I want a new Wedding Day/Honeymoon Body.......

Hi, thought I'd introduce myself - been using the calorie counter for about a month now. My names Donna, I live in the UK and I'm desperate to lose weight for my Wedding and Honeymoon in July!

I have been training with a personal trainer for over 3 months now (paid for by my wonderful bosses at work) and although I've lost inches my weight loss has not exceeded 4Kg and has fluctuated the whole time and I'm really struggling to keep my motivation - I'm so disheartened as I thought the weight would drop off!

I'm awaiting some pictures through from my trainer from when I first started to now so I'll post ASAP.

Thanks for reading :-)

Donna x


  • melianne125
    melianne125 Posts: 95 Member
    The number on the scale is not what you will see in your wedding/honeymoon pictures :smile:
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    The number on the scale is not what you will see in your wedding/honeymoon pictures :smile:

    ^^ A simple but profound truth... that was really well said.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    The number on the scale is not what you will see in your wedding/honeymoon pictures :smile:

    totally agree!
  • Soon2BeMrsThomson
    And I completely agree guys, I can't wait to marry my wonderful other half but I also want to look back on my pictures and memories and know I was as happy on the outside as I am on the inside - at the moment I weight 19 stone @ 5 foot 7 inches and feel disgusting!
  • kastiltner
    Don't lose motivation! Just remember, working out gives you muscle (which makes a body look awesome) and muscle weighs more than fat so you are doing awesome! Hey, if I could lose inches off my belly I'd be thrilled! I seem to have dropped a couple of pounds but no inches so even though I "weigh" a bit less, I look absolutely no different! Inches are awesome! Great job you!
  • Soon2BeMrsThomson
    Thanks Kastiltner, I'm just sooooo confused as to why I am not shifting the weight especially with a personal trainer kicking my *kitten*!!

    We do a lot of resistance and weight training, from experience would you say that I need to step up my cardio exercise guys?

    Donna x
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    How are you doing on logging your calories? I know someone who has had a personal trainer for years and hasn't lost any weight!

    You could undo all of your hard work by going over your calories, so never, ever go over!!
  • Soon2BeMrsThomson
    How are you doing on logging your calories? I know someone who has had a personal trainer for years and hasn't lost any weight!

    You could undo all of your hard work by going over your calories, so never, ever go over!!

    I think I'm doing OK Kevin to be honest - I'm under my calorie goal everyday and I don't really ever eat back all the exercise calories I earn if any but I'm obviously not doing something right!! If anyone wants to add me it's always nice to have some support from people who feel the same as me about their weight, I'd be happy to support and be supported :happy: