C25K week 7



  • ProudMomoftwo
    Completed week 7 day 2. 5K in 29.5 minutes, I'm getting faster!

    Journal at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/russelljclarke a bit later, I need a shower and some grub right now!


    Amazing job Russell!
    You are really doing terrific

    Keep pushing forward.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Sounds like some good runs this week so far for everyone! :)

    I'm off running (and biking and hiking) until at least next Monday :( Ankle injury. Bummer!! Everyone else, keep it up!!!! Great work!
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    Woo hoo! I just took 5/6 minutes off my 5K time today!!!! And Russell, I was laughing while reading your update because your time today was fantastic and so was mine! But ummm...mine's 16 minutes slower than yours. :ohwell: I think I'll blame it on my short legs! I ran for somewhere between 30 and 35 minutes straight, so I'm very pleased with that. I'm also amazed at how much lower my heart rate stays during runs now as compared to what it would shoot up to when I started this. Of course, the down side is fewer calories burned, but I just feel great! Now if I can just get the short legs to move faster.....
    Play Outside - Take care of that ankle
    Beagles - I hope you're loving your new job and that they're wondering what they ever did without you
    Russell - Just Wow!
  • jvmay1703
    jvmay1703 Posts: 42 Member
    You all are so inspiring! I am still stuck on week 5 (repeated week 4 and got behind). I am thankful to have all of your post to read to see how I am going to make it to week 6. Thank you. Keep up the good work!
  • Ilovebeagles
    Russell - your scenery while running sounds magical! I bet it makes the runs so much more interesting. Question for you - when you say you get up 'with the Lark' how early is that? 5 a.m.? Is it still dark out?

    Nana - I noticed that my heart rate was a bit lower this week too! I was happy about that because it was always over 90% of my max.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Russell - your scenery while running sounds magical! I bet it makes the runs so much more interesting. Question for you - when you say you get up 'with the Lark' how early is that? 5 a.m.? Is it still dark out?
    The earliest I've gone is dawn. I imagine I will have to run in the dark before too long though, especially if I get that job and my running time options are more limited.
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Sounds like some good runs this week so far for everyone! :)

    I'm off running (and biking and hiking) until at least next Monday :( Ankle injury. Bummer!! Everyone else, keep it up!!!! Great work!

    Sorry about your injury, Play.
    I hope you heal quickly.
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Russell - your scenery while running sounds magical! I bet it makes the runs so much more interesting. Question for you - when you say you get up 'with the Lark' how early is that? 5 a.m.? Is it still dark out?
    The earliest I've gone is dawn. I imagine I will have to run in the dark before too long though, especially if I get that job and my running time options are more limited.
    Here is hoping you get the job, Russell.
  • rildev03
    rildev03 Posts: 61 Member
    Did another 2 miles today in 25 minutes. Yah! I was actually pretty tired when I got done. I'm thinking 2 days inbetween runs is good. I am still having trouble with the mental side. Years of not pushing myself and giving up still haunt me. My body does it just fine but my head keeps telling me I can't do it and I fight with myself while running. Not out loud-don't want to be committed screaming at myself while running!! Funny visual!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Did another 2 miles today in 25 minutes. Yah! I was actually pretty tired when I got done. I'm thinking 2 days inbetween runs is good. I am still having trouble with the mental side. Years of not pushing myself and giving up still haunt me. My body does it just fine but my head keeps telling me I can't do it and I fight with myself while running. Not out loud-don't want to be committed screaming at myself while running!! Funny visual!

    Great job Rildev!
    You will conquer that inner naysayer voice...just keep going.
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Good morning all my C25K friends!!
    I am excited to tell you that my daughter and I knocked it out of the park this morning!!!

