2-3 day fast?

gotnick124 Posts: 4
I've been looking into fasting lately, not as a weight loss tool, but more as a detox for my body but I've been very concerned about doing this because I have heard it slows down your metabolism and when I start eating again I would gain weight as my body would be in starvation mode. Any input or suggestions? If you have any alternative detox/ body cleanses that wouldn't mess with my progress or metabolism I would love to look into them.


  • Just eat lots of fruits and veggies :] Your body detoxes itself
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Detox diets are fads and mostly crap.

    Your liver and kidneys detox your body, not whatever food you are eating. Just eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water, and workout. THAT is the only healthy detox out there.
  • Im going to be honest with you here, Fasting is not for everybody! alot of people do it for religious reasons (even up to a 40 day water fast) ..although its called a water fast it still requires Juices, Some veggies, and supplements.
    i recommend looking into a REAL water-fast. i really dont recommend doing the nothing but water thing unless you feel you can handle it.

    the truth about fasting is, while it can harm the body...its mostly about Personal willpower to see your fast through and once its over you have to ease yourself VERY slowly back into a routine of eating otherwise you will have ruined everything you just worked for.

    If you find fasting is something that works for you (as it has for me before) i recommend starting with 48 Hours. if you feel like you can go longer, go for it!. if you want to fast again, wait a while and try to up it. just listen to your body and dont overdo it. Another thing
    If you are going to go through with it. DO NOT FORGET TO DRINK WATER! i cannot stress this enough, going without food is one thing water? not a good idea.

    and take vitamins for supplemental nutrition. eat things like raw bell peppers, Celery, etc. Drink real juices (prefferably ones with extremely low sugar).

    hope this helped, if you have any other questions hit me up.
  • depending on the type of fast you want to do i think you could try protein shakes to keep your calories up so your body doesnt go into starvation.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I can't imagine 2-3 days would mess up your metabolism. I have fasted in the past and never put the weight back on.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Clean eating, including lots of veggies and lots of water. No need to fast.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,224 Member
    I've been looking into fasting lately, not as a weight loss tool, but more as a detox for my body

    Then there is no reason to do it. As stated by others already, the body detoxes itself.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I fast.

    Pretty regularly.

    I used to do one day a week.

    But now I've started doing 2-3 day fasts, once per month.

    They're easy once you get used to it.

    I do it to strengthen my willpower. Not to "cleanse" or for weight loss.
  • You will gain weight back very quickly i starved myself and lost a lot of weight and when i started eating again... well i'm right back where i was. It made me very sick too.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I do it to strengthen my willpower. Not to "cleanse" or for weight loss.

    This, for me. Whenever I have cravings (and give into them) that lasts more than a day, I'll do a 24 -36 hours water fast and it'll curb my cravings much easier than if I try to do it on my own without the fast. I don't do them very often, but I do them every couple months and it does the job.
  • ever since I started college I've been eating a lot healthier anyway, lots of veggies and fruits, and I do feel healthier but I feel like I need a new beginning still. As though my fast would cleanse my body as well as my mind of my old self. I guess I can just do a veggie/fruit fast? that doesn't sound unreasonable, and I didn't know my body detoxes itself normally, that in itself makes me feel a little better. Though this idea of fasting for will power is one I will hold onto and possibly try next month. Thank you all for your input and ideas! :smile:
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Okay, so... your body detoxes itself. Thats what its designed to do. Not eating for three days is NOT going to fix years of eating mcdonalds. Also, as its different for every person, 72 is the general time when your body will go into "starvation mode". I don't suggest this as it may do more harm then good.

    If you still feel you want to fast, maybe the try Intermittent fasting? You eat every 18-24 hours. The idea is that you say, eat dinner monday night, wake up tuesday morning, and go about your day, drink some BCAA'S precursors to protein, work out, and then eat your calories at one time at night. The theory here is that during the day your body is using the glycogen as fuel, and your muscles will produce lactic acid by converting glucose. The "theory" here is that you will be burning fat throughout the day and during your workout while still giving your body the protien and calories it needs.

    Im not an expert on the I.F. thing just from what ive read. Again, fasting seems like a waste and that its only going to hinder your progress when you could be eating correctly and exersizing.
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