Fiber = bloated!

So this might be TMI but I really need help! I have been eating more fiber because I noticed I was only getting like 5-10 grams a day. Now I get like around 20-25 and I'm always bloated and have gas! It's been three weeks and I thought my body would be used to it by now! I have no gained any weight or lost, but my stomach is sticking out now like I'm pregnant when it used to be flat!

So my question is when will my body get used to the fiber and go back to normal? Should I just go back to what I had been eating and cut back on the fiber? I added it because I was going to the bathroom like once a week.. now I go like every 2-3 days.



  • Rubes
    Rubes Posts: 28 Member
    Drink more water! It will help a lot!!
  • foodeeee
    foodeeee Posts: 50 Member
    Increase your fiber SLOWLY. Your body will acclimate
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Both of the above posters are right! When adding fibre to your diet, you should slowly increase the amount, and you also need to make sure you are drinking enough water.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    what sources are you using for fiber? I get over 30g a day without trying, but the moment I tried to make one of those "Flax Meal Muffins" in the microwave (with 3 whole Tablespoons of flax meal), I was stopped up for days. This is the girl who is very, very regular. Our bowels are funny things. If you're getting your fiber from bread, pasta, "grain" sources, try upping your fruits (think plums/pears/peaches/prunes) and lay off the apples and bananas, they can be binding. Drink a ton of water, have a cup of coffee in the AM, and get your fiber from "colon combers" like veggies and NON-soluble fiber.
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 584 Member
    not sure but I think your suppose to go to the bathroom daily, so I think you may be a bit backed up and the fiber is trying to push it out (gas) I would drink water and keep it up and see how it goes. If the gas is a prob use a gas relief med
  • Your body is pretty resilient, you should try drinking more water. Have fiber on an empty stomach, I mix mine with water and protein power as breakfast and then I have a light lunch. I wouldn't suggest taking fiber mid day, try having 5 grams in the morning and 5 grams at night. Lastly, try having hot green tea (no sugar) in the morning after taking your fiber, it works WONDERS!
  • KateCon912
    KateCon912 Posts: 200 Member
    I get the extra fiber from my oatmeal which is extra fiber so it's like 9 or 10 grams, then I have a fiber protein bar for a snack later, then later in the day for lunch/dinner I get it through grains and vegetables or whatever I eat for dinner.

    I did jump into though and didn't do it gradually but it's been three weeks and I thought I'd be better by now but I'm so much worse. It's depressing because I'm at the point of maintaining my weight but now I want to lose like 10 more lbs because my stomach is sticking out so much. Yet the scale has not moved. I'm so bloated I can't even suck in my stomach!!!!
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I added it because I was going to the bathroom like once a week.. now I go like every 2-3 days.

    Wow, I go at least once a day, always have for as long as I know.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    I can related to your situation! Gassy and distended tummy makes you look 3 mos. pregnant!

    There are two different kinds of fibers soluble and insoluble...I know that my gut only likes and feels better with more soluble fibers.....and some of the fiber they put in "fiber bars" and breads is called inulin and no way can I eat that.

    So do some research on different fibers and then check your diet. Maybe your gut doesn't like the type you've been eating and you could eat more of the other.

    Water is great, but NOT the only answer here!

    Not as a regular thing, but you might feel better using a laxative or stool softener to get whatever is in you out and start fresh. :)
  • not sure but I think your suppose to go to the bathroom daily, so I think you may be a bit backed up and the fiber is trying to push it out (gas) I would drink water and keep it up and see how it goes. If the gas is a prob use a gas relief med

    Actually, our "potty frequency?" varies from person to person. Some will do it 2-3 times a day and others only a couple times a week. Just wanted to be a know-it-all and point that out :P
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    I'm experiencing something similar and had not even thought it could be the increase in fiber, so I was glad to run across this thread! Thanks!
  • jecka31
    jecka31 Posts: 284
    You want to increase slowly!! Go back to where you were and add say 5g a week till you get back up to the 25-30. We don't digest the fiber ourselves, bacteria in our guts do it for us. The draw back is they produce gases. If you increase slowly, your body (and the bacteria!) will have more time to adapt to the higher levels. I too went from around 7g/day to the 30g/day and had the same experience (plus other side effects that I won't get into -TMI). I thought I was sick and went to my doc and she recommended that I do it slowly. You will have to play with the amount you add each week to what your body can accommodate.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I went to the doctor last week for some digestive difficulties. She said to soften up my stool, I needed more water and fiber.

    I looked at the fiber content of everything I ate in the last few days, and I was probably getting 10 grams a day. You're supposed to get around 30-35. So... I made some changes.

    I've been shooting for some whole grains, some high fiber cereal and some benefiber supplements. I'm probably pretty close to the 30 grams a day mark now.

    Of course, the doctor said, more fiber will only make things worse if you don't get enough water with it.

    I am now drinking 2-3 quarts of water a day. Previously, I had been drinking mostly coffee and pop. She said to lay off that stuff and only drink green tea if I need the caffiene. I've been 90% compliant with that suggestion. (I've had a couple of diet cokes and they were delicious.)

    So, did I have gas or bloating with all those changes? A little, yes, but not a lot. It was maybe a couple farts in the afternoon and a couple more farts in my car on the way home from work.

    I'm just glad that my, uhhh, other issues have been relieved! The gas is so not a big deal compared to what was happening for me in the bathroom.
  • jaykayguitar
    jaykayguitar Posts: 1 Member
    Man, i get around 65-80 grams of a fiber a day. I think if you increase it gradually your body will acclimate just fine.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    Man, i get around 65-80 grams of a fiber a day. I think if you increase it gradually your body will acclimate just fine.

    You're responding to a six-year-old post. I imagine the OP has worked things out by now.
  • Old_Cat_Lady
    Old_Cat_Lady Posts: 1,193 Member
    edited June 2017
    This is from 2011? I didn't even know MPF was around then?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,046 Member
    This is from 2011? I didn't even know MPF was around then?

    Forum posts go back to around 2006...