    It was a brisk 45degrees outside but sunny and nice.
    We dressed in layers.
    We started out with the 5min warm-up walk.
    Did our 10 min warm up run to get the calves good and screaming...lol.
    We walked 10 min uphill into town.
    Once up on top of the hill there is a downhill dip and then a long incline. We started to run ( an earlier place in our route than we usually start I might add ).
    Our intention was to see just how far we could go and NOT look at the stopwatch.
    It was a long incline but we did it and then were on the flat and it got easier.
    We kept a good solid pace and were able to talk between our huffs and puffs.
    Checked my heart rate a few times and it was up but in a good range.
    We surpassed all our previous stops and just kept pushing.
    No pain
    No cramps
    No soreness
    No problems breathing
    No inner voice saying "you can't do this"


    I checked my stopwatch and we had been running for 30 min!!! That is a personal best for both of us.
    I had done 28 min on Monday and my daughter had only gone 20min on Monday.
    We ended up at the stop sign just before our subdivision. We ran all but 10min of our 3.7 mile route!
    We ran 10 min ( nonstop ) + 30 min ( nonstop ) = 40 min total

    Funny thing - we both felt like we could have gone longer.
    We laughed at this on the walk to the house ( cool down )....remembering that not too long ago we thought the running 90 secs was too long.
    When we stopped to stretch before going inside we both laughed at our legs feeling kind of warm and liquid-ie and strange.

    Very happy - very excited.
    We crossed over a mental and physical wall of sorts and were just in a zone where it was all good.

    Keep pushing forward....
  • fit4travels
    C25K week 7 finished!!! I think I can safely say that we are all runners and we all love it! I'm so happy for us all :)
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Last run, and 5K, of the week complete. Just over 30 minutes, so I didn't best tuesday's time, but I'm still happy with it.
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Last run, and 5K, of the week complete. Just over 30 minutes, so I didn't best tuesday's time, but I'm still happy with it.

    So consistent, Russell.
    You are doing amazing.

    Keep pushing forward
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Awesome job you guys! :) Hopefully next week I will be back running with you, although dr said to ease back into it so I will be doing less running probably.
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    Unfortunately, I'm sick today. Some sort of respiratory thing, so no run. I'm going to go ahead and move on to Week 8 on Sunday since I already know I can do 30+ minutes.
    Congratulations to everyone on your great runs! I am still in awe at how far we've all come in just 8 weeks! Who knew?!
  • Ilovebeagles
    I have only done 1 day of week 7. =( The new job and school are taking up most of my time. I will do day 2 on Saturday and then take it from there. I know you're not supposed to do this program two days in a row, but let me ask you this... it's not like we're super novices, right? We've been at this for 7 weeks. I know when my neighbor was training for a marathon she was running on consecutive days, so why not me? I'm not saying run 7 days in a row, but what could the harm be by running on both days on the weekend? Especially with proper stretching techinuques. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

    Nana - I hope you feel better!!
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I don't know, I talked to my chiro about it when I went to see him about my ankle and he is REALLY adamant that at this point I should still be doing only every other day, regardless of feeling awesome, and he says that my going twice in a row might have contributed to whatever is going on with my ankle/leg. Maybe if you only do it once it's fine-and of course everyone is different. Good luck whatever you decide to do!! :)

    Get better TexasNana!
    I have only done 1 day of week 7. =( The new job and school are taking up most of my time. I will do day 2 on Saturday and then take it from there. I know you're not supposed to do this program two days in a row, but let me ask you this... it's not like we're super novices, right? We've been at this for 7 weeks. I know when my neighbor was training for a marathon she was running on consecutive days, so why not me? I'm not saying run 7 days in a row, but what could the harm be by running on both days on the weekend? Especially with proper stretching techinuques. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

    Nana - I hope you feel better!!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Awesome job you guys! :) Hopefully next week I will be back running with you, although dr said to ease back into it so I will be doing less running probably.

    Do like the doc says and take it easy and gradual.
    Hope you heal quickly and come back strong.
  • ProudMomoftwo
    I have only done 1 day of week 7. =( The new job and school are taking up most of my time. I will do day 2 on Saturday and then take it from there. I know you're not supposed to do this program two days in a row, but let me ask you this... it's not like we're super novices, right? We've been at this for 7 weeks. I know when my neighbor was training for a marathon she was running on consecutive days, so why not me? I'm not saying run 7 days in a row, but what could the harm be by running on both days on the weekend? Especially with proper stretching techinuques. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

    Nana - I hope you feel better!!

    I guess you will have to make that judgment call.
    I know for me personally, I need that rest day between.
    I did do it once 2 days in a row back in the earlier weeks of this program...
    I really ached that night and the soreness and just an exhausted feeling. I didn't like it.
    Thankfully, I didn't hurt or injure myself and after a restful weekend was able to come back strong.
    Good luck!

    Feel better soon TX!