Need Help, SUPPORT!!

FedUpFatGirl75 Posts: 9 Member
edited October 5 in Introduce Yourself
HI, new here...second time around. Didn't give it a real chance last time, got depressed and quit. I'm ready to do this thang and need all the help and support I can get. I have about 50lbs to lose..more would be great but I just want to be able to look in the mirror and not scream at the person I've let myself become. I hate it!!


  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
    Good Luck. You CAN do this! :happy:
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Don't hate what you see. I think the hardest part is being completely honest with your food diary. That way, you can look back and see the days you went off track and learn from it. Some people even log their food before they eat and it helps to keep them from overeating or eating bad foods. Also, join a group - that way other people help to motivate you and keep you accountable!!!

    You can do this!! You just have to stay positive.
  • seanlilly
    seanlilly Posts: 10 Member
    Always stay positive!
  • I'm in the same boat myself, been trying to push myself but scale hasn't budged, very disheartening, but have to keep going and push pas tthis platue (that I hit WAY to early)
  • norma67
    norma67 Posts: 255 Member
    Hi :flowerforyou:

    I know it is a hard battle.
    You can add me
  • You sound like you a quite motivated! Set goals and reward yourself for your accomplishments.
  • arosmith79
    arosmith79 Posts: 250 Member
    Welcome back :)
  • Jenners4
    Jenners4 Posts: 49 Member
    I think logging your food is a HUGE eye opener... atleast it was for me. I have learned that it is not going to be an overnight thing and you just need to stay positive and try to stick with it. I have just recently been adding "MFP friends" and I think it helps. Sending a friend request :)
  • Dont ever think that you cannot do something that seems impossible at the time. I know what it feels like to be fat and feel worthless... but thats why were all here to be the best that we can be. never give up bc you nvr know what could have been

    Best of luck in your journey!
  • You can do it!!
  • We've all been there, some days it's so frustrating and we feel like giving up. I'm so proud of you for beginning your journey again, keep fighting the good fight! I know you can do it! : )
  • CatDen2011
    CatDen2011 Posts: 1 Member
    You can do this. God wants you to be healthy. It doesn't matter what you weigh as long as you are healthy. Remember, even Marilyn Monroe was a size 12. So you don't have to be a perfect size 6 no matter what this world tells you. I just joined today and I am excited about what I will feel like this time next year. I will be praying for you.
  • Hi!
    My second time around too. The first time was great! I lost the weight that I wanted to lose but fell behind on controlling my eating. I am going to do this again and when I get to my goal, I am going to stick to it!!
    You can do it!!
  • FedUpFatGirl75
    FedUpFatGirl75 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you all for the positive comments! I can't wait to get to my goal with all of you!!
  • I wouldnt say I was new to trying to lose weight since I have been on all the diets......all the pills....and even tried a lil exlax/starving......WELL NONE of that works haha......Your gonna do great!!! I am fairly new to MFP but love it....It does hold me accountable and just the other day I thought wow I am doing good had me a ceaser salad when we went out and didnt eat the bread.....ummm big mistake....and this thing lets ya know it.....and puts ya right back on track! I WISH YOU WELL IN YOUR JOURNEY AND BELEIVE ME I WISH MY JOURNEY WAS ONLY 50 LBS! Just the same weight loss doesnt happen over night....I made my husband take the scale and he will only give it to me on Sundays....And stop screamin at treat yourself right and your body will treat you right!!! KEEP YOUR HEAD HELD HIGH!
  • Debadoo2018
    Debadoo2018 Posts: 38 Member
    You deserve a pat on the back for getting back on the horse and coming back. That's the hardest part of anything new or challenging -- to keep at it and not give up! You CAN do this. If you are patient and honest with yourself, it will happen. Welcome back and let's kick that 50 pounds to the curb!!!!!!!!
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