EASTER Fitness Challenge Check-In March 8th

NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
Happy Saturday! Woo hoo! It's the weekend! What's something you LOVE about the weekend? For me, it's having my hubby home to help out with the boys and spending extra time doing things together as a family. We are going to the outlets today (lots of walking) to get me some shirts (I'm a few charts behind in redemption). It's going to be SO nice in Vegas next weekend so I want some short sleeves that fit me to enjoy the weather. Also we are going out to lunch with friends ~ which will be fun but calorie loaded. I am part of this thing where I try out products and then tell people about them. Well, this time I have to try out the Chili's Smokehouse Big Mouth Burgers! Could it be much worse for someone watching what they eat???? Anyway, they sent me 4 coupons for free burgers so we will all go today and I'll sample each of them ~ maybe just a few bites and then I'll have a garden salad and lots of water. And, then I'll do some kick my butt exercising tonight! :tongue:

Okay ~ on to what I did yesterday. Last night I did the Taebo: Get Celebrity Fit - Sculp dvd (which sure had ALOT of cardio for a sculpting workout), rode my bike for 30 min at a moderate pace, drank my waters, took my vitamins & meds, and tracked in my journal. You'd think I've got all of this down but REALLY, if I didn't have my chart I'd not do much of any of it! So, I will continue charting as long as I need it!

+++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++ Everyone!!!


  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    Happy Saturday! Woo hoo! It's the weekend! What's something you LOVE about the weekend? For me, it's having my hubby home to help out with the boys and spending extra time doing things together as a family. We are going to the outlets today (lots of walking) to get me some shirts (I'm a few charts behind in redemption). It's going to be SO nice in Vegas next weekend so I want some short sleeves that fit me to enjoy the weather. Also we are going out to lunch with friends ~ which will be fun but calorie loaded. I am part of this thing where I try out products and then tell people about them. Well, this time I have to try out the Chili's Smokehouse Big Mouth Burgers! Could it be much worse for someone watching what they eat???? Anyway, they sent me 4 coupons for free burgers so we will all go today and I'll sample each of them ~ maybe just a few bites and then I'll have a garden salad and lots of water. And, then I'll do some kick my butt exercising tonight! :tongue:

    Okay ~ on to what I did yesterday. Last night I did the Taebo: Get Celebrity Fit - Sculp dvd (which sure had ALOT of cardio for a sculpting workout), rode my bike for 30 min at a moderate pace, drank my waters, took my vitamins & meds, and tracked in my journal. You'd think I've got all of this down but REALLY, if I didn't have my chart I'd not do much of any of it! So, I will continue charting as long as I need it!

    +++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++ Everyone!!!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Just beat me to the punch Niccole:

    Glorious weekend with more time to exercise and, if you are average, more eating. Definitely more eating for me with going out tonight and the chocolate festival tomorrow.

    The spinning class was pretty good. I think it would be better with a different teacher. So many teachers just aren't that motivational. I'm hoping it will strengthen my quads at the knees. I have problems in that area. Also went for a walk yesterday morning.

    I need a massage. I think I get a recommendation from a friend and go this week. If that doesn't work, I may have to take some time off.

    Have a great workout!

  • vicky1
    vicky1 Posts: 236
    Had such good intentions to use the elliptical this morning but had a bad headache and a pain in my side this morning I think my body is protesting to not enough fluids only lost between 1/2 to 1 lb my scales couldn't make up their minds at least it not a gain and I think it could be fluid.

    Did go for a walk that turned into a run because I forgot my coat and it rained really hard either way I thought I would get on my elliptical this afternoon but I have run out of time been shopping for easter eggs for everyone also not feeling gr8 my knees and legs hurt and I feel really tired think I may have a bug we'll wait and see.

    Tomorrow will be hectic getting some shelves put up at 10.30 so I will need to use the elliptical at 8am then feed the kids then get the dogs walked before my father in law come to do the shelves. Then my friends are calling round with their kids in the afternoon (and my future godson) can't wait for a cuddle it always makes me broody.

    writing this with my baby on my knee she may be 18mnths but she will always be the baby in the house.

    Enjoys the weekend all
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Saturday,

    We're having snow again today (they say it will be the worst storm yet)

    if my gym stays open and the walking doesn't look impossible, I'll go to spinning.

    Otherwise, I have a bunch of salsa dance workouts I've been tivoing. They are major cardio (much harder than other dance workouts I've tried) and I notice they get to muscles other things don't. So, I may stay home and do an hour of those. They are super fun and keep switching steps about every eight counts so no boredom. I also burn off extra calories laughing at myself for completely missing a majority of the steps.:tongue:

    Yes Mary, spinning is so about the teacher. With a good, energetic teacher (who choses music thoughtfully) the class just flies by. But, it can be deadly if the teacher isn't good. The only reason I'm going to try to trudge through six inches of snow is class tonight is my favorite teacher. Regarding your knee, make sure that your seat is adjusted to the proper height. Too low puts strain on the knees. I almost quit spinning entirely because my knees were hurting so bad, that's how I found this important info out.

    You ladies with two legged, non-furry children are my heroes! What a lot you balance.

  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    What wonderful updates from everyone!

    I'm really dying to try to salsa dancing classes -- I'll have to see if I can find a workout on itunes or youtube.

    Things are good here on location in Portland. I'm getting into a good routine despite the crazy shoot schedule and the rain! We moved hotels, and amazingly enough, the new one is even closer to that local gym that I found, so yesterday I was able to walk there and back. And got caught in a rainstorm just like vicky!

    I powered through an hour of cardio last night -- elliptical and bike, and went out for drinks with the crew but only sipped on a soda water with lime. What a buzzkill I'm becoming! Usually I'm the girl tossing back shots of tequila with the bartender, but I just haven't wanted to mess up this program! I had already reached my calorie limit for the day so I stuck with water and made it an early night.

    I also did some light arm work with weights while on the bike.

    Today I'm hoping for another hourlong cardio workout, plus a little in-room yoga. I'm going to hop a flight home tomorrow for a few hours to see my sis who just had her baby, so I probably won't get a workout in tomorrow.

    I second the kudos to the moms out there -- you are all amazing!
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    We all are amazing in our own way. Sure being a parent can be tough, but my two-legged monkey is asleep by 7:30 most nights, so I have lots of "me" time. Some of you make an amazing effort to go above & beyond in order to triumph. No less amazing, just different :flowerforyou:

    60 min resistance/aerobic & 30 min gazelle.

    I feel the brownie craving about to take over! :explode: I'm trying to hold off until Monday so my students will be back from spring break. Then they can eat the rest of the pan so that I don't! One week from tomorrow is b-day so I HAVE to keep on track....I want this goal so bad. :blushing:
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Well everyone has been busy I see. That's great! I went out for a 1/2 hour on my snow shoes. My daughter and her friend were up so They went with me. Much nicer than doing it on your own even if we had to walk in the rain. Took a break to take her friend on a tour of the house so far. Then snow shoed home. My back didn't complain much about it either for which I was truly happy. Managed all my waters and my PT but ended up eating a carb laden supper that I wasn't really planning on. Oh well can't win them all. See you all tomorrow.