Skinny dream

New!! Up for giving others motivation and thinspo boosts..In return for the same :)


  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Thinspo boosts?
  • tena1028
    tena1028 Posts: 80 Member
    add me, Cheeky.. let's be buds........... :-)

  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Thinspo boosts?

    "thinspiration" boosts, maybe? I dunno...
  • cheekymits
    Yeah exactly..Maybe worded incorrectly,my bad.Iv been dieting for a's rot my brain.Haha.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Thinspo boosts?
    "thinspiration" boosts, maybe? I dunno...
    Yep. Popular term with the ED crowd (according to Google).
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    promotion of eating disorders are not accepted here....just so you know
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Thinspo boosts?
    "thinspiration" boosts, maybe? I dunno...
    Yep. Popular term with the ED crowd (according to Google).

    Like this?
    Pro-ana sites often (84%, in a 2010 survey[9]) feature thinspiration (or thinspo): images or video montages of slim women, often celebrities, who may be anything from naturally slim to emaciated with visibly protruding bones.[21] Pro-ana bloggers, forum members and social networking groups likewise post thinspiration to motivate one another toward further weight loss.[7] Conversely, reverse thinspiration features fatty food, overweight or obese people intended to induce disgust
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    so, I googled "thinspiration" and I must say, most of the pictures I saw, the women look better in the before picture. They actually had curves and looked like, you know, women...
  • cheekymits
    Wow wow wow guys..Miss use of a term.Calm down.Inspiration to become thin/fit whatever.No dramas
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Let's say trimspiration, I like it, or maybe even lean and healthyspiration. Good to have you on board :-D
  • CraigColton
    thinspiration isn't pro-ana its purely something which is inspiring you to lose weight, have a break guys (have a kitkat) x
  • charmainecurrie
    feel free to add me:)
    good luck
  • cheekymits
    Yeah!! ..What Craig said!
    P.S Can I have a signed photo of you? ..I voted last week :)
  • Alexabarocas
    I've found fitspiration to be a much more accepted term ahah.
    But either way, yeah, have a good morning, think positive thoughts and make good choices!
  • CraigColton
    Yeah!! ..What Craig said!
    P.S Can I have a signed photo of you? ..I voted last week :)

    sure can babes, thanks
  • skinnymits
    I agree with CraigColton and cheekymits here. I use thinspiration as purely a word for looking healthier and thinner. On the down low I heard cheekymits has already lost 9stone in a year too. YOU GO GURL! X
  • skinnymits
    I agree with CraigColton and cheekymits here. I use thinspiration as purely a word for looking healthier and thinner. On the down low I heard cheekymits has already lost 9stone in a year too. YOU GO GURL! X
  • cheekymits
    Thanks gurll..This may be a true fact :D Iv heard Youv Lost over 4 yourself.Weldone.
  • CraigColton
    I agree with CraigColton and cheekymits here. I use thinspiration as purely a word for looking healthier and thinner. On the down low I heard cheekymits has already lost 9stone in a year too. YOU GO GURL! X

    everyone agrees with me babez ... oh wait Garys calling