up in the hospital with a kidney infection and the doctor there called my diet doctor and chewed him out I was a whole 103 pounds at 5ft 5 and now I am 202 so a lot of good those things did. I didnt mean to turn this into a lecture vicky
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    I tried to avoid this thread, but like a car wreck, I just cant look away.

    A Poster above refers to his previous thread
    Trimspa, Dexatrim, Zantrex 3,Lipo 6x, Hydroxycut -
    I took each of these supplements with the exception of the Lipo for roughly 2 years each.

    10 years on diet drugs. If they worked the end result should be a slim and healthy person, correct?

    But NO, he is on MFP to lose weight. Why is that?

    Because the ONLY way to lose weight, and keep it off, is through changing your daily eating and exercise to a healthy one.

    Period. There are no quick fixes or we would all take our pill each morning and be the perfect BMI.

    Please no offense meant to dreamer.........I just know people who are 45-50 now who are on drugs for the dmg they did to their bodies in their 20's. And I attribute my slower than mollasses metabolism to the diet drugs I used myself.

    Good luck to you! Please try a slow change of lifestyle to get the desired results. Then when you are 48 like me, you wont be looking back WISHING you had done things differently.
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    I agree also, I would try to do it the old fashioned way, I don't like diet pills
  • My opinion with diet pills, is no matter what you are taking, you have to change your lifestyle. Diet pills can somewhat help you do that ,as long as you already have the motivation to eat healthy and not stray to your old habits.

    I personally lost alot of weight on diet pills and I pretty much became a vegan. I kept the weight off til my second child was born and then It just sorta crept up on me. Im not takin anything now but Im in the process of doing the healthy eating again because in the long run that is what is better for us~
    The diet pills just help motivate me. I only took them for like 2 or 3 months but after that my selfesteem was boosted and I became obsessive about my diet.
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    One thing to remmeber, if it has been several years since you took Hydroxycut, you probably got the good stuff with ephedra! They worked great for me but the non-ephedra did nothing. Now phentermine is another awesome energy booster and appetite suppressor. It's prescription and your doctor monitors you monthly and you can only (usually) get a 3 month supply.
    Good luck.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    One thing to remmeber, if it has been several years since you took Hydroxycut, you probably got the good stuff with ephedra! They worked great for me but the non-ephedra did nothing. Now phentermine is another awesome energy booster and appetite suppressor. It's prescription and your doctor monitors you monthly and you can only (usually) get a 3 month supply.
    Good luck.

    the good stuff?
  • Ms_Lady
    Ms_Lady Posts: 31
    I would say "NO" to the Hydroxycut--any of them! I am 35 years old, and about 7 years ago I was on the Hydroxycut kick. Yes, I initially dropped about 25-30 pounds in a few months, but I had the jitters, lost sleep, and my body lost essential vitamins and nutrients because when you don't eat, you don't get the benefits of good foods. And, the pill blocked the absorption of certain minerals. When I got off the Hydroxycut I was about 220 pounds--I was over 247 pounds when I started taking them. Needless to say, I gained back every ounce of weight and then some. As a matter of fact, I gained even more than I lost, so I was heavier than when I started!

    I would recommend losing weight the natural way. You didn't take supplements to gain the weight, you probably ate and didn't exercise. It's simply a matter of reversing what you did to gain the weight---eat foods that are better for your body, and get some exercise. If you can spare 30-45 minutes per day to focus on your health, you'll feel better and look better in no time! AND, you'll sleep better, have the vitamins and minerals your body needs, and you'll love yourself more for all the hard work!

    Believe me...short term loss isn't worth it. Good luck to you, and God bless.......:heart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    One thing to remmeber, if it has been several years since you took Hydroxycut, you probably got the good stuff with ephedra! They worked great for me but the non-ephedra did nothing. Now phentermine is another awesome energy booster and appetite suppressor. It's prescription and your doctor monitors you monthly and you can only (usually) get a 3 month supply.
    Good luck.

    the good stuff?

