Ripped in 30 Starting NOW...Join Me



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I finished W3D2 today with 35 minutes of elliptical and actually feel pretty good about it.

    Maybe, I'm just getting used to the pain. I am finding more definition in my waist, shoulders and have started getting a popping muscle in my legs which is very cool. The weight has finally stabilized; so, I am hoping that I will begin to lose. My weight is 178 and my goal is 135 to 140. I'm 5'4" so I think that it would be awesome to get there. I've been stuck in the 170's forever!!!

    I am happy to move away from the planks.

    Maybe, you are more sore from doing the 10K - or - bouncing back from being sick. Did you miss a lot of days when you were ill?

    Any thoughts are what you are doing next?
  • Orionbelt
    I think I'm just extra sore this week due to the combination of the 10 k, the sickness and the stupid time change (youngest was up at 4 am!!!).

    Crazy day at work so I didn't get a chance to workout again today. Planning on working out each day over this long weekend though.

    I was actually thinking of either doing Ripped over again after this or Chalean Extreme...not sure. How about you?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    W3D3 done...I'll do it again on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday to finish the 6 days. I think this one is my favorite as I like more of the plyometric stuff.

    I bought the Shred-It DVD because I like the kettlebells
    Also, I love, love, love the 30 day slimdown from Jillian as well. I was thinking of doing that with Ripped instead of Shred.

    Tomorrow is measurements...we will see...because, I ate horrible and had copious amounts of alcohol

    How did the dress look??
  • Orionbelt
    It was a weekend of working out for me. On Friday I did Ripped plus 30 minutes on the elliptical for a total of 514 calories burned and on Saturday I did a 6 k run plus Ripped for a total of 710 calories burned. I was spent on Sunday so I took a rest day.

    Today I am either starting week 4 of Ripped or if the rain holds off I'm going for a run.

    Definitely decided to do Ripped over again next week. Seeing such great results from it and I think it would be good to do through Christmas. We are going away for Christmas and I can take my weights and my iPad (with Ripped on it) on the road with us and will do it. Planning on doing Chalean Extreme in the new year.

    Felt pretty darn good in my dress Saturday night. Loved that there was a bit of definition in my arms to show off!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I did Day 4 yesterday and Day 5 today...I think I will finish up Day 6 tomorrow and move on...I now have quads popping out of these legs. whoo hooo

    Awesome about the dress :smokin:

    Your right about this being a great overall workout. Have you tried her 6W6P abs. I was curious about it. They didn't have it last time I was at the store.
  • o0oAliciao0o
    I did start this with the intention of doing it [almost] every day but lately I haven't been enjoying getting up an hour early and killing myself. I'm done 15 days so that's half way. Might not do it every day but even if it takes me another month I will get those 15 workouts in.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    How are you logging RI30 into MFP? Cardio?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    How are you logging RI30 into MFP? Cardio?

    Circuit training
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    How are you logging RI30 into MFP? Cardio?

    Circuit training

    Thank you!
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Just got my RI30 last night and will be starting tonight. Not sure what to expect as I never did DS30.

    Any words of wisdom?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Just got my RI30 last night and will be starting tonight. Not sure what to expect as I never did DS30.

    Any words of wisdom?

    Stick with it!! You should see a difference in W2....
  • Orionbelt
    So I've been horrible this week...I haven't done Ripped at all. Been a long week and I've been exhausted - lost my mojo for Ripped. I did get out for a quick run and a walk at least.

    Today I WILL start Week 4 of Ripped and finish it off!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I took yesterday as a rest day. On Tuesday, I fell down our stairs at home and I am coming down with a cold. So, ya, a rest day was much needed.

    Today, starts W4 for me as well....I AM SCARED!! It's going to be the mother of ALL!
  • Orionbelt
    Week 4 Day 1 DONE! That was a good one for sure! Kind of love seeing how much stronger I've become though. A lot of those exercises would have had me crying during week one but now I am strong enough to attempt them. Feels good!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Good job getting her done...I have just come down with a horrible virus and decided to rest vs. exercise since I am scheduled to work tonight. I am trying to get cancelled and if I do, I will get it done. I am actually excited to do it.
  • Orionbelt
    Hope you are feeling better. I've done the fourth week twice now so I'm hoping to finish up this week. Been exhausted lately and preparing for Hubby to go out to sea for a month so its been really busy. No excuse to not work out but it is what it is!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I did W4, D1 yesterday and it def was a challenge...pike mogals? Pushed thru them and a few other things. Not really thrilled about burpies either...LOL

    Great job staying focused, I'll finish this week and see where to go from there. Lots of prepping to do for the TG holiday and planning for the Xmas holiday as well.

    Good luck with hubby's always a challenge when they're away.
  • Orionbelt
    I got it done wasn't pretty and it was far from my best workout but I did it. I felt so awful after having such a bad workout that I went for a quick run which made me feel better. My calorie burn is so low doing Ripped that I get a bit discouraged (yes...I'm one of those workout to eat more type gals) but I know that it is still good for my body so all is good.