An easy way to start off?

Like, what should I cut out? Starting Sunday because Saturday is my birthday and my boyfriend and friends want to take me out :P So help me out!? >_<

Please and thank you :)


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Portion control. Welcome and good luck. :drinker:
  • christine_6980
    christine_6980 Posts: 22 Member
    I agree, portion control. I did little things to start off so I wouldn't get overwhelmed. I started drinking my water everyday. I also had a goal of tracking everything that I ate everyday! I also have been losing weight for almost a month... I just now started to add some exercise in. I started very slow =)
  • DrPepperLeigh74
    DrPepperLeigh74 Posts: 236 Member
    Soda, drink alot of water... Good Luck & welcome!!!
  • Ken_Roper
    Ken_Roper Posts: 51 Member
    I found that there are specific weaknesses -- icecream, potato chips (not dips, but chips are a weakness), certain candies -- those are things I try to stay clear of. Don't buy them and keep them around, as I cannot eat what isn't there! Giving up desserts ENTIRELY isn't just say "No" whenever they are offered. Look for opportunities to walk instead of riding. Choose the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible. Simple changes make a difference and they add up fast! The weight is slow to add on and it is equally slow to remove it...persistence pays off, big time! Stay plugged in here, though, as it is easy to fall away and cheat (on yourself). I've thought about the candy jar at work...but then I stop and say "Who am I hurting if I indulge? ME! That's who!" so I walk away.
  • mrslawing
    Like others are saying, cut out sugary drinks such as soda. Drink water. I am used to eatting large portions. Starving just doesn't cut it for me. I did weight watchers for awhile and if you eat fresh fruits and vegis you don't have to count the "points" so I am doing somewhat of a combination of counting calories but still using some WW tips. I still count the carlories but eat tons of fresh stuff. It's a good habit to start. Carrots, broccoli, mushrooms, lettuce, grapes, apples, pears, bananas, oranges, etc. Fill up on fresh stuff and you won't be as hungry for other stuff.
  • patsyanne
    Start with a few changes--portion control is a good one. Dont say I will never eat chocolate while I'm doing this instead get some dark chocolate small pieces ( like Dove - 30 Cal a piece). The first one minght not taste very good to you but it will and it will be a be help to get through that desire. Almonds are a great healthy snack. Drink lots of water-- I buy flavored water like Fruit2 O cause I have a very hard time drinking regular water except with my meals. 3 meals a day. Watch for recipes that are light in calories but taste good. Dont change your food drastically or you wont stick with it. Good luck. Exercise if you can ---a walk is great. 80% is what you put in your mouth, 20% is activity. Stay off your butt as much as you can and move some.
  • Mom2M_and_O
    When I started, I made a list of go-to snacks/foods, and you have to abide by their portion sizes. If I'm hungry, that's when I'm most likely to go off plan. So, decide what new foods you'll be substituting for the old ones -- and which old ones you're not willing to give up but might have to cut back on to make them work.

    This is what I usually do (cheated a lot last night and last weekend so please don't go by my recent diary lol):

    -- Will a cup of regular coffee suffice instead of that latte?

    -- Do you prefer raw sugar and real half-and-half in your coffee like me? Then decide how much you can reasonably have and only have that much. Measure it out everytime.

    -- Drink half sweet/half unsweet tea instead of soda at some mealtimes if you're tired of water.

    -- Pay attention to the number of calories that condiments add to sandwiches and burgers.

    -- Is the burger run unavoidable? OK, then leave off the bacon, cheese, mayo.

    -- Those fries? Pick out the best five or ten -- the crispiest/saltiest/softest ones -- whichever floats your boat. I'm a crispy fry girl myself and there are precious few that meet my criteria in a regular order of fries, so it's easy for me to keep to a few.

    -- Want a sandwich? Make it with a mini pita instead of two slices of bread.

    -- Mexican? Order something that doesn't involve a tortilla.

    -- Wine on date night? Opt for red and actually measure what you're pouring into your glass, as dorky as it may feel to do so.

    -- Give yourself an extra helping of veggies on your plate at mealtime when possible and eat them first.

    The little things help alot. Tracking everything you eat will challenge you to get creative at times, but it's been a very good thing for me. When I decided to start being more intentional about eating right, I found that so much of my eating was impulsive/habitual. But it doesn't take long to get out of those habits.

    Some good snacks:
    pop chips
    almonds -- Emerald makes the Cocoa Roast and Cinnamon Roast variety that are GREAT for the sweet tooth
    baby carrots
    apples and PB
    Mayfield Snow Creme Stix make for a great after dinner dessert
    Greek yogurt (great morning snack or after dinner dessert)

    Good luck!
  • alwayssummer
    I would say writing down everything you eat. Because if you do that, you will start to become away every time you put something in your mouth. Automatically, you will want to make better choices. Best of luck!!!