Lunch Ideas?

I work at a university, and have made the commitment to myself to not eat at the cafeteria anymore. I've been bringing in frozen lunches (Lean Cuisines, etc.), but I'd like to get away from the high-sodium stuff, too. I love salad, but don't want to get into the rut of eating that every day, so I need ideas: What kinds of healthy, low-cal things to you make / pack for lunches?

Thank you! :happy:


  • bozwa78
    I'm usually a leftovers girl, bringing dinner leftovers. And when I don't bring that, I'll bring veggie wraps in Smart Delicious tortillas; salads, turkey or ham sandwich and fruit, low fat canned soups, etc. :)
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    meat and veggies
  • GibsonDarlin
    GibsonDarlin Posts: 202 Member
    Fish is good for you, I try to have it at least once a week (its not my favorite).
    Since winter is coming you can make wonderful soups, chili, etc....

    I like bozwa78 - leftovers!!!!
  • Jsnbabb1
    Jsnbabb1 Posts: 146 Member
    i know this isnt extreamly low sodium but i take about 6 oz of chicken breast grilled with a little olive oil ( or pan fried) and cut into chunks. put over 1 serving of brown rice and mix together with hot sauce. that is if you love hot stuff which i do. and the crystal hot sauce is lower in sodium and you add however much you want. I ushually stay at about 1800 mg of sodium per day.
    Another good lunch i eat is salsa chicken. I bake 6oz of chicken breast rubbed with a small amount of taco seasoning and topped with 2 TBSP (1 serving) salsa...however you like it. bake for about 20 minutes and top with 1 slice mild cheddar cheese. Eat with fat free sour cream and 1 serving of steamed sweet corn. add me :)
  • Allyson1985
    Chicken breast and veggies ... or my personal favorite is wild rice with broccoli and carrots.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I work at a University as well, and work as one of the chefs..

    Does the university contract out for their dining services? There shouldnt be any reason why they arent accomodating people with dietary needs... in fact, its actually required....
  • trailgetter
    Lately I've been making healthy crock pot items overnight. When I wake up they are ready/hot to go in my thermos for lunch.

    - Turkey chili with beans and TONS of veggies

    - Chicken breasts with green chili served with a low carb tortilla

    - Chuck Roast with red potatoes and carrots

    You can find lots of recipes on the clean eating blogs and website.

    Good luck!
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    do you have a fresh and easy by you?? they have great to go meals like lemon paprika salmon that you just heat up that is DELISH and low cal, or ill make a wrap with a low carb wheat tortilla, hummus and turkey. or ill make a stuffed bell pepper with ground turkey.
  • krstngrrtt
    krstngrrtt Posts: 69 Member
    I pack my lunch for work every day and it gets hard to not get burnt out...
    Here are few ideas for you...
    I make wraps a lot - I've found some tortillas that are high fiber and low carb and only 71 calories per wrap... They are soft and delicious. I typically pack them full of goodies like - lean meats, low fat cheese, lettuce, cucumber, raw peppers... Sometimes I'll fill them with chicken salad or tuna salad (made with low or no fat mayo or a fat free sour cream) ... Homemade hummus and cucumbers and or bean sprouts... Peanut butter and bananas... Another good one ..I usually make the filling the night before..but I'll saute some chicken and corn and black beans and then put some of that in a wrap with just a little bit of cheese and salsa..YUM! You can fill them with anything you like :)
    I also bring leftovers from dinner or a can of soup.
    I still bring a frozen meal once in a while to give variety to my days...
  • KristinCrochets
    KristinCrochets Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you so much for all of the fantastic ideas! Stopping off at the grocery store to try a few of these this week. :)