

  • DanyelleKimberly
    DanyelleKimberly Posts: 45 Member
    Ha we had the same lunch.. I came home my non made a cake I had one bite and went straight to the eliptical!
  • ashleighjoy2007
    ashleighjoy2007 Posts: 150 Member
    I'd love to join =] I'm 20 years old, 5'5/5'6 and 190.4lbs. I'm not sure where I want to be come spring break, but for now I'll set my goal at 170 =]
  • itsshadowwithane
    itsshadowwithane Posts: 114 Member
    Awesome!I also have been doing good.eating within my calories and nice burns at the gets easier!
  • itsshadowwithane
    itsshadowwithane Posts: 114 Member
    how is everyone?has anyone lost any weight?
  • DanyelleKimberly
    DanyelleKimberly Posts: 45 Member
    Well today wasn't my best day I was over calories before I ate dinner. I had a light dinner ands got on the elliptical. I ended up being under but I normally don't eat back my exercise calories. Do you guys?
  • itsshadowwithane
    itsshadowwithane Posts: 114 Member
    Well today wasn't my best day I was over calories before I ate dinner. I had a light dinner ands got on the elliptical. I ended up being under but I normally don't eat back my exercise calories. Do you guys?

    i dont eat mine serves as a protector case i do go over a little
  • DanyelleKimberly
    DanyelleKimberly Posts: 45 Member
    Yea I guess I don't really understand how you could lose weight if you eat them back. But then again I bet most People have cut back on the calories they are taking in.... See before I started doing this I ate like once a day and never broke 1000 calories. So this is forcing me to eat smaller more times a day.
  • CraziiPrettiiMILF
    i ate so much over the week, granted it was a bad week, ungranted I don't want to use food as a stress reliever.
  • itsshadowwithane
    itsshadowwithane Posts: 114 Member
    Yea I guess I don't really understand how you could lose weight if you eat them back. But then again I bet most People have cut back on the calories they are taking in.... See before I started doing this I ate like once a day and never broke 1000 calories. So this is forcing me to eat smaller more times a day.
    i personally feel that eating back your exercise calories defeats thepurpose of exercising! makes it like you never even did any
  • DanyelleKimberly
    DanyelleKimberly Posts: 45 Member
    That is my thought exactly!!
  • DanyelleKimberly
    DanyelleKimberly Posts: 45 Member
    How's everyone doing? I did awful last week I actually went up 2lbs. Anyone got any lunch ideas. I seem to always take the same thing tuna or a wrap with lunch meat for lunch. suggestions?
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    Is this a girl only thread? haha
  • jesseerobertson
    I am 21; 5'5''.
    CW: 174.4
    GW: Around 125-135 (not set weight goal)

    I would be interested in challenges! I think that will help motivate me!

    Feel free to add me!
  • DanyelleKimberly
    DanyelleKimberly Posts: 45 Member
    stayxtrue -- so far it is... are you joining us lol

    Jesse welcome
  • qingwang2011
    qingwang2011 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in too.....This year i will actually take pictures instead of just mental pictures of my springbreak!
    CW: 120
    GW: 100
    Even though this doesn't look like much to lose but 5 pounds look like 20lbs on a short person..
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    Yes I shall Join in hahaha! The first guy!

    I am 5"3
    SW: 70kgs
    CW: 63.9
    GW: was 60 but looking more to going down to 58

    I am in australia so Summer is extremely soon! And I have been saying all year that I want to get into shape, downloaded the app used it for a while dropped 3kgs and then stopped.

    I suffer from crohns, well thats what they think it is, so I lost motivation HEAPS due to all the test and Appointments that I had.

    However since dropping over 6 kgs I have noticed I feel amazing. I have about another 6 weeks to get ripped! And its going to be a close call.

    But my love handles are starting to melt away, but I have been doing rediculous amounts of cardio to go that. I am now running 12kms most days.

    I never took starting pics though :(

    so Wont be able to show people where I started at, unless by some chance I can find some, which I doubt as I never took my t-shirt off!
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    I'd like to join! 23, 5'4", 167 lbs.. I want to lose 40!
  • _blackbird
    5'5", current weight about 139.... want to be 125 by spring break! That will be right after I run a half marathon :]
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    How is it going with everyone?

    I am over my calories... again, lol. I guess I have to it the gym tonight.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    I am going really well, Almost under 63 kilos! I watch what I eat very closely If I am afraid of going over at all I will go and exercise like a mad man to lose it all! I think I have become slightly obsessive :S