    Yes Dave, the 'good stuff'. You know, the stuff that gave my friend a heart attack, and caused her neuro-muscular disorder? I will fill you in later. :indifferent:
  • Stacey82
    Stacey82 Posts: 69
    My husband started this thread and I just want to thank all of you for your input. We've been succesful with our efforts so far (eating right & exercise). But we were just wondering about methods of boosting our efforts. With some of this stuff it's just so hard to know b/c of advertising claims that say they provide essential vitamins while helping to lose weight.

    We're definitely going to just continue with watching what we eat and exercising. Besides, if it comes off slower there won't be the yuck extra skin issue to deal with!

    Thank you so much everyone!
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    oh no, day 3 and i'm already getting flamed...great
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    oh no, day 3 and i'm already getting flamed...great

    you are not getting flamed

    you are getting educated
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    good stuff may have been a poor word choice...i meant it in the way coffee drinkers talk about leaded vs. unleaded/ caffeine vs. non caffeine
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    "The good stuff" to me meant the stuff WITH all the dangerous stuff. I took it as "ironic," not truly meaning "good," becky, so don't get stressed about that person who mentioned what the "good stuff" did to his friend.

    I experienced none of the side effects mentioned, but also none of the benefits mentioned. Quite the opposite - I felt MORE hungry than before (of course, I now have stinking cold, so it could have been that instead) and no more energy than I had before.

    At present, along with good diet and massive exercise, I take a major multivitamin, green tea capsule, B-complex (for other reasons besides diet), glucosamine/chondroitin (again, other reasons) and fish oil capsules. For a bit I had to take Alieve or ibuprofen due to an ankle impingement but that's pretty much stopped now. I also use a fat-fighter shake from NErgize Cafe, before I work out, which has L-carnatine (sp?).

    I'm feeling quite rotten though, with this cold and fighting massively to keep it out of my chest. If it gets there, I can't do ANY exercise until it's better, owing to past lung issues.

    I think I'll stick with my original diet, though, and not try to cut any corners. It's not like there's much difference looking at the current ingredients in the Hydroxycut formula.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I didnt mean to be rude or 'flame' anyone.

    The truth is diet drugs DO cause problems and medical issues.

    So please do your research. But from the experiences I have lived through, I would beg you not to take any type of diet pill.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie

    (what is 'flamed'? an opposite opinion? I am sorry I dont get it.:ohwell: )
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I can't knock you for wanting to try it but you can do it naturally- I just tried the drink mix hydroxycut hardcore but not to use constantly and not for weight loss either it was a sample that came with my protein shake mix so I split it with my coworker- I wouldn't waste my money on it--

    If you want to lose weight its gonna have to be the old fashion way exercise- smart food choices- portion control and moderation-

    Because in the end you will be down 30.00 and yeah you may lose weight but your body gets used to those pills and then the weight comes back and brings some friends so save your money and go for a jog
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    Hi I am new but I really wanted to tell u please please dont take any diet pills I am 47 years old and just got diagnosed with superventicular tachercadio I will be taking beta blockers the rest of my life When I was in my 20s I took every diet pill on the market and used to drink alcohol to go to sleep at night and get up and drink coffee with my diet pill to wake up and my heart would pound and pound but I didnt care I just wanted to be thin. I started grinding my teeth and caused damage to them also. Then ended up in the hospital with a kidney infection and the doctor there called my diet doctor and chewed him out I was a whole 103 pounds at 5ft 5 and now I am 202 so a lot of good those things did. I didnt mean to turn this into a lecture vicky

    That is a very convincing ANTI-PILLS statement above. Whole foods in, and move it move it. You will be doing this the rest of your life.

    Maintentance is no easier than losing the weight.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I can't knock you for wanting to try it but you can do it naturally- I just tried the drink mix hydroxycut hardcore but not to use constantly and not for weight loss either it was a sample that came with my protein shake mix so I split it with my coworker- I wouldn't waste my money on it--

    If you want to lose weight its gonna have to be the old fashion way exercise- smart food choices- portion control and moderation-

    Because in the end you will be down 30.00 and yeah you may lose weight but your body gets used to those pills and then the weight comes back and brings some friends so save your money and go for a jog

    I am just so close that these last few pounds - you know how they hang on. But with a week of these things, no change (actually hungrier, which is odd), I may as well stick with what I've been doing.
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