and here.....we....go

mockingbirdsing Posts: 2
edited October 5 in Introduce Yourself
hello there. this is terrifying for me, actually.

i am a compulsive over-eater. food, for me, is quite literally an addiction. i have tried SO many times to stay on track since high school, when i began the downward spiral, and it's been extremely hard every time. this is my third time trying MFP and hopefully my last. i'd like to succeed this time, but i am so afraid of failing even the TINIEST bit.

i'm twenty-three, reasonably outgoing and fun, and hate eating in front of people because i think they all think i am jabba the hut. that is what i see when i look in the mirror. i know, realistically, that that's not the case, but body dysmorphic is something else i've let myself get in the habit of believing. it began with an abusive relationship wherein i was never skinny enough or pretty enough and this year when i finally found someone who appreciated me no matter what my weight and didn't even notice when i gained weight.....i became so insecure that that contributed to me losing him.

it's time i manned the *kitten* up and realized that this is a disease and i'm the only person who can control it. friends would be awesome--i've always done this alone, and i think that's made it harder. it might not be easy--i might get anxious a lot and post about it a lot, but i am always reciprocal with support given, and seeing other people doing this, too, might make me more motivated. i have always thought the people on this site are amazing, and i think it's time i started meeting more of you.

anyways. that's me. hi. : )


  • good Luck!!!!
  • thanks! :)
  • Hi! Welcome to MFP!

    When I read this post it reminded me of how amazing MFP is, because I've got and had similar feeling to you about trying to lose weight...not wanting to fail....doing it alone.

    I think the most important thing and something you should be proud about is the fact you wanting to make a positive change! I've been trying to lose weight (well this attempt) for 2 weeks and joined here 5 days ago and i've found it really helps! Hope you find it helps too there's lots of lovely people on here and the best bit is they understand because they've been through similar situations themselves

    Good luck!

    Feel free to add me if you want to!
  • Best of luck to you! :smile:
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