Question about MFP

I have 'weighed in' once or twice a month since June 1. I have lost 47.5 lbs in that time. Why is MFP calculating my weight loss at 27.5? It appears to only be looking at the last 3 months. How can I get it to report the full amount since I started? I worked hard to get those *&%$ lbs off. I want credit for EVERY one of them!! :huh:


  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Gussy, I hear you on that! Congrats on your awesome weight loss! Recheck your numbers....Make sure they're right. What did you put in for your starting weight? Did you change it at all! All the best to you!
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Go to your "weigh in" page where it says check in. Look at the bottom and click on edit. That may shed some light on the problem too.
  • gussie1026
    gussie1026 Posts: 20 Member
    THANKS!! That was the problem. First loooked at MFP about 18 months ago and entered a weight back then. Didn't start really using it until June 2011 and by then was just a pound or two heavier. :embarassed: MFP was calculating my weight from way back when, rather than from when I started really trying to lose in June. I'm good now!! THANKS!