Can my BP med halt my weight loss?

I have been on a blood pressure med with a beta blocker for a month now for the first time in my life. My thyroid is under active but I can't take the thyroid medicine because after being on it for 5 days it threw me into a-fib. I had hit a plateau 3 weeks before I started the medicine but it was because I wasn't eating well. So I buckled down and got back on things again. But the whole month I've been on this medicine I've been seeing trainers and a dietician and everyone says I should be losing weight. But I'm not. Oh before the medicine I had been slowly losing weight since January and I am down 50 lbs. Before I even knew I had an under active thyroid.

Any suggestions?


  • pavan12
    this is a question you should ask your doctor, I have medical experience myself and this question your asking might need lab work to see your T3 and T4 levels
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I had a terrible time with heart meds. Just keep logging, and exercising. It will happen. I am now off all but one BP med and tomorrow I am going ot ask to reduce it too! You can do it. And yes, depending on which BB you are on, it can affect weight loss.
  • HLHSmom
    The medication is called diltiazem 120 mg once a day.