Gained 2 lbs overnight! :(



  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    I "gained" 3 pounds overnight earlier this week. However, it wasn't real weight. Most likely just sodium bloat....I beat the bloat by sticking to low low cal and drinking massive amounts of water to flush it out. This morning, I was back to normal with a half pound loss.
    It's frustrating, but don't give up. You can do this!!!!
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I gained 9 lbs overnight just because of TOM.
    There are so many factors that change your weight day to day, mostly water. Just stick with it for the rest of the week, you'll be golden. This is a day by day thing, not a forever all at once thing. You can do it.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    . My guy says (as I'm sure some of you will) to not weigh every morning.

    Listen to him in this case.

    But for me, seeing a drop in weight, even if it's only a couple of ounces, helps keep me going for the day.

    And look what it does when you show a gain.... not worth it. You need to find other methods to keep you going.
  • I can put on 2lb in a day and it can take a week to lose it so I've stopped weighing myself everyday - although its hard to break the habit of a lifetime. Don't despair because if you know you are eating sensibly and healthily you will lose weight. Sometimes our bodies do unforgiveable things when we're not feeling 100% so stick with it - we're all here for you!
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Everyone says it but only weigh once a week. Your body fluctuates like mad from one day even one hour to another. Once a week at the same time in the morning will give you the most acurate reading. x
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    My advice is quit weighing everyday. You're living and dying by scale weight. If it's good, then you're good, if it's bad then you continue to be bad. Just stay in calorie deficit CONSISTENTLY, do some physical activity and nature will take it's course.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    You can't gain 2 lbs overnight, unless you ate 7000 calories in your sleep! It is probably just water weight. I can weigh myself when I wake up and then after my workout I am down up to 3-4 lbs sometimes. I know it's crazy, but just stick to your workouts and focus on your goals and you will succeed.

    Stay focused!
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    You've already got all the answers from the previous posts. That's why I never weigh but once a week. Always on Thursday (day my new life started) and right after I go tinkle in the morning! Try it for a week. We all wish for immediate gratification, but sometimes it's better to wait, it will pay off in the long run.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    2lbs. is nothing. try 4-6 lbs. I also weigh myself everyday. but here's the important part. I don't beat myself up over it. it's not the end of the world. trust me.
  • RBoop57
    RBoop57 Posts: 20 Member
    So you had one bad day, we all do. Don't be hard on yourself, you're human. However, try not to weigh yourself everyday. In the beginning it will be hard, but you can do it. Weigh yourself one day a week on lets say a Monday morning after you get up and go to the bathroom, then do that each week same time. We all go over are calories but instead of thinking, "No wonder I do not stick on a diet" think "oh well, tomorrow will be a better day. Add some kind of exercise to your day and keep logging in what you eat and you will see the weight come off! :-) We are all here rooting for you!!
  • You guys are AWESOME!!! Thank you so much! I never realized how much sodium I take in or how easy it is to go waaay over. Or how it affects weight so much. Thanks to you guys, I feel like I can get through this and it's gonna be a good day. Last night, I knew I ate too much but didn't think I did toooo bad. I even had a dream that my clothes were starting to fit a little better! So when I got on the scale this morning, at the very least I expected no loss; definitely not a gain, though! Thanks so much for your support! And knowledge!
  • I doubt that you ate over 6000 calories to have actually gained 2 lbs. Its just water weight. If you ate alot of sidium then you just retained water. Drink plenty of water to flush your system and watch your sodium intake.
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    I agree with lots of people's posts...Cut back sodium and lots of H2O will help. I did with the salt, what a huge difference! Didn't realise how much I ate..Good Luck
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    Salt! I can gain up to 5 lbs depending on what I eat and TOM!

    Yes. Me, too!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    So yesterday, I wasn't feeling well and was hungry all day. I stuck to my diet well in the beginning of the day and not so good by the end. I went over my calories by 313. I did nibble some and didn't enter it so add another 100 cals. I get up this morning and I've gained 2 lbs since yesterday morning! WTH?!?! Now I remember WHY I can't stick to a diet; stuff like that happens and I get frustrated and eat a cheeseburger. My guy says (as I'm sure some of you will) to not weigh every morning. But for me, seeing a drop in weight, even if it's only a couple of ounces, helps keep me going for the day.

    So, where did the 2lbs come from? I'm never going to lose weight at this rate so I might as well eat whatever the hell I want and be fat forever! :angry:

    There are several things that can cause this..

    First, going over 400 cals is still most likely inside your BMR..

    If you worked out your muscles could be taking on water to repair, it could be a natural flux in fluid levels, food digesting and etc. I weigh myself twice a day and I have a average 7 pound swing from morning to night most days. If you weigh yourself daily and you are working out you aren't going to see a loss every day. It just isn't going to happen, you have to understand that. 2 pounds is not a big change. Like I said I have 7lb+ changes and some morning I step on the scale and I'm 4 pounds heavier then the morning before then the next day I'll have hit a new low in weight. I will say you can't put on 2 pounds of fat over night. I don't blame it all on sodium either, but if you do eat a lot of sodium take in extra water to help flush it. Time you eat something and drink something effects the scales as well. Remember just a pint of water is 1.25 pounds in weight.
  • . My guy says (as I'm sure some of you will) to not weigh every morning.

    Listen to him in this case.

    But for me, seeing a drop in weight, even if it's only a couple of ounces, helps keep me going for the day.

    And look what it does when you show a gain.... not worth it. You need to find other methods to keep you going.

    I totally agree. I weigh once a week.. that's it. It feels good to see my accomplishments, yeah, but I know that with occasional bloating I am going to have days where it's not a desirable outcome if I jump on the scales first thing. Don't beat yourself up.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Same thing happened to me earlier this week. I do weigh myself every day, but I look at the graphs over the long term and there are ups and downs, but the overall trend is down, so I get straight back into it. Remember you only fail if you give up!

  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    i weigh daily, and give myself a five pound range for my maintenance diet. it's fairly routine that i see my weight fluctuate by at least 2 pounds.