Morbidly Obese, I really need help!

Hi, I'm 23, 5'3 and at the moment I weigh a whopping 143.2kg! Ever since puberty i've been quite a big girl. At 11 I was 69kg, by high school I was already 105kg! I really want to be half the size I am, is that realistic? I feel so stuck in a rut, I just don't know how to do it. It seems like such a big task. I just can't stop eating. Anyone care to help? I don't have much of a support system as other times I've tried I've been laughed at.

Thanks for listening :)


  • zakku1
    zakku1 Posts: 32
    Of course it's realistic. But you have to be realistic too. It will take some time. You don't need to stop eating, just eat less and improve your eating. Baby steps!

    You should probably also get the advice of a doctor if you can.

    You can do this!
  • puppywalker
    puppywalker Posts: 109 Member
    This is a great place to start. Begin growing your friend list and you will have so much support on this site! Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. Good luck - you CAN achieve your goals!
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Start with baby steps and set short goals.

    Set goals like 5kg at a time so they seem more manageable.

    The important thing is to look at the big picture instead of focusing on the numbers on the scale. Remember you want to do it for your health and not just to look pretty.

    Don't try a "diet", but try to change how you eat and your relationship with food. I think it's important to not cut out 100% of "junk food" at once because you're more likely to binge and overdo it.

    Feel free to add me, you can never have too many friends! :)
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    I'll be your friend. I know it is a hard journey when you start off, but it gets so much easier.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    You've come to the right place and no one will laugh at you here. Don't look at your journey as a whole. Try setting up mini goals and slowly accomplish each one. You'll eventually get there my dear!
  • edauzat2
    edauzat2 Posts: 12 Member
    I am 20, 5'3" and my highest weight was 231 pounds (105kg). I have been dieting and exercising and today I just reached 199.4. I got under 200! It feels great. You can definitely do it if you put your mind to it. You will feel so much better, inside and out! Slow and steady wins the race, don't expect to lose it all in a few months. Adopt a health diet, move more than you eat and you WILL lose. My strategy is every time I think about eating a snack, I set a timer for 10 minutes and ask myself again. Most of the time, I don't want it anymore. I also recommend you talking to someone to try and figure out WHY you are eating compulsively. I struggled with this and realized I was trying to fill an emotional "hole." If you can figure out why, it'll be easier to stop. I believe in you, add me as a friend and we can work together!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    you dont have to stop eating at all :) just change what you eat

    have a giant plate of celery sticks, oh man they are delicious.. and practically no calories (like 15 for a few sticks or something ridiculously low)

    read lots of info here, learn about food and how your body works, learn about exercise - then apply it to you. see how the changes you make improve your mental and physical health then keep going :)

    it is work, but it is rewarding work

    you can do it!
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Nope, there is nothing impossible. I can't comment on your goal weight because I don't know your Body Fat percentage. Get scientific with this. Find out your BF %, deduce what a healthy weight for you will be, research the various methods of nutrition and exercise on this site and on the internet, and get busy. You will be amazed what you can accomplish.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    You can do this. My best friend has lost 110 pounds over the course of a year, and I've lost 52 pounds in 7 months!
  • cecilia0909
    cecilia0909 Posts: 188 Member
    Why do you feel you can't stop eating? Do you eat from depression? Boredom? Have you tried keeping track of not only what you eat, but how you feel before, during, and after you eat?
    I really think that is a good place to start. I had found I was eating out of boredom so I starting being more active. Can you find a group near you that goes on walks or something?
    I think anything can done, you just have to really decide to do it and make a plan. This is a great place to start!
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Yes and you CAN do it. Just don;t be in a hurry..........Take your time and change little things first. Start by doing an hour of cardio everyday, then slowly change the way you view food. I don;t use the term "diet", i prefer "lifestyle change" I too am morbidly obese at 100lbs too much! Plus I am 52 so it's even harder now. Do it while you are young. Keep in touch
  • allyr1

    I have always been overweight as well. Two years ago, i lost 25kg which i never thought possible! I was obsessed with food and found myself eating constantly! One day I just decided I was fed up of being the fat girl and lost all the weight over 3 months. Unfrotunately, i fell off the wagon and put a lot of it back but now it is time to get healthy once more and It is possible! it is all about learning how to use food as a tool not a drug! I have absolute confidence you can do this! Once that switch goes off in your head, trust me there is nothing that can stop you! Add me as a friend if you would like my support ! I believe in you!
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    I'm so sorry you haven't received the support you need. I know people can be so mean. In real life and online. Its funny to see the words morbidly obese. I remember the first time I saw does words. It was on my health chart. My doctor left it in the room one time when he stepped out. I took a look at it and cried at those two words. Send me a request if you like. I understand how hard this is. Will be glad to offer what ever support I can
  • jennyc708
    I believe you will find a lot of support here. I am a believer that you can do anything you set your mind to. The tools on this site are great. Feel free to add me if you would like
  • AddA2UDE
    AddA2UDE Posts: 382
    Log in here EVERYDAY and log EVERY BIT of your food and exercise calories and follow the posts on the message boards and put to use the good information you learn. I recommend finding 15 or 20 people who have tickers that say they have lost a similar amount of weight to what you want to lose and then following their posts. Who better to learn from than someone who has already done what you are trying to do? There are over 200,000 people on this website so it should be pretty easy to find a few. There is a LOT of misinformation out there. This is a GREAT place to start:

    Best wishes and welcome!
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    Add me as a friend I will encourage you! Dont ever give up or feel alone.
    also add my buddy George gzacs84 we will help as much as we can. :smile:
  • countingitall
    countingitall Posts: 59 Member
    I agree with what the others have said. Friends will help on here. and not just friends who will pat you on the back but friends who will be on you when you fail to and support you at the same time. You can do this. You will have highs and lows. But slowly things will improve. I am doing this really slow but made some big changes and getting much more healthly
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Welcome..this is a great site for motivation and support. First off, work on your goals and your reasons for doing this, and write them down...this will be helpful. Set up your food diary to show sodium (can be a real progress killer) and don't try to take any shortcuts...give this program a chance to work.

    Don't stress out about the entire amount you want/need to lose..set short term goals, and just focus on the next few pounds/kilos at a time. This is a lifestyle change, which means its a marathon...not a sprint. There will be days or weeks you feel discouraged, but if you hang in there and stick with it, you WILL lose weight!

    OH, and read the success stories on here often..they are really motivational!
  • Sdiaz1989
    Sdiaz1989 Posts: 19 Member
    I am in the same boat u are. I am also morbidly obese and it really is hard when you dont have a support system. I have started a diet a week ago and It is very hard for me but I am getting thru it. Feel free to add me and message me n e time. I can give you some encouragement and support if you would like. :smile:
  • kamitche
    You can do this and MFP has the tools to help you!! Just put the time and effort into it and watch the results!! I didn't think I could ever stick to a plan but I found out first you really got to want it and second you got to work at it. Push yourself. I hate my treadmill but I'm on it because I'm tired of the fat!! Imagine yourself _________ pounds lighter!! Keep that picture in your head:happy: and work hard at achieving it!