30 day shred or biggest loser cardio max?

I use both DVD's, I bought the 30 shred because so many people said it was hard and would challenge me! The video is great but I sweat more and my muscles hurt more when I do the cardio max video!

Has anyone else used both DVD's? If so which one did you prefer?


  • FinerthanB433
    I have yet to use the 30DS, but I have The Biggest Loser Cardio Max Weight Loss DVD, and I REALLY like it. I feel like I get good results each and every time. Good luck!
  • alz6690
    I've recently tried both of them! I have to say I lvoe both of them. 30 DS is great but I dont always feel I have had a proper cardio workout. BL cardio max is great because it gives me that with a bit of strength as well. I only thing I dont like about The BL one is the lack of ab work. Overall they're both great but at the minute I'd have to chose BL because I'm really into the boxing bit. Sorry that I rammbled!
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    I use them both.
    I also sweat more with the cardio max.
  • Amairee
    Amairee Posts: 71 Member
    I've tried both and would say I definitely prefer BL. The 30DS just wasn't as difficult for me to complete and I like to challenge myself. However I found that some of Jillian's other workouts, like the 6 week 6 pack, were a lot more difficult and really made you feel the burn haha. Honestly though if you like both then combine them both into a hybrid workout, there's no reason not to. :)
  • ToNiBeE99
    ToNiBeE99 Posts: 33 Member
    I also own both and I do prefer BL Cardio Max. Way more sweating in BLCM. Luv it! But I do wish they did ab work. :-)
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I have the 30 day shred video. I liked it when I first started but it is too easy now and doesn't make me burn enough calories. Now I do circuit training with Jillian Michaels at JillianMichaels.com/shred. I love it. You should check it out. 30 day free trial.