Dude approaches me at the gym...



  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Ask him if he wants to burn some extra calories with you.

    Be sure to report said calorie burn to MFP.

    And always eat back your calories burned.
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Says he's noticed me around a lot lately. Compliments my regular attendance. I'm sweaty and a little on the shy side anyway, so I ditch out pretty quick. We haven't ended our workouts at the same time again, but now he always waves and gives me a big smile when I enter and mouths "See ya" when he leaves. He's attractive, and I'm single. I am assuming he is too. What is gym pickup ettiquette? I have to ask because this type of thing has NEVER happened to me before.

    Anyway, I'm not so concerned that I'm changing anything about my routine or wearing less crappy looking workoout clothes, but I think I would like to encourage him a little. Any advice?

    Slap his *kitten* and lick your fingers, telling him " Damn boy you taste goooood!!"
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Dont be afraid to talk to him while your sweaty. A lot of women are under this weird impression that they cant talk to men while they are sweaty. Guys find it incredibly sexy. My girl wont talk to me, instantly wants to head to the shower, and get cleaned up. But that sweaty, warm, shiny, even the smell, men find attractive. So my biggest advice, talk to him
  • Babushka_Dolly
    Babushka_Dolly Posts: 113 Member
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    If you're shy, don't ask him out. But by all means, start talking to him on a regular basis. How else will you get to know him well enough to decide if he's worthy of a real date? I think the gym is a safe environment for you to have some conversation & get to know the basics about each other. If you're kinda diggin him, talking to him will send the message that you're willing to give him a chance.

    I'd recommend taking your time getting to know him though, just because you go to the same gym. He may be hot & seem really nice, but he could be a douche & you'd be stuck with awkwardness if you move too fast & it doesn't work out.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    Some of those responses are absolutely freakin hiliarious!! Remember to eat back your calories?! roflmbo!!!! That' good stuff right there.

    Ok seriously, just talk to him. Simple as that. Or a simple smile in return.
  • Prepare a good conversation opener and then create a mind map of every possible reply he could give to that and a write a reply to that and so on. Study this document intensely and the next time you see him go for the kill. There is nothing unexpected that can possibly happen since your mind map includes every possible scenario.
  • kdchick99
    kdchick99 Posts: 104 Member
    Any updates yet???? Hope it's going well!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Any updates yet???? Hope it's going well!

    haha i was wondering the same!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Talk to him, if you know you're going to be out somewhere over the weekend let it slip in and just say "maybe I'll see you there?" as you're walking away.
  • hbart500
    hbart500 Posts: 243 Member
    Talk to him, if you know you're going to be out somewhere over the weekend let it slip in and just say "maybe I'll see you there?" as you're walking away.

    Like this one ^^
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    hug him while sweaty. If he still likes you after than, then he's a keeper.

    I don't recommend asking him if he wants to get some post workout protein though. A girl should have her standards
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    Tell him u see him around too at the gym and like his big muscles. Ask him what excerises he does and if he can help you like spotting.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    make direct eye contact and wave back...
  • SeanSilk
    SeanSilk Posts: 12
    If you're interested, then start talking to him. You never know. He could be the love of your life.
    Or just a good friend. Just go out for a tropical smoothie or something. And take it from there.