Child born with extra digits...

odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
Yeah, I'm bored...

So, Once upon a time, I volunteered at a home for teen moms. We'd watch children (under the age of 2) while their mother's were in school. The volunteers were all assigned specific children while they were there. My one little boy, Marquis, was about 3 months old. I was feeding him a bottle and he was grabbing onto my hand looking at me eating. I realized... something doesn't feel quite right here.

As I looked down at his little hand around my finger, I realize the child has 5 fingers and a thumb. I check his other hand - same thing. I check his toes - nope, just five on each foot.

Now, the first thing that goes racing through my head is that this is AWESOMESAUCE! This kid is going to be able to type like an absolute rockstar ( I'm a geek). Then I went on to thinking about how fantastic an extra finger would be for not only typing, but most musical instruments, etc. WOOT!

Sadly, a few months later, I came in to find him in two club casts - the mother had decided to have the fifth digit removed. They did actually work well - as to whether or not they would have continued working, I don't know.

What would you do if you had a child with 12 digits instead of 10?


  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Depending on if the kids hands could look normal after surgery, i would most likely choose surgery to give him/her normal hands. Yeah, it might be "cool" to look at as an outsider, but i wouldn't want my kid being teased and feeling like a freak.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I would teach them to count in base 12 (yeah, I am a nerd too). If it caused pain or other long term health risks, I would do surgery. Otherwise, I think I would be conflicted on what to do. Will he be an outcast forever because of an extra finger? Stuff like that.
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    I would let my child make that decision for himself when he was old enough.
  • essjay75
    essjay75 Posts: 77 Member
    My brother has both a boy and a girl (with the same wife) that were both born 6 fingers each hand and 6 toes each foot....they chose to have them removed.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I had a freind like is slightly common and they almost always fix it while the kiddo is very young.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Keep 'em, unless there was some compelling medical reason not to. If kids bothered him, I'd tell him to claw their eyes out, a job made easier by the explosion of fingers at his disposal.
  • kmaclpn
    kmaclpn Posts: 59 Member
    Ive worked on Maternity before and it was not uncommon to see a baby with an extra toe and/ or an extra finger although it wasnt uncommon it was always something that scaried new moms and dads and was a topic about whether it would cause the child emotional stress or trouble as the got older. usually the sooner they could remove the extra digits they would.
  • kmaclpn
    kmaclpn Posts: 59 Member
    Ive worked on Maternity before and it was not uncommon to see a baby with an extra toe and/ or an extra finger although it wasnt uncommon it was always something that scaried new moms and dads and was a topic about whether it would cause the child emotional stress or trouble as the got older. usually the sooner they could remove the extra digits they would.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I had a freind like is slightly common and they almost always fix it while the kiddo is very young.

    They did say it was much easier of a surgery when they were young.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    If I had a little girl with extra toes I would be compelled to name her Sophie.

    I would probably have the extra digits removed. Children who are different experience horrible treatment sometimes. I think I would rather spare my child that.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    it would depend on the functionality of the extra fingers.. if it would make his hands not work properly or get in the way i would choose surgery.. otherwise i would leave it..
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Honestly, unless it would cause growth problems that would lead to the whole hand or foot being compromised, I would leave them. I have a niece who has 6 toes on one foot. All that means is she needs wider shoes. But there are many variables to consider, of course, and everyone has their own reasons.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    What would you do if you had a child with 12 digits instead of 10?

    Actually, my mother and grandfather were born born with extra fingers. I was terrified that my children would have extras as I was told that it usually skips a generation. Neither of my boys did, though. My mom's fingers weren't functional I don't believe, I will have to double check. But they weren't like another finger on the hand, they shot out from her pinkies. I'm not normally a big fan of unnecessary medical intervention but I was fully prepared to have them removed.
  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    I'm all about letting the child choose for themselves...

    I won't pierce my daughter's ears because in my mind they are not mine to pierce.. and if she decided she didn't want holes in her ear it would be too late. And no, the holes don't just "close up" I've had pierced ears since I was 12, no longer wear earrings but I still have holes.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm all about letting the child choose for themselves...

    I won't pierce my daughter's ears because in my mind they are not mine to pierce.. and if she decided she didn't want holes in her ear it would be too late. And no, the holes don't just "close up" I've had pierced ears since I was 12, no longer wear earrings but I still have holes.

    Dude, I saw a child that tattooed their six year old child. Don't even get me started on that... :mad:
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    My son does not have extra digits but he has three skin tags along his ear which were actually extra ear buds when he was forming in my belly. He just turned ten and still has them. They are a part of him and if he chooses to have them removed then I will but I always believed it should be his decision, btw he has a very carefree attitude and has no problems with being made fun of.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,645 Member
    Yeah, I'm bored...

    So, Once upon a time, I volunteered at a home for teen moms. We'd watch children (under the age of 2) while their mother's were in school. The volunteers were all assigned specific children while they were there. My one little boy, Marquis, was about 3 months old. I was feeding him a bottle and he was grabbing onto my hand looking at me eating. I realized... something doesn't feel quite right here.

    As I looked down at his little hand around my finger, I realize the child has 5 fingers and a thumb. I check his other hand - same thing. I check his toes - nope, just five on each foot.

    Now, the first thing that goes racing through my head is that this is AWESOMESAUCE! This kid is going to be able to type like an absolute rockstar ( I'm a geek). Then I went on to thinking about how fantastic an extra finger would be for not only typing, but most musical instruments, etc. WOOT!

    Sadly, a few months later, I came in to find him in two club casts - the mother had decided to have the fifth digit removed. They did actually work well - as to whether or not they would have continued working, I don't know.

    What would you do if you had a child with 12 digits instead of 10?
    Instruct them on piano!
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Well, I love a nice pair of Balenciaga leather gloves, so I'd have to get those fingers taken care of...
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    Interestingly enough, my friends' husbands' sister has had three girls, all with extra fingers on each hand and toes. Its something genetic that comes down from the dad's side. they had all the digits removed.

    On the opposite side, my mom's best friend had a son who is like my little brother.. he was born with one ear colapsed in so he has a couple nubs on the outside but tahts about it. No hearing in the ear either. They chose not to have an ear formed on the outside. I don't even notice it. Granted I have known him for 23 years.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Marylin Monroe had 6 toes on each foot.