question about running

I started working out doing cardio and weights in Jan. I have consistently went 5 or 6 days a week. I started at 40 min now do it about 1 - 1 1/2 hours a day Mondays are twice a day. When I started I would do fairly easy settings on the elliptical and weights but have slowly increased them as time went on. I am using a HRM and have noticed from the beginning that my heart rate was a little higher than what the "norms" are. No big deal feel fine and try to slow it down when it gets up there. Well I would think that as time goes on that my body would be getting used to what I am doing and my rate would be in the ranges that it should be. It hasn't done that at all in fact it has gotten worse.
I plan on doing the Half Marathon in October and have started training on my own since the real training starts in May and I will jog 3 laps run 3 which is only a 1/2 mile. My heart rate will be up in the 230's by the 3rd lap. At that point I don't feel bad I just try to slow it down a little but about 30min after I will become very sick and get a migraine and sore neck. I am calling my dr. tomorrow for an appointment but was just wondering if any of you runners have experienced this or know what it might be.
I just want to get in shape and be healthy but also challenge myself in the things that I do and do not want to hurt my body doing it.

thanks sorry it was so long.


  • stimpy6298
    I started working out doing cardio and weights in Jan. I have consistently went 5 or 6 days a week. I started at 40 min now do it about 1 - 1 1/2 hours a day Mondays are twice a day. When I started I would do fairly easy settings on the elliptical and weights but have slowly increased them as time went on. I am using a HRM and have noticed from the beginning that my heart rate was a little higher than what the "norms" are. No big deal feel fine and try to slow it down when it gets up there. Well I would think that as time goes on that my body would be getting used to what I am doing and my rate would be in the ranges that it should be. It hasn't done that at all in fact it has gotten worse.
    I plan on doing the Half Marathon in October and have started training on my own since the real training starts in May and I will jog 3 laps run 3 which is only a 1/2 mile. My heart rate will be up in the 230's by the 3rd lap. At that point I don't feel bad I just try to slow it down a little but about 30min after I will become very sick and get a migraine and sore neck. I am calling my dr. tomorrow for an appointment but was just wondering if any of you runners have experienced this or know what it might be.
    I just want to get in shape and be healthy but also challenge myself in the things that I do and do not want to hurt my body doing it.

    thanks sorry it was so long.
  • erlehmkuhle
    I think I know where you are coming from. Try taking one or two deep breaths. It may be your breathing. Sometimes when we get into an activity we overexert. A controlled breathing will slow your system down and your heart rate too. Maybe you should consult with your doctor just in case.
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    I'm not a runner, but it sure seems like you are way, way, way out of normal ranges. After 5 months of training and increasing your exercise, your heart should be compensating by growing stronger and working more efficiently - your resting heart rate should be slowing down too. I would hold off on stenuous activity until you see your doctor.

    Best of luck,
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Are you making sure to eat enough before your run? Sometimes if I don't eat enough I get light headed and water is very important too, you should be hydrating often. You said that your heart rate got up to 230? That kind of scares me because the fast way to calculate MAX heart rate is 220 minus your age, thats just an estimate of course. Which means that you shouldn't even be working at that, you should be working in between that above your resting heart rate. Definitely see your doctor, don't worry though. Great job on what you've achieved already! Hope I helped a little :happy:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Everyone's heart rate is different, but 230 is a bit extreme. What HRM do you have? Have you tried multiple machines, because maybe the HRM is faulty. If it's not the machine, uou could have a blood-pressure problem, so it's good that you are going to the Dr.
  • ggooding12
    You should wait to run after your Dr. visit. After 1 mile, my HR averages 153, at the 3 mile point it is around 177. 230 sounds pretty scary to me.
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    my running avg. after four miles (38mins) is 168.
  • stimpy6298
    Thanks for the responses. I always eat about 1 1/2 hr before I go to the gym and then usually a light snack right after and I have to have water while working out I get extreme dry mouth so fast I usually do 60-65 ounces within my time at the gym. Also, my Max Hr is 196 with my target being 175 I believe.
    I know it is not the monitor as I used to use the thing on the machines and it would still read really high.

    For example Sat. morning my mother went with me and she was on the elliptical next to me she was sweating bad out of breath and was really struggling and her HR was 147. I was fine and going a lot harder and faster than she was and mine was at 199 and that was 20 min into it.
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    You really need to see your doctor about this. I have been working with my doctor on my journey and 230 is really high and if you are sure it is not your HRM then you really need to discuss this with your doctor. Mine tends to get high if i don't control my breathing, but my doctor has cautioned me not to let it get over 185, if you are getting it up that high you need to let yourself recover.
  • tennetubbie
    tennetubbie Posts: 312 Member
    I'm not a runner, but it sure seems like you are way, way, way out of normal ranges. After 5 months of training and increasing your exercise, your heart should be compensating by growing stronger and working more efficiently - your resting heart rate should be slowing down too. I would hold off on stenuous activity until you see your doctor.

    Best of luck,

    I AGREE!! A heart rate of 230 for running this distance?!?! You DEFINITELY need to see your doctor and maybe get a stress test done or wear a holter monitor---you also need to get your thyroid checked to make sure it is not overactive. You may been slipping into a fast arrhythmia and need to be on medication (beta blocker)--I would stick to WALKING until you see MD.