New to MFP Message Boards but NOT new to battling weight los

Hello all!
I've been using MFP for a little while having access to the tracking tool and database as close as my iPhone! What I haven't done until lately is reach out to others fighting the same battle. I don't want to be in this alone!

Previous efforts at weight loss have been successful, as long as I'm in "a program"...when the program ends and I go my own way, well, you know...

So this time I'm committing to cook and eat healthy with the food already in my kitchen and to exercise regularly. I'm striving for moderation. I want to make changes that will last my lifetime...not changes in what I eat, but changes in HOW I eat. Smaller portions. Healthy yet delicious food. A realistic, honest daily record of what I'm doing to take care of myself.

Whose in with me? Let's be friends and encourage each other.

Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools


  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    welcome to MFP ad me please i have not been on here all that long and still building p my friend list
  • nileighttig
    nileighttig Posts: 148 Member
    That's a great positive attitude! I'm sending you a friend request now so we can encourage and motivate each other. I LOVE the app as it means i have no excuse not to log everything:bigsmile:
  • lauragleason
    Sounds good
  • carly091
    Feel free to add me, i could do with more friends and encouragement.
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Great outlook. I'm in a similar boat. Lost about 40 pounds two years ago, then slowly put 20 of it back on. I'm new on here, though I've counted calories before, and like you, I'm focusing on cooking healthy, working out consistently, and making this a lifestyle change instead of a short-term diet. It's all about moderation. Good luck to you!
  • snorton3
    snorton3 Posts: 5 Member
    I am in the same boat eating healthier and working out!!! I just had baby #4 in June and I can now concintrate on making things better for me :smile:
  • cecilsav
    Great attitude. I think you will get where you want to!
  • Moonbeanie
    Hello! I'm new myself! This time I'm in it to beat those sweet cravings! Good luck - you sound like you've got the right attitude.
  • linabickel
    linabickel Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for your kind comment!
  • linabickel
    linabickel Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for your support!