Introduction : Unhappy in my own skin.

Hi there, I'm Nicole, and I'm unhappy in my own skin.

I feel sluggish and lazy way too often. My jeans don't fit like they should, I'm wearing way too many stretchy shirts (to hide my stomach region) and I don't feel comfortable in my own skin. That, my friends, is not a pleasant feeling.

After years of somewhat trying to lose this weight, after having both my children. I have finally gotten serious. Yes, 2012 will be my year. I'm so ready to say good bye to "mom" jeans and wear some hot, skinny jeans and form fitting tops. I'm ready to start feeling truly comfortable in my body. I'm ready to get my mind and body into physical shape.

I hope you'll join me on this journey together. I'll share what I've found to work for me, track my progress, share my story and also hopefully keep you entertained a bit. :)
Here is to a GREAT year filled with some getting into shape and having some fun!


  • You sound just like me, I would love to be your friend!
  • ameyc2002
    ameyc2002 Posts: 247 Member
    good luck to you i hope you accomplish all yours goals
  • Add me if you want and with the help of my fitness pal (mfp) you should be very soon loving the skin your in! It's simple, the friends you get and the support they give is awesome and best of all its all under your control! Can't wait until you rock it!

  • Good luck! I know you can do it!
  • glamgrl7
    glamgrl7 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Nicole, I feel the same way. I just had a baby 3months ago and hate the way I look. I cant even fit into any of my pre-pregnacy jeans yet. I cant find anything in my closet that fits anymore!! UGHHHH! Im giving myself a challenge to lose 10-15lbs from now till Christmas. Hopefully we can all motivate each other and help push each other in the right direction.
  • I believe a lot of women like us feel unhappy in their own skin, even though we shouldn't feel that way and just be happy with life in its self. :)
  • arosmith79
    arosmith79 Posts: 250 Member
    Welcome :)
  • Thanks so much, good luck to you as well.
  • Thanks so much, I think with the help and inspiration of others on MFP I believe anyone can do this. :)
  • Fitgirlrocks
    Fitgirlrocks Posts: 21 Member
    You are on the right track! At the expense of sounding trite, the hardest step is the first step. Your commitment to yourself will show in your results. I look forward to walking with you on your journey.
  • Thanks for the encouraging words, it defiantly helps to have someone walk with you and guiding you, I will be encouraging you as well in this long journey ahead.
  • Tharris28
    Tharris28 Posts: 6 Member
    I feel the same way. Good luck!
  • Hi Nicole,
    You are already motivated and you will do well. Your story sounds like mines, So here's to a new year to make our dream become reality. I will add you as my friend!!
  • Good luck as well.
  • Hi, i am so feeling the same, we can do it!!! i dont know how to add you, you could add me if you like, its great to